16| crying wolf

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With a sigh Elena was kicked out of bed by Caroline who was rolled out next to her besides Bonnie who waz hanging off on the other side. All three girls were desperate to get more sleep. Elena groaned hitting the floor with a thud as she crawled over to her bag, half asleep, she dug in for her phone that was ringing.

She answered the call. Her voice muffled as she spoke, "Hello?"

Caroline and Bonnie shushed Elena as they turned over trying to go back to bed, tired from staying up all night at their sleepover. Elena sighed sitting up moving closer to the door away from her friends as she listened to Cassie on the other line.

"How was the slumber party?"

"Good. Much needed.." Elena trailed off a smirk forming on her face, "When can you and I have one?" "Hmm. I'm interested." With Cassie's tone of voice you could practically hear the smirk on her face. "Now. Today." Elena pled, "Take me far far away." "Trust me, I would love to. But with everything going on – Jules and the other werewolves."

"I know. That's why I want to get away." Elena fiddled with the ends of her shorts, hoping Cassie would agree to the getaway. "And you're sure this has nothing to do with dodging your father who just got in town?" "This has everything to do with that."

"Doesn't matter. You had me at 'take me far away', where would you like to go?"

Elena stood on the dock watching thr calm lake ahead of her. She missed her old family cabin and she felt at peace being here with Cassie away from the drama. As long as no one at home was hurt or dying then she was in no rush to get back.

Cassie walked to Elena a blanket in her hand. She wrapped it around Elena's shoulders as she pressed a kiss to her cheek. "You okay?" Cassie stood beside the human.

Elena turned her head as her eyes fixated on her. Elena starred at Cassie with a glint in her eyes, Cassie felt her stares as she turned her head meeting eyes.

"Do you ever think about the future?" Elena questioned.

Cassie furrowed her eyebrows as she thought about it. Lately she has because of being with Elena. But before she never really thought about it being a vampire and all. Her future was the same, but Elena is human.

"Nevermind, its best we don't open that box now." Elena muttered, looking back at the lake.

Cassie grabbed her hand. "We can talk about it." Elena disagreed, "No, I just want to be here with you now."

Cassie stood in the kitchen as she look threw the cabinets. Elena sat on the sofa, a glass of wine in her hands as she watched Cassie who looked completely lost right now.

"Cas?" Elena hid the smile on her face.

"Mm?" Cassie hummed as she tried to focus. "Do you know what you're doing?" Elena questioned carefully, hoping she didnt insult her girlfriend. Cassie let out a sigh as she bit her lip, "I have to confess that I suck at cooking. Stefan had gotten that skill and I got stuck with the talent of ordering take out." Cassie walked to Elena who let out a short laugh.

"That's okay." Elena reassured. She glanced at the fire placed and noticed the flames were going out. "Fire's dying."

"Okay, Ill go get some more wood." Cassie nodded.

"No, its okay, I can do it." Elena got up to go get a jacket, she walked into her parents old room she saw the perfumes still laid out the the dresser. She picked one up as she pulled the cap of smelling the scent. Her eyes closed as she remembered her mother. Elena felt Cassie's presence behind her.

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