Mission: Break Uchiha's Pride

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"I have an announcement to make," Itachi said, when the normal 'gang' of friends got together.

Everyone, including Azuma and Kurenai, stopped their buoyant chatter to look at the Uchiha.

"Tenten and I are engaged," Itachi said simply. "We'll get married in a couple of weeks or so."

"WHAT?!" Shisui and Sasuke looked like the raven might as well as have become a stripper.

"Which part of that did you not understand?" Itachi asked calmly, while Tenten just giggled.

"No- wait, how in hell did that happen?" Sasuke asked. His mind was going to explode soon.

"I met her in the park some days back," Itachi shrugged. "She's smart, fun, and nice to be with. I liked what she had to offer, and we got talking more often. I'd be glad to take her as my wife."

First, everyone just seemed too shocked to move. Then Naruto held out a hand to the raven.

"Congratulations, Itachi-san, Tenten," he said, as he shook hands with the blushing couple.

"Yeah," Neji said, smiling beside his blonde. "We'll be looking forward to the clan restoration."

That made Tenten blush madly, considering that she used to have a crush on the strong ANBU.

"I'm glad for you both," Kakashi said, coming out of his Icha Icha paradise. Sasuke scowled.

Everyone dispersed soon after the reception breakfast. Shisui accompanied Neji and Naruto to the office, but went along with Sasuke to train in the woods. Naruto had a Kage Bunshin look after Mina while Azuma and Kurenai planned a honeymoon. Hinata and Kiba were training, with a rather sulky Shino. Itachi and Tenten had gone on another day-long date. Gai and Lee were of course training away youthfully. Sai and Sakura were talking about their childhoods. Temari had coerced Naruto to let Shikamaru off, and the happy family was having a little home time. Gaara and Kankuro were content with just strolling around the village. Choji and Ino were tending to the Akimichi barbecue restaurant, which now gave a free flower to each customer.

Shikaku and the other members of the Allied Battle Headquarters were also on break. Their injuries were healed, and they seemed to blend into the peaceful village completely.

"Uwa!" Naruto yelped in surprise as his foot got stuck in something slimy and sticky on the floor, just outside the doorway to his office. Neji caught him before he could fall.

"What the fuck?!" He bent down to the insinuating white substance. It smelt of sex, and he was sure that it was semen, even without using the Byakugan to inspect it any further.

"What is it?" Naruto asked him, and Neji sighed, freeing the blonde's foot with his kunai.

"I wonder. Someone was having sex in the Hokage Tower." That made the blonde laugh drily.

"Who on earth?" he wondered aloud, as they both got around to checking some regulations.

Kakashi froze under the window. He had come into Sasuke the previous night, but neither of them had remembered to clean off Sasuke's release, which of course was still on the floor.

Smirking under his mask, he got up. This was the perfect chance to humiliate the Uchiha.

Unnoticed by anyone, he collected a small vial of the semen, and headed over to find his cute student, who was sure to be in bed. He had thoroughly pounded the younger man, so he highly doubted that he would be running around looking for solo missions.

"Yo, Sasuke!" Sasuke scowled up at the man who entered uninvited into his clean room.

"Why are you here?" he snapped, struggling to sit up in the bed. He had somehow managed to stand throughout the wedding, since Itachi wasn't about to hear of him not attending.

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