Chapter 3

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 Chapter 3

I slowly opened my eyes up. I rubbed them, put I had to hold in a scream, when I accidently rubbed the place where Cam had hit me. I felt a bit better now, I could atleast stand. I walked over to a mirror. My face was swollen on one side, he had broken the skin, and there was a cut going across it. Damn he’s strong.  My eyes were still swollen and red, and my face was all red, on the verge of breaking out, but o honestly could care less now.

 I slowly walked down the stairs, trying to keep my balance by holding onto the rail. When I got to the bottom, there he was… Cam was lounged on the couch, eating some pancakes. I walked across the living room, into the kitchen. There were only two things that could make me happy right now, Gio coming back, and a tub of Ben and Jerry’s strawberry cheese cake ice cream.  I sat down at the large table that sat atleast 12 and at my ice cream all alone.

 “Where’s father.” I questioned in a shaky voice.

 “Why do you care?” great he was still angry.

 “Well… because… he’s my father.”

 “Why don’t you just go back from were ever you came from? You’re a nuisance; you not even his real son. You’re not even my real brother. “He said mocking me.

 I just shut up, and looked back down to my ice cream. Slowly small salty drops started to fill it. The tears stung the open wound in my face, and I wanted to scream.

“I’m going out to find him.” I declared.

 “Haha, good luck. Don’t come back while you’re at it!” I turned my head, and he was standing up, smirking at me.

 “You know what…” no… I didn’t need to do this… I needed to shut up…

  “What are you going to tell me off too? Ohh I’m so scared.” I looked at him standing up now. He was taller than me, but I looked fiercer.

 He backed up as I got closer, “Shut the fuck up Cameron.” I said, shoving him down, and I ran out the door, tears falling from my face.

 It looked like it was going to rain. I walked all over town, and I couldn’t find him. He’s probably long gone… and I was about to give up, when it hit me.

Giovanni’s POV:

(What happened while Oliver was getting his ass whipped?)

 Was what I did to him the right thing? I started too worried; I wanted to go back to him. I knew he was hurting. And I assumed Cam probably got on to him… Cam told me how he felt about me… He loves me… He said he would do anything for me. He would hurt anyone, and would do anything to get me. He still loves me even though I rejected him… He probably figured out about how I felt about Oliver. I felt bad now, I use to run away from home lots of times when I lived in New York, but this was different. Those times, I wasn’t leaving behind anything important.

I walked down the street. I had been away for an hour, and it already started to get dark. I needed a place to stay… Then I remembered him… I pulled out my phone, the guy was a creeper… but he had a house and a car. “Hey Gary? I need a place to crash for the night.” Gary was originally Oliver’s friend, but he likes me just the same, so I guess he was cool with it.

 Gary was a tall kid, extremely pale and skinny. He had I guess what you would say, emo hair? That was brown, and he had brown eyes to match. He also wore glasses, and was an amazing artist, but ETERMLY perverted.  “Heeeeeeyyyy Gio, what’s shakin?”

 “Only my hips.” I joked.

 “I’d like to see that.” He said, looking down at my- “eyes up here Gary.”I said pointing to my eyes.         

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