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It had been days since Pasqual had followed the boy on this frustrating and equally boring journey. Cedric kept babbling on about how she was close, so close. And as each hour ticked by, Pasqual's suspicion grew. The silver bonds around the boys arms assured him he was weak. They were climbing steadily up a grassy hill when he felt it.

His steps slowed-the air around him seemed to thicken, so much so that once his foot touched ground he was stuck in place. He could not move any further. Her voice began to echo darkly at the edges of his mind, paralysing him further. Cedric turned, staring curiously at him. His mouth moved, but Pasqual heard no words. Only her words.

Brother. You should have listened to me when I told you I could help, instead of following that pathetic boy. I have Charlotte.

Her words teased him, causing his teeth to clench, his heart rate to quicken. In disbelief he wondered how her telepathy could be so powerful that she could reach him when he was miles away. Then again, their connection to each other was close.

How do I know you are not telling lies?

A pause, as the air around him thickened further, so much so that he could scarcely breathe. Anger heated his veins and sparked his magic. He pushed back, just enough to breathe easily.

Why would I lie to you? You have two days-the time it will take you to come back. Meet me at the showgrounds when the sun sets on the second day or I will take the girl with me. Believe what you wish, but are you really willing to take the risk?

And just like that, he was able to move again. The air was normal. Cedric was staring at him in confusion.

"What was that?" In a whoosh, Pasqual's hands were around Cedric's throat. His eyes widened in shock, but his lips pursed as he tried to fight Pasqual's iron grip.

"Did you really believe I was this stupid? You impudent child! Charlotte is not here, is she?" Something in Cedric's eyes changed. He knew Pasqual had finally figured it out. Whatever had just happened had confirmed the man's suspicions. His eyes narrowed.

"Perhaps she left. I did take my time." He said, the slightest hint of mockery in his voice. Pasqual's hands tightened as he let out a disgusted hiss. Cedric threw his head forward, connecting with Pasqual's nose. He let out a low scream, trying not to let go as hot liquid spurted from his nose.

"How dare you!" He roared. There was a ditch below them, that led to a slow lake and rocks. Without another thought, Pasqual pulled the boy from the tree. Cedric realised all too soon, but it was too late-he was being dragged to the edge. Silver flashed as the silver dagger appeared in Pasqual's grip. Cedric tried not to show how truly terrified he was-he thrashed, the tendons straining against skin as he desperately tried to get away.

"You are a filthy coward and you will pay for everything you have done." Cedric said darkly, his voice steady, despite the rapid increase in his heart rate.

"Would a coward do this?" Pasqual said coldly, blood coating his teeth. And then, almost suspended in time, Pasqual shoved Cedric away. The air seemed to whoosh out of him, his heart jumping to his throat. Instinctively he closed his eyes, blocking out the evil blood stained face before him. Instead, those beautiful grey eyes flashed through his mind, his heart giving a painful thump for the girl he was supposed to save before he plummeted over the edge. ~*~

"I've made the call. Pasqual is on his way." Katya said to Charlotte, watching the fear that manifested in her eyes with disdain.

"And your plan? Kill me?" Charlotte said bravely. She figured she was somewhat safe if Katya did not know how to kill her. Little did she know, the woman already knew how. Katya smiled, but it was not a nice smile. It sent shivers running down her spine.

"None of your business." Charlotte stood straighter.

"It is. If the only way to kill him is to kill me and you do not know how, then he will be ravenous." Katya said nothing. Charlotte's eyes lit up suddenly.

"When we first made the deal you said death would result if I did not help you."

"That is not certain for you. With your ability, nothing is sure."

"And if there was a way, you expect me to die?"

"I hate to break it to you little Charlotte, but your death is inevitable." Katya said. She'd expected the words-expected her own future fate that was sure to come. But she could not leave her loved ones behind with this insane woman. Katya truly believed death would solve it all. There was a strange glint in her eye, as though she were not focusing. As though the lights were on but no one was home.

"You are no foreseer." Katya gave her a smug look, saying nothing. Unable to stand her any longer, Charlotte strode out. The woman was mad, and she had been so lost in her plans that she had for once not strangled her. Charlotte had her own plan forming. If she had to die, she couldn't leave her loved ones with that crazed woman back in the tent.

Back inside, Katya shut her eyes, rubbing at her temples. She had become strong-so, so strong. With the entire group of mutants at her feet, she fed off of them. Pasqual would not know what hit him. She had not only been able to use telepathy-she'd been able to influence him.

She opened her eyes slowly, staring unfocused into the gap of the tent. With power came consequences. She could feel the darkness, the madness tickling the edges of her mind, a dark sea wanting to submerge her forever. In a way, she revelled in it. She was just dipping her feet in, just about to let it take her under for a moment, when a horn bellowed in the distance. Quincy had come back.


hey guys, I'm so sorry for how long it took me to update but I just had my formal and I've decided to switch some things in the story around so it took a little time. Anyway, comment your thoughts and don't forget to vote! Thanks for reading. :)

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