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[Ella💐 has added Ashley💰, Pam🍸, and Veronica👜 to this chat]

Ella💐: I'm getting remarried to Byron

Pam🍸: congratulations!!!

Ashley💰: did u tell him wat we did

Veronica👜: u mean making out at the girls night out

Ella💐: he's totally cool with it he knows we're best friends

Ashley💰: thank God

Pam🍸: so the girls took pics of wen we were drunk

Veronica👜: I know Spencer threatened me with it if I didn't babysit her baby

Ashley💰: I'm the one who was stealing pizza and stuffing it in unnecessary places

Ella💐: not trying to brag but I know how to twerk and I ended up with a lot of money

Veronica👜: that's where my 100 dollar bill went

Pam🍸: so r we gonna be ur bridesmaids

Ella💐: of course and Aria is gonna be my maid of honor

Ashley💰: I'm also getting married to Ted but I didn't tell Hanna yet

Veronica👜: she loves him

Ashley💰: ik

Pam🍸: everyone is getting married

Ella💐: .....sorry

Pam🍸: I'm gonna go drink away my sorrows

[Pam🍸 has left this chat]

Veronica👜: wanna join her

Ashley💰: I'm in

Ella💐: same

[Veronica👜, Ashley💰, and Ella💐 have left this chat]

Sorry I didn't update yesterday my tablet wouldn't charge but I finally fixed it

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