Chapter One: Breakfast Discussions

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  • Dedicated to To all of my book one fans :) Here you go!

My eyes flicker open as warm sunlight falls across my face; the curtains covering my window parted allowing the gentle morning breeze to enter the room. The musical sound of birds chirping lighten my mood instantly all memories of the horrid dream I was living gone.

Pushing up into a sitting position I stretch my arms above my head relishing in the feeling of my joints popping. The smell of bacon, eggs and toast waft in from beneath my door, my stomach making a noise to claim its hunger. 

With a light smile gracing my lips I push the covers back and bound out of bed, my feet hitting the polished wooden floor with a quiet thud. Moving to the mirror on the back of my wardrobe door I stare at my bird’s nest of long black hair dreading the moment when I would have to drag a brush through it. 

My silver eyes stare back at me, a window to the horrors that cloud there depths. But the surface shows light pleasures to be living among my own pack once again. Safely in the embrace of my older brother’s arms again even if he now has his own mate.

Fixing the strap of my tank top back upon my shoulder I drudge to my door and pull it open, just as the door across from me does the same. My friend Tommy smiles at me as he comes out one which I easily return.

Tommy was a prisoner of The Blood Eyes Pack like me, though he was used as entertainment in the form of dog fights. His scares much greater than my own. He's not as scrawny as he was when we first returned home, muscle and fat is once again filling him out making him look healthier and more alive. Dark brown hair which used to be shredded short is now curling around his ears, stray strands flopping into his smokey grey eyes which are like mine hiding secrets of horror.

"How are you this morning?" I ask my voice crackling from lack of use and the need of freshly squeezed orange juice.

"Better. Though the nightmares are starting to frustrate me." Tommy looks down the hall, his eyes closing for a minute as he breathes in the delicious smell of breakfast.

"Yeah, same with me." I reply quietly as I start down the hall, Tommy hot on my heels as we head greedily for breakfast. Heading slowly down the stairs, I grip onto the wooden banister to guide me. 

It's been a week since Tessa and the rest of The Copper Eyes people left, I spend most evenings on the phone with Tessa, Tommy in the room with me as we all share our various stories of the day or just muck about. Nate calls also he says it’s just to check up on me and make sure that I'm settling comfortably, but I believe it's because he misses me. Not that I would ever tell him I think so.

I miss having Tessa around, she was easy to talk to and because we had gone through the same thing together we were able to comfort each other in a way that no one else can. It's what Tommy and I are for each other now and forever until what happened is just a blip in the past.

I also miss Nate, being able to have easy conversations with him. It feels like in a way that he understood what I went through better than anyone else who wasn't there. My feelings toward the male are still growing with each time we talk on the phone, but I know that I'll never be allowed to follow those feelings because I have a mate here in this pack. And it saddens me in a way.

Reaching the bottom step I turn right and walk into the kitchen, stopping in the entry way when I catch sight of my brother and Claude making out by the sink, Noah has his hands resting either side of Claude blocking him in. Tommy stops just beside me; his gaze turns to me as he sees what I'm seeing.

Shrugging my shoulders at him I walk further into the kitchen. "Morning you two." I plaster a grin across my face as the two break apart Claude turning an adorable shade of red. "Sorry for interrupting, but Tommy and I are hungry."

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