Chapter 5: Gone

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They went downstairs to find everyone sitting in the living room. The TV was on but they weren't paying attention. They had been talking about Bella and about John's disease.
When they saw Bella and Emily coming down they stopped and just stared at them which made Bella hide behind her mother.

"We were thinking about ordering in. Do you guys want to eat something?" Emily asked reaching the last steeps.

"Sure" Marley said while everyone nodded yes. Everyone could tell just by looking at Bella's face she cried a lot.

Emily and Bella walked to the couch and Marley went to get a book they had with the numbers of food places they liked. Bella went to sit next to Callie and Emily followed her, not letting go of her hand. They sat down.

"Are you alright?" Callie asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" Bella said not looking at her. JJ and Morgan exchanged looks, both could see so much of Emily on the girl already.

"Do you want to choose the channel?" Callie asked.

"No. Anything is fine" Bella said resting her head on her mom's arm.

"It's almost time for 'Friends' " Cameron said. At school they watched it every week the reruns and they loved it. Cameron loved the fact that Bella liked pretty much everything she liked even though their age difference was enormous.

"Good idea" Bella said and gave Cameron a little smile.
They changed the channel and conversations went on and off.

JJ changed places with Callie and talked a little with Bella and Penelope about how DC was and their office. Bella felt they were very caring and family like. She really liked them.
Emily, Marley and David decided to order Mexican. Everyone loved tacos and salsa and no one was starving so they just wanted to have a little something to eat. After ordering Emily went back to the couch. She sat next to Bella who was now talking very low with Cameron. Emily tried paying attention but all she understood was that Bella wanted to go to the hospital. She placed her hand on Bella's shoulder and said "I can take you if you want"

Bella looked at her and asked in disbelief "really?"

"Sure" Emily said with a little smile but Bella didn't seem happy about it.
She hugged her mom and that got everyone's attention. They were all thinking about what happened. Bella seemed distracted and now she was hugging her mom tight. Emily pulled the small girl to her lap. "Hey. It's okay. I'll take you" she said.

"He doesn't want to see me mom" Bella said. She looked at Callie and said "he said it himself." Her voice broke everyone's heart.

Emily looked at Callie.

Back at the hospital Jeremy didn't tell Emily that John basically kicked Bella out of the room. She just knew she talked to John and left.

"Bella. Your dad lo-" Emily started saying but Bella cut her off.

"Don't okay. Just don't. Not you too. I hate everyone telling me he loves me. He should say it himself." Bella said serious. Her eyes were teary again. She placed her hands on her face covering her eyes and said "damn it"

"Hey. Look at me" Emily said touching Bella's cheek. "I'll make him see you if I have to" she said and Bella just sat there.

"I think you should" Callie said. "I can drive you two"

"The food will get here anytime. She needs to eat something" Marley said.

"I'm not hungry" Isabella said.

"You only had breakfast today!" Marley said.

"We'll go as soon as we're done. Okay?" Emily said.

"Okay" Bella agreed.
Bella sat next to her mom on the couch and tried concentrating on the tv. It wasn't long till the food arrived. Everyone ate, including Bella even though she ate just a couple of nachos and salsa. She just didn't feel like eating at all.
When she was done she went upstairs to brush her teeth so they could go to the hospital. Before heading back down she got a jacket because it was getting cold.

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