Chapter Twenty-One: Apologies

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"Heads up!" Noah shouts just as a noodle hits me in the side of the head.

I turn toward him and glare.

He takes one look and starts laughing, Claude just smiles.

Picking up a piece of my own pasta, I throw it at Tommy sitting across from me next to Trick.

Tommy looks up surprised at me, then down at the pasta beside his plate before back up at me again. His eyes narrow as he picks up a piece of his pasta.

He throws it at me, but I lean out of the way just in time laughing.

"Truce!" Trick holds his hands up as I prepare to throw some at him.

I shrug my shoulders and focus back on eating the rest of my dinner properly.

The knock at the door draws everyone's attention from their food; I push my chair back and stand up. "I'll get it, I'm finished anyway."

Noah nods his head as he too stands up, picking up his plate and taking my own he walks over to the sink.

I turn and walk to the front door, pulling it open I expect to see my parents standing on the other side wishing to once again apologise to me and try to talk me into coming home, but it’s not them.

I stand in the doorway blinking as I take in the exhausted form of Nate.

"Nate?" I say uncertainly.

He tries to smile but gives up. "Amethyst, I'm so sorry for how I treated you the other day. It's just that..." He trails off fighting for words.

When he goes to speak again, I hold up my hand. "Come in Nate, have something to eat, have something to drink. We can talk later."

He shakes his head, even as he walks in. "Talk now."

I take in his dirty clothes. "Are you alright Nate?"

He looks down at himself.

"Nate!" Trick's voice shocks Nate into looking up and behind me. "Where were you?"

Nate looks away. "Walking." He answers in a whisper

"But you’re alright though, yes?" Trick steps forward.

Nate nods his head. "I'm fine."

Trick breathes out a sigh of relief. "You had me worried, man."

Nate scratches the back of his neck. "Sorry."

Trick walks forward and pulls his older brother into a quick hug. "Just glad you’re okay." Then Trick walks into the lounge room with Noah and Claude.

Tommy disappears upstairs.

I step forward and gently take Nate's hand in my own. "Come on, we can talk in my room." I turn and lead him toward the stairs. "I want to tell you something anyway."

Nate silently follows me up the stairs and into my room; taking a seat at the end of my bed he runs a hand throw his air. "Maybe I should have a shower first and change clothes." He looks down at himself again.

I laugh. "Probably would be a good idea."

He nods. "I'll do that." He leaves the room.

I sit on my bed and patiently wait for him to return.

Twenty minutes later he walks through the door in clean clothes. He looks at me and smiles, I return it easily. He takes a seat on my bed near the end, making himself comfortable.

"Sorry about the other day. I just...” He scratches the back of his neck. "I'm just a bit sensitive about people knowing my secrets."

I smile at him reassuringly. "It's fine honestly. I won't ask again."

He nods, closing his eyelids over his copper brown eyes. "That's a relief; one day maybe I'll tell you the truth. But not now."

After that we sit in silence for a while.

"What news did you wish to tell me?" Nate breaks the silence as he lies down on his back.

I turn around and lie down, resting my head on his stomach. "Yesterday at school, I met another Elder." I glance up at his face.

"Really?" He says as he rests his head on his folded arms.

I nod my head. "I did, he's a Warrior Elder, he pledged his loyalties to me."

Nate glances down at me. "Wow, they're rare."

I nod.

"What's his name?" Nate asks after a silent minute.

"Kai." I reply.

"Do you like him?" Nate speaks quieter.

I laugh. "As a friend, I suppose. He's quite arrogant, though he keeps to himself. So I suppose he uses his arrogance as a shield."

Nate nods. "Understandable." He yawns.

I look up at him to see his eyes closed. Listening quietly to his breathing I realise that he's fallen asleep.

I smile as I close my own eyes and allow my mind to wonder.


Well, that was chapter twenty-one, i hope it was to your liking....
I think it was alright, not my favourite chapter but i'll change it later once i start editing.

Hope you have a wonderful day/night  and i'll catch you all with the next chapter next week.

Bye for now


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