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Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion. Charlotte felt as though in a dream-nothing felt real anymore. She was still unable to move, her horrified expression frozen on her face as she watched Henrietta pick up her skirts and leap off of the stage, shoving through the aisle towards the procession. Everyone was up out of their chairs, looking bewildered and slightly fearful. The loud chatter and shouts of the crowd, mixed with the condemning steps of Quincy’s guard clashed in her ears. She was so lost inside herself that she hadn’t at all noticed William had run to the platform to stand in front of her. She blinked, feeling strange as he took her by the arms, looking frantic as his eyes darted about wildly.  

“Lottie! Lottie, listen to me sweetheart. You run. You have to run.” She blinked several times, feeling as though ice cold water had replaced the warm blood in her veins. She tried to find the right words.

“Yvette?” She said, whipping her head about to see where she was. When her eyes found her, she felt her knees shake. Yvette was stumbling through the crowd, pushing past people to catch Henrietta.

“Yvette!” Charlotte cried, jabbing a finger out to show Will her line of sight. He did something she never thought she’d see him do. Instead of taking off after Yvette he stayed with Charlotte; looking pained, and focusing on her instead of running after his wife.

“She’s a strong woman, Lottie. But you need to run. Remember that old path I showed you once?” When she did not reply, he shook her gently, looking desperate. Henrietta was almost there, Yvette still after her. Chaos was everywhere.

“No, no I can’t run, I can’t leave you-"

“Lottie, please darling! Please. You know what will happen if you stay. Now, that path. The one behind Old Margaret’s sewing stall, the one that leads past the foraging crops and trees. That one. It will lead you away from Aberthy. From there, there will be a lake. That lake will lead you out of Aberthy. When I get out of this, Yvette and I will follow the lake and meet you.”

“Why can we not just get her now?” Charlotte said, starting to become more coherent, her thoughts clearing. Some part of her mind was wondering why on earth she hadn't run after Henrietta herself.

“Because we need to keep your name hidden from Quincy. We need to stop them from finding out what you can do, or they will come after you.” That’s when she saw it. Yvette was just reaching Henrietta, reaching out a pale hand to clutch her skirts. And the wicked girl spun around, swinging the backside of her hand to clash with Yvette’s cheek. She watched in terror as Yvette’s head whipped to the side, her eyes flying wide.

“No!” Charlotte cried, jolting forward roughly as Yvette collapsed to the ground in a heap. Henrietta was close to Quincy now. Will held Charlotte back, shoving her backwards as she struggled forward.

“We have to help her!” She screamed, feeling breathless.

“Promise me you’ll run. Promise me Lottie.” He said, grabbing her arms tightly. She swallowed, feeling ill.

“You need to help Yvette Will.” He said nothing, giving her a stern look. She felt her lip begin to quiver.

“I promise.” She whispered finally, feeling faint. He leant forward and gently kissed her forehead. 

“Do what I said. We’ll see you again soon.” Then he spun around, running down the stage steps, shoving past the people. Charlotte picked up her skirts and ran, feeling surreal. Nothing was real anymore. She could no longer hear marching footsteps. So Quincy had stopped. Henrietta would speak to him. She knew this, and yet she could barely place one foot in front of the other, her heart a boulder in her chest.

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