Deadly reunion

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Cedric walked up ahead, looking back to see if Pasqual was still following. Charlotte watched on, but they did not seem to notice her. She watched, a terrible feeling in her stomach. This was the meeting place. She walked forward to reveal herself-stood right in front of them-but Cedric walked right past her. Pasqual let out a growl.

"I don't see the girl." Cedric looked nervous. Charlotte was supposed to be here.

"I'm right here!" She screamed. Her voice echoed back, as though underwater. She tried to walk forward but an invisible barrier blocked her harshly. She felt a tugging sensation, as though she were purposely being pulled away.

"Maybe she went for a walk." There was an off note in Cedric's voice.

"I don't believe you." In a flash, Pasqual was in front of Cedric.

"You lied to me, boy." Cedric said nothing, his eyes like stone. Pasqual's hands dug into either side of Cedric's head.

"I am no fool!" Cedric's eyes widened in realisation. And then, Pasqual snapped his neck. ~*~

When Charlotte awoke with a start, the first thing she noticed was that she was herself. With a choked gasp, she felt around for the ring. It was nowhere to be seen. She threw off the sheepskin blankets. She couldn't exit the tent like this. A crack in the opening revealed pre-dawn light. It reminded her that she had not much time left-Quincy and his guards, as well as Cedric and Pasqual, would return in less than two days. She fumbled around in a panic, her dress swishing around her legs as she searched frantically. She bent down to search the floor, when sandaled feet appeared in front of her. A hand reached down, ring in palm.

"Looking for this?" Slowly, Charlotte stood up. Katya was standing smugly.

"Don't look at me like that. I had to make sure I'd be able to keep you trapped in here until I arrived. I have a surprise for you." She threw the ring at Charlotte and she almost dropped it, catching it as it bounced off her fingers. She slipt it on, sending an icy glare towards Katya. She shut her eyes briefly, feeling the familiar hot and cold sensation. Her heart settled once she was in disguise. She did not like how dependant she'd come on the small silver band.

"Would you like to know what it is?" Katya murmured, looking impatient.

"It cannot be good." Charlotte said darkly. Katya narrowed her eyes.

"Be grateful. Follow me." Few guards were milling around their tents as she exited. They went into the forest unnoticed. And there, standing in the cover of trees, were two horses. She was reminded of Arwen, and a dull ache settled in her chest.

"You need to keep the disguise on through town so no one recognises you. You needed a means of transportation. I'm taking you back to heal Yvette. I do not like it, but if we don't, she'll die within the hour." Charlotte wondered briefly how she knew all of it. Had she been spying on them? The thought of an oblivious Yvette as Katya lurked in the shadows made Charlotte ill. Even worse, the thought that Katya could still be posing as a friend. Her mind whirled with these thoughts. Katya's kindness was clearly not genuine. Once Yvette was healed, Charlotte knew her end of the deal must be held up. If she truly was Pasquals anchor, and the only way for him to be destroyed was to die herself, Katya would do it in a heartbeat, aunt or not. The only thing stopping her was that she did not know how Charlotte could be killed.

"We'll walk the horses out before we ride. It seems you've gotten Cedric into quite the pickle with your idiotic plans." Katya said, taking the chestnut horses reigns while Charlotte took the other.

"It was going to work." Charlotte said defiantly. She still had not forgotten the dream. Katya chuckled.

"Is that honestly what you believe? Say I hadn't intervened. When you went to the meeting place, to meet Pasqual and Cedric, what were your plans?" An uncomfortable prodding sensation in Charlotte's head began. Then, a sharp jolt of pain. She gasped, grabbing the sides of her head.

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