Change of plans

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Hey guys! So remember back in chapter one (Quincy Lupus) where that boy in Charlotte's mind, Cedric was mentioned? If you don't, go back and read it so you get this chapter. Remember to vote and comment your thoughts! Thanks :)   ~~~

Pasqual sat at his long desk, in the privacy of his own tent. He was pleased with the schedule in front of him. The lay out for the show tonight was spectacular.

With the new addition, and the unique acts, he knew people would talk about it for a long while once it was over. He was staring intently at the plan when the opening to his tent fluttered open, and Quincy barged through, looking flustered.

"Pasqual." He said gravely, his hands in knots.  
"What is it now, Quincy?" Pasqual said, drumming his gloved hands along the desk. Quincy came forward.
"It's the showcase. I got a few complaints after last night's show." Pasqual raised a brow. 
"Oh?" Quincy nodded.

"One of the young gents said it's the same-excuse my language-scrap we show all the time. I thought the Cedric boy was a real winner, but no one seems to be interested in him no more." Pasqual sighed. Cedric was one of the mains.
"We have our new addition for tonight, which should be interesting. As for Cedric...he has been in the show a long while, hasn't he? Perhaps...we should have a change of course for him." Quincy raised his brows.

"Like what? If you don't mind me asking."  
"Shall we liven things up a little? An arena battle." He smiled a terribly wicked smile. Quincy turned a slight shade of green.

"But we don't do battles no more. Not since the frost boy was mauled by the wolf kid in front of everyone." That had been quite a controversial battle.
Even some of the drunks had been aghast, but then again, some had cheered on the bloodshed. Usually arena battles weren't supposed to be that...graphic.

Of course, no one would have guessed that the blood of the frost boy would turn into blood icicles that had hung threateningly over everyone in the audience.
"I think young Ella against Cedric will be quite the dynamic duo. Besides, she is not a wolf-it won't be messy like last time. If Ella is the winner, then we won't have to worry about what to do with Cedric...if you know what I mean."

Pasqual took the schedule in his hands and with a quick flick of his hand, tossed it to the fire. He gave another wicked smile.
"Get the word out, Quincy. We have a change of plans."      ~*~

Charlotte felt exposed as she walked through town the next evening. She was so sure that at any minute, someone would jump out at her and start screaming accusations.
There was no sight of the thieves, but she kept her hood on. Much to her dismay, she'd found a tear in her beloved cloak.

Just a tiny strip from the side, but she'd made sure to sew up the ragged edge. The crescent moon was peaking around from the clouds, and Yvette had come into town, insisting on helping old Margaret in her sewing stall.
It was a week before Aberthy's annual town festival, and people usually stayed out late before it to prepare things.

The festival was usually when people from other towns came, as well as nobles and lords. This was an excellant selling time for shop keepers, and Margaret's store was an apparent favorite.

In Charlotte's opinion, it was just an excuse for men to get drunk out of their wits, and desperate women to palm their daughters off to visiting nobles. Charlotte wandered aimlessly, keeping her head down. That's when she began to hear uneasy murmurs. Her skin prickled and her heart thumped harshly against her ribs.

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