Chapter 11: She Just Left

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It was almost 5 when Emily was in the kitchen making fresh orange juice for their dinner when she heard the door opening. It was Jeremy and Marley.

"Hey" Jeremy said coming in.

Bella who was now sitting on the couch, watching 'The Little Mermaid' with Sofia, looked over at him.

"Hi" Said Emily as Jeremy walked to Bella and gave her a big hug.

"How are you doing?" He asked.

"Alright, I guess" she said with a sad smile.

"And how about you little girl?" he said to Sofia who just giggled as he tickled her.
He sat on the couch and Marley went to sit beside him.

"So do you want to spend the night at our house?" He asked Bella.

"What?" She asked.

"We just thought that you could maybe use a bit of fresh air and we have a backyard with a pool and also Bear" he said. Bear was his and Marley's dog. He was a 4 year-old big Terra Nova.

"I don't know" Isabella said. She desperately wanted to say no but she didn't want to hurt Jeremy's feelings. She knew he worked a lot and he wouldn't be able to visit her all the time in DC. She wasn't really used to him around because he had already gone to university and when he went back to live close to their dad he started working a lot.

"We can have a movie night and pizza" Jeremy said offering her two favorite things.

"Oh. Uncle Derek is already coming over for a movie" Isabella said. "I'm sorry Jeremy."

"Alright. But tomorrow you need to stop by, okay?" He said.

"Yeah! Even if it's just for a little while" Marley said.

"I won't take no for an answer" he said smiling at her.

"Okay" Isabella smiled to hide the fear boiling up inside of her. She felt like she didn't want to leave the house.

Jeremy stood up and said "well, we need to go get groceries because we are basically out of food. We just stopped by to check on you"

"We'll see you two tomorrow" he said to Emily and she nodded yes but with a face of 'let's see how this goes'

"You are also invited Callie" he said. "Take the little one to swim"

"Sure" Callie smiled.

"Well, we really have to go" he said and went to give Bella a hug. "I'll call you later"

"Okay" she said and went to give Marley a hug.

"See you tomorrow" Marley said heading to the door.

They left and Isabella went to the kitchen. She went close to Emily at the sink and just hugged her. Emily could feel Isabella shaking.
"Come sit down" she said putting one arm around Bella's shoulders and guiding her to one of the stools.

"Look, try not to think about tomorrow, okay?" She said and gave the girl's hand a squeeze. "It helps if you concentrate on something else" she said looking at Bella right in the eyes. She saw Bella's look of 'what am I supposed to concentrate on' and she said "let's play some chess"

"You don't even really like chess mom" Bella said.

"Well, I like playing with you so go get it" she said smiling big at Bella. She thought having a positive attitude around Bella might help.

"Okay" Bella said standing up. Emily kissed her cheek and she went off to get the game.

After a while she went back trying to hold the gigantic Harry Potter chess. Emily went and picked it up making one of the horses fall.

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