Chapter 9 - Part 2

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Evrart followed Pirella down the stairs and through a back corridor. The sky was still dark outside and the palace was silent. She was leaving to go riding for the day but needed to sneak past every living soul in the palace.

Her riding boots were silent on the flagstones and she crept by dozing guards. It had been Pirella's idea to leave through a servant's entrance just before the guard shifts changed over.

Evrart saw the backs of two guards standing at the far end of the corridor. Their heads seemed to be nodding forward regularly. She had to flatten herself against the wall as one of them craned his neck around, presumably looking out for their replacements.

Evrart found herself being taken through the windy depths of the palace. Pirella seemed to have learnt her way around rather quickly. If she heard people approaching she pulled Evrart into a side corridor and was able to still know where she was going.

At last they broke out into the fresh air. They had come up some steps from a basement and were in the palace grounds. It took Evrart a moment to get her bearings. They were only a short stroll away from the stables.

"This way my lady," Pirella whispered.

Evrart strode behind her with increasing speed. The sun was starting to poke up on the horizon. Evrart pulled her hood forward to cover her face. Her scar still felt raw on her face.

She waited in the garden while Pirella fetched her horse from the stables. A guard patrol passed and Evrart had to bow her head to hide her scar but she made it clear that she was allowed to be in the palace grounds. It would be too easy for them to throw her out by accident.

Nutmeg came trotting towards her a few moments later and Pirella was not far behind.

"Here is some food my lady," Pirella said as she stowed a parcel into the saddle bag, "You shouldn't need to return the palace until this evening."

"Thank you," Evrart said as she pulled herself into the saddle.

They quickly discussed where they would meet so that Evrart could get back into the palace before Evrart secured her hood and made ready to depart.

"Have a nice time my lady," Pirella said.

Evrart kicked her heels into her horse setting him off into a trot. By the time she checked over her shoulder Pirella was already gone. Evrart's lips tightened and a weight dropped in her stomach. The next challenge would be to get past the gates without being noticed.

She followed the path from the stables to the front courtyard and slipped through the gates. She had to show her ring at the guards who looked ready to stop her. She was glad that she was not questioned as it would have wasted precious time. She was also happy that her father was not so mad at her for her refusal to show up to the welcome the day before as to keep her to the confines of the palace.

Once Evrart was free of the palace she was able to put on more speed. The wind caught in her hood but she held onto it with a hand. She just needed to get out into the farmlands and then she would be free.

The light of the sun was seeping into the land as Evrart escaped the city. She almost knocked over some poor farmers but she stopped for nothing. She was very tempted to turn Nutmeg to the north and go home. The cut on her face kept her within sight of the city. She was not going to forget about what Aysi had done to her.

Nutmeg's hooves came down heavily on the dirt and he seemed to be enjoying the exercise. Evrart moved closer to the horse's neck. Birds began to sing in the trees that were scattered across the hills.

She aimed south and took a path through a forest. She felt like having the shade of the trees on her and someplace new to explore.


At noon she stopped Nutmeg by a river that trickled through the woods. He drank the water happily while Evrart sank into the roots of an ancient pine and rifled through the food that Pirella had packed for her. Evrart sniffed at the skin that had been packed and was met with the powerful odour of Bymerrow wine. There was also a large packet of dates and a Ka'ak roll. She ate the roll gratefully but stowed the dates away.

She flicked the crumbs from her lap and watched as birds came down from the trees and pecked at the scraps. They were all brightly coloured and sang little tunes. Evrart felt at peace with the world for the first time in a long time.

As much as she loved to drink the stress of being in the company of people was too much. Even though she wore the circumstances of her birth like a badge it didn't stop her feeling bad when she was given "knowing" glances and had to endure snide remarks. She hated the way she was treated about it because it wasn't her fault. Her father was the one that had made the mistake.

Evrart hummed to herself and drank the wine. She knew that she shouldn't drink because once she started she had little self-control but it was one of the only things that washed away her pain when she was in the company of others.

Once she finished the wine she used the tree to help her to her feet. She was a little light headed but the drink made her feel warm inside. She loped over to where she had tired Nutmeg up by the river. The horse was chewing on the small tufts of grass.

Evrart lowered the skin to the water when a very loud splash disrupted her train of thought.

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