Chapter 7 - Part 2

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Before the pain could overwhelm her she was sprinting down the spiral stairs. She had run past the servants so quickly she was certain that they hadn't seen her face.

Emotions were boiling up inside of her and by the time she collapsed onto her bed in her room they had reached bursting point.

She smeared blood into the fresh bed sheets as her body was racked with sobs. She had never let anyone get the better of her like that. She could have easily put Aysi in so much pain if she didn't have to face the consequences afterwards. She didn't want to think about what she had done to her face. It was unbearable thinking about the scar Aysi had created and it was all because Evrart had to claim back Rupert, as is if he was a plaything. She could have left them be and they would have suffered by their own fault.

Evrart wiped her nose. She remembered why she had told herself not to get involved in such affairs but she couldn't help herself.

It took a little while for the pain and sadness to ebb away before the anger began to seep in.

"I hate her," she screamed into the quilt, "I hate her, I hate her, I hate her!"

She looked down at her blood covered hands. Aysi would pay for what she had done. Evrart would have to find a way to get back at her while playing to the rules. She would beat the princess at her own game. She had no idea how she was going to do it only that her face would be a constant reminder of the deeds that had to be done.

She stood up, a little lightheaded, and walked over to her dresser. She had been putting off checking how bad her face really was but she knew she would have to cover it up. No one would believe her if she told them the truth. The entire right side of her face was thick with blood.

Evrart picked up the cloth she had used to wash her face in the morning and began to wipe away the blood. She was glad that she was alone, that she would have time to think before she had to face the world again.

The blood came away slowly before the ugly truth was revealed. The cut wasn't deep but the skin around it was beginning to swell. She traced the path the dagger had made on the mirror. It was going to be an ugly scar. She would never be able to show her face again. She wiped at her eyes before she could begin crying again.

She was strong and the time for tears had ended. She would have to find a way to get revenge on Aysi, no matter how long it took.


Evrart spent the rest day moping about her apartment. Her plan to go out and take in the city sights had been ruined. She couldn't even wander about the castle if she wanted to keep her and Aysi's meeting a secret. She had a reputation to uphold and she really didn't want her father to hear that she bore ill will towards Aysi.

She was in the sitting area when Pirella returned, humming softly to herself a tune that Evrart did not recognise. Evrart jumped up with shock and raced into the bedroom and hid behind the screen. She had forgotten about her lady in waiting. She had no idea how she was going to deal with her. She couldn't exactly walk around with her head wrapped up in a scarf around her.

She heard Pirella moving about in the other room. She was probably getting Evrart's dinner ready. She still didn't know that Evrart was there, hiding behind the screen, debating what choices she had.

She tapped her fingers against her palm nervously and struggled to think. She coughed loudly. She heard Pirella stop moving the cutlery about.

"My lady, are you in here?" she called out.

"Yes," Evrart said softly.

Pirella's footsteps approached the screen in the bedroom, "Are you changing my lady? Do you require any assistance?"

Evrart's mind was in a virtual tug of war. Her mouth opened and closed several times before she could spew out a response, "Yes."

Evrart watched her feet moving around the bottom of the screen. She had decided to trust the serving girl and to show Pirella her face.

The girl came around the screen. Her face was at ease at first. Her exploration of the city seemed to have relaxed her. Then as her eyes found her face it set and she was frozen. Her mouth slowly opened in horror and she raised a hand to her face.

"My lady..."

Evrart let her extend her fingers and touch the cut on her face. Evrart blinked. She suddenly took a hold of herself and pulled her hand back.

"Lady Evrart who did this to you?" She looked suddenly fierce as she narrowed her eyes.

Evrart walked around her towards the bed. She was suddenly filled with dread. She was beginning to think that she shouldn't have shown Pirella. She sank into the bedspread and rolled the fabric between her fingers.

Pirella came forward pale faced and stared up at her, "My lady you can tell me."

Evrart pushed her hands away, "It was Aysi."

"You must go see the King, show him what she did to you."


Evrart stood up to her full height and walked over to the window. She rested her hands on the sill and stared out down into the courtyard.

"Who would believe me? The King certainly won't. It is my word against the Princess'," she scowled.

"He is your father my lady," Pirella said. She was speaking softly and averting making eye contact.

Evrart laughed so hard that her shoulders shook. Tears were passing out of her eyes. She wiped at them and clutched at her side. There was a stiff silence from Pirella.

She swept around to face Pirella, "My father cares nothing for me."

Pirella wrung her hands, "Then what are you going to do about it? You cannot allow her to get away with what she had done!"

Evrart was taken aback at the drive of her servant. She had no idea where this sudden energy had come from. Evrart walked forward and wrapped her arms around the bedpost and leant her head forward.

"I know! But I don't know how it is to be done..." Evrart sighed and closed her eyes. She pulled herself away and stared determinedly at Pirella, "Don't you worry. Aysi will pay for this scar. I will make her regret the day she touched my skin."

Pirella had a hint of a smile on her face. Evrart ran into the other room. Pirella had been halfway through preparing her dinner and items were strewn across the table. Evrart sat down and was deep in thought.

"Is there anything I can do for you my lady?" Pirella followed her lady into the sitting room.

Evrart paused her train of thought.

"Serve my dinner and then get my bath running," Evrart said.

Pirella curtsied and vanished from Evrart's peripheral vision. Evrart's ideas kept running in circles and she was having hard time trying to work out the best way to tackle the problem of her sister. After some time plates where pushed in front of her and the smell of food distracted her from her plan for revenge.

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