Chapter 4 - Part 2

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He went very serious all of a sudden, "It is unimaginable if you have never experienced it. It is like a never ending night. Only the moon to give light and the stars to guide you. Demons roamed freely. For some it was used wrongly as a cloak to plot murder and thieve. The worst part about it was never knowing the warmth of the sun, the beauty of a new day and when it finally ended there was the fear that as it set on the horizon that it had all been a dream and there would be no more light."

He took a goblet of wine and downed it in one, "Do not ask me about such things."

Evrart's eyes were wide and Rupert was looking into the depths of his drink.

"I had forgotten what it was really like," Rupert said, "I left as soon as I was old enough to flee from my father and the darkness of my homeland. The sunlight has made me forgetful."

Rider had already emptied another glass. Evrart was looking at the two men with a growing respect.

"You must have some stories to tell," she said trying to change the subject a little.

The drink seemed to have loosened Rider's tongue, "Well," he gave her a charming smile, "I helped save the King from assassination once."

Rupert spat out his wine.

"Really?" Evrart put her head on her hands.

"Well in Dayri city there was an assassin's guild beneath the city under the Island of Tears. They set my friend up to kill the king but it was all a distraction. There was a secret inner circle called the Shadow Blades. Men of the night who live in the shadows. They plotted to kill the King. But we found out about them and stopped them."

Rupert frowned, "Then why flee? You are a hero!"

Rider looked sheepish as he whispered, "I was an assassin."

Evrart and Rupert jumped backwards. Evrart grabbed a cheese knife from the floor and held it out, breathing heavily. Rupert looked terrified. One of the servants was on the verge of fleeing the tent. Evrart held up a hand to stop them. She wanted to hear the full story before she called the guards to dispatch with him.

Rider held up both hands in surrender, "I said I was."

Evrart looked at Rupert. He was in more danger than she. He was an heir to the Dayrian throne. Evrart was not. As an illegitimate child she had no claim to the throne of Meol.

"Give me one reason to not call the guards," Evrart said.

Rider looked affronted, "If I was here to kill you, you would both be dead by now. I am trying to move away from my past. Surely you can see why I didn't want to talk about this."

Evrart lowered the knife but was still staring daggers at him.

"I have no weapons. You can search me. I left my blade with my horse."

Evrart nodded a scared looking servant forwards. He quickly searched him and then said, "He's telling the truth."

"Very well," Evrart put the knife down.

The silence was very heavy. Everyone was frozen. Rider looked very much like he wanted to leave. Rupert clapped his hands to bring his servant's attention back to him.

"I think that it is time for bed," he said.

Rider jumped up immediately and left the tent. Evrart stood up slowly. On the threshold of the tent she turned around for face Rupert, "Well, goodnight."

She hurried into the cold night to find Rider. It did not take her long to get him set up with a bedroll outside before she made for her own tent. As she settled under her blankets she drifted off to sleep with the sounds of the encampment fading into the night.

* * *

She woke up earlier than normal, filled with a silent energy. Evrart dressed and took a stroll outside in the slightly chilly air. Many of the servants were up and about, stoking fires or preparing food. Evrart walked over to where the horses were tied up on the far side of the campsite. She noticed that Rider's horse had gone.

The stable hand who was travelling with them approached her.

"I saw them leave really early. That man and the little girl. Should I have stopped them my lady?" He said as he played with the loose threads of his frayed tunic.

Evrart perused her lips and looked to the north. She could clearly see horse tracks heading away from the camp.

"No," she said folding her arms, "He was allowed to leave."

Evrart didn't know what she had been expecting. She would have liked to have seen them off but after the events of the evening before she knew that Rider would be quick to leave. She didn't blame him. After all, he was still technically a murderer, retired assassin or not. If her father had heard of the company that she was holding he would not have taken to it lightly. Rider and Rose would not have survived to see the end of their journey.

She gathered her skirts and headed back towards her tent for breakfast. She was rather hungry and needed to get her head into a state of mind for another almost full day of riding. Their trip was nearing its end and she would be glad to reach Bymerrow soon.

The camp was packed up around the company as they ate and they set off not long after that. Her mind was drawn back two the two mysterious riders who had come in the night. In her mind Evrart wished them good luck with where ever they were going and hoped that the thought would reach them.

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