Chapter 19: Him Back

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They stayed at the park for almost 2 hours, Bella didn't want to play on the playground so they just walked around looking at other people passing by and ducks in the lake. It was calming and peaceful and Isabella loved it. She wanted to stay longer but it was almost lunch time and Emily told her she wanted to stop by the mall to get some things before lunch.

At the mall Emily went to the gap store for a new pair of jeans. As they were walking out of the store Isabella spotted a really big Disney store.
"Oh my god." She said as her eyes widened.

"What?" Emily asked confused.

"Can we go in there? Please?!" Isabella begged with a big smile on her face.

"We sure can" Emily said, as she saw the store, with a big smile on her face at the look of her excited daughter. She couldn't believe how excited Isabella still got every time she saw a Disney store. The kid sure always loved Disney.

Emily felt like they were in that store for hours and Isabella only went home with 2 tsum tsums.
They had lunch at the mall, at KFC. Bella wasn't very excited about lunch time and even tried the 'I'm not hungry right now' thing but Emily wasn't buying it. They got their food and sat down to eat.
Isabella had eaten half of her sandwich and she felt like she was about to throw up. She placed the sandwich down and drank some coke.
Her eyes filled up with tears.

"Bella" Emily said softly when she noticed the girl trying to hold back the tears. Isabella didn't look at her. The girl just suddenly looked so down.
"Let's go home" Emily said standing up and grabbing her bags.
Isabella got up and they went to the car not saying one word.

"Do you promise you'll have dinner?" Emily asked softly as she buckled her seatbelt.

"Yes" Isabella said and rested her head on the window, letting a couple of tears fall. Emily gave Bella's hand a squeeze and began to drive.


When they got home it was about 2.
Isabella went upstairs to her bedroom without saying a word. She was feeling so tired and so sick of everything.
She liked there and she loved her mother very much but all she wanted was her dad and it was killing her, the fact that she would never have him again.

Emily went to take a shower so she could give Bella some time. When she was done getting dressed she went to Isabella's room to find her daughter laying in bed with a book on her hands.

"Hi" Emily said walking into the bedroom.

Isabella didn't even look at her.

"Are you alright?" She asked sitting on the bed.
All she got was a nod.
"Did you feel like that again when you were eating?" She asked and suddenly Isabella put her book down and got off the bed.
"Honey, where are you going?" Emily asked as Bella walked to her suitcase.

"I'm going to shower" Bella said serious and not looking at her mother.

Emily got up and walked to Bella who grabbed pajamas and tried to go past her mother.
"We need to talk" Emily said blocking the way.

"No we don't." Isabella said serious.

"Just sit down for a second, okay? Just talk to me" Emily said calmly but firm.

"I don't want to talk. Just let it go" Isabella said pissed off pushing Emily to the side so she could pass to get to the bathroom.

"Bella" Emily called as the kid slammed the bathroom door shut.

Emily knew Isabella was holding everything up because she wasn't really talking to anyone. Emily was scared that she didn't know how to deal with all of it. She wished John was there more than ever because she knew John would've known what to do.

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