Chapter 4 - Part 1

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Chapter 4

"Halt there!" Evrart head the command echo across the campsite one evening. They were only a few days from Bymerrow. She stuck her head out of her tent door to see what was happening outside.

The captain of the guard had stopped a lone horse with two riders from passing through the encampment to the other side of the road. One of the figures on the black stallion looked very small and Evrart went a little closer to investigate. They were very unusual travellers. They both wore red cloaks and clothes that were covered in mud and torn.

"Who are you?" The guard said. His hand rested on the hilt of his blade.

"My Lady there is no reason to concern yourself with these matters," one guard said to her as she approached. They tried to shoo her away but she pushed them aside.

The two travellers remained silent. Evrart was now close enough to see that the smaller figure was in fact a child. The young girl had a small scar on her face and long blonde hair. The looked different and Evrart suspected that they had come from the South.

"Who are you?" the captain said again. A few servants had stopped working to see what was going on.

Evrart's eyes met the little girl's under her hood, "What is your name?" She said gently.

"We did not mean to cause such a disturbance. My name is Rider and this is Rose. We are simply travelling north," The taller rider said from behind the little girl.

The guard shook his head, "Very well. But it is dangerous to be traversing these roads by night. You should stop here. I'm sure we could find somewhere to accommodate you and your sister."

Evrart noticed that Rider cringed slightly at the mention of the word 'sister'.

"I would prefer to keep riding if you would let us pass," he said stiffly.

Evrart was curious as to who the strange travellers were. She suspected that they weren't telling them everything.

"My sister Ovena must be about your age," she said to Rose, "I'm sure she would like some company. I insist that you stay the night with us," she placed a hand on her hip as she looked up at Rider, "I'm sure you have some interesting tales to tell."

The little girl spun around and whispered something into Rider's ear.

"We'll stay but I'll ask that Rose is not to be questioned about our travels. She has had an unpleasant experience." Rider said.

He dismounted and lifted the girl from the saddle. She held onto his hand tightly. A servant came and took their horse away. Evrart nodded to the captain of the guard who walked away to his fire. She took the task of escorting the pair through the camp.

They passed Rupert's tent and Evrart thought that he could hear someone talking to him inside. However she ignored it. Her three youngest sisters all shared a tent. It was not too late and they were all inside sitting on the floor eating off of platters. They all looked up as the tent door opened and the three of them walked inside.

"This is Rose," Evrart said as the girl lowered her hood, "She will be staying with you tonight."

Rose looked a little nervous and Rider gave her a gentle push on the back.

Rider and Evrart left the tent.

"I hope she will be okay," Rider said darkly.

"I wouldn't worry," Evrart said. She noticed that Aysi was walking across the camp to her tent. Her hair was a little out of place. It looked like she had just left Rupert's tent.

Evrart turned to Rider, "We'll be dining in here with Prince Rupert of Dayrius."

Rider froze, "I don't think that it is such a good idea my Lady."

"I think you worry too much Rider," Evrart said ignoring his look of horror and letting herself into the tent.

"Lady Evrart, and a guest," said Rupert. He seemed happy to have visitors. He was seated on the ground and being served food, "Just in time to eat."

Some servants came forward with pillows for them to sit on. Evrart took a glass of wine. Rider ate very little and refused to drink. Evrart and Rupert talked for quite some time before drawing Rider into the conversation.

"Rider you never said where you were from." Evrart said.

Rupert nodded, "I don't think he has said anything at all yet."

The both looked at him expectantly. He looked quite uncomfortable.

"I'm travelling north," he said removing his cloak.

Evrart raised her glass, "Oh come on. You can tell us."

"It's quite delicate, I'd rather not talk about why I'm travelling north," he said folding his arms.

"Please do tell us where you have come from at least." Rupert leant forward and took a handful of dates from the plate in front of him and began to pop them into his mouth one by one. Evrart smiled and raised her eyebrows.

"Well I'm coming from Dayrius."

"Why should you be afraid of being from Dayrius? I'm from Dayrius!" Rupert roared with laughter and gave him a friendly pat on the back.

"What was the darkness like?" Evrart pushed Rupert back and shuffled closer to Rider.

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