Chapter 15 - Part 2

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Pirella was moving away out of the small gap behind Evrart. Evrart crawled forwards, pausing as her leg went stiff and she winced in pain as if fire had shot through her leg. The cramp made her eyes water and she bit her tongue until the pain passed. She shook her leg out and inched away. The voices in the throne room became no more than muffled whispers.

Evrart could tell from the look in his eyes that he was very firmly set on his choice. If her father could not move him she doubted that she could. A pit of dread opened in her stomach. Her throat became dry and she had trouble swallowing.

In front of her, like a distant firefly, was Pirella's lap that was bobbing up and down as she scrambled forwards. The light from the hole was not enough to light the passage.

It took the girls a few minutes to find their way through the dark passage before it spewed them out behind a pillar and a statue of armour.

Pirella helped Evrart to her feet before holding the little glass capsule to her head and blowing out the light. Evrart brushed herself down, amused by the puff of dust that rose from the silky fabric of her dress. Pirella sealed the lamp back into the little passage way and returned to the main corridor while Evrart hid in the corner.

She saw Pirella's dark hand wave her forward. The way was clear. Picking up her skirts she dashed forward as if she was in a race. She didn't have long before she was to be given the news, if her father permitted it. If she was not in her room every soul in the palace would be searching for her and it would impossible to return unnoticed.

The two wove through the palace, Pirella scouting ahead. Evrart's blood rose in her cheeks as her heart pounded faster. It was as if each beat was the ticking of a clock, each convulsion of the muscle a step closer to her fate.

Evrart almost collapsed onto the floor as she flew into her room after Pirella. However she had not waited for her signal to move forward. There was someone sitting in her chair at the table in the middle of the sitting room. Her hands were on her knees and she felt dizzier than ever. She lifted her head slowly at the sound of the intruder clapping.

"What a performance," Rupert said with a devilish grin. He was examining her from head to toe and his eyes zeroed in on the scar.

Evrart stopped and stared. All thought processes in her brain ceased to exist.

"What are you doing here?" She blurted out. Evrart wrapped her arms around herself. Her eyes shifted around the room, searching for any other unwanted guests. Someone must have helped Rupert up as his chair was by the wall.

Rupert folded his arms across his chest, "Believe it or not Evrart, I have truly missed your company. I wanted to come see you since you have kept yourself locked away ever since we arrived in this city."

"I don't believe you. Surely the princess makes better conversation than I do," she said unable to look him in the face.

He shook his head, "Why else would I be here? I guess it doesn't matter now, I know why you have been so anti-social."

Evrart pressed her lips together. How had she ever liked this man? He seemed to have no redeeming features whatsoever. He was a traitor and evil minded. She didn't want to have to deal with this now on top of everything else that had happened.

She approached him. Pirella was watching on from the corner in fear, with an unsure if she should stay or go. Evrart unsheathed her dagger which was ever present at her waist whenever she left her apartment.

She held it loftily in one hand as to not be directly threatening but to remind Rupert who had the power. He was a cripple and would not be able to run. Maybe she could give him a matching scar and then Aysi would leave him. She would get a taste of her own bitterness and cunning.

"If you tell anyone then you might just find we have matching pairs," she said placing the tip of the blade on her own forehead in case he didn't get the message.

"Evrart, please," he raised his hands, "I came here to make peace with you. I meant to tell you about Aysi and I. I promise. I feared you would react badly."

"React badly? Ha!" she said in a high voice. She lowered the dagger from her temple and let her arm hang limply by her side. "I do not know what you see in her- and that is not an invitation to start speaking praise for her royal highness."

Rupert's mouth open and shut in quick succession. His gaze followed Evrart as she began to pace. He was here apologizing to her but Evrart could not yet accept it. She still hated him.

"Our friendship ended when you decided that you liked dear Aysi more than me," she let the point of the dagger spin on her palm, "Of all the girls in the kingdom and you had to choose her."

She felt like spitting at the floor. Fury welled up inside of her making her ears hurt and her face flushed.

"I hoped I could be friends with both of you. It's not like I could leave the palace often," he said dejected.

Evrart paused and closed her eyes, "Is Aysi still planning to marry Philip?"

"Are you on first name terms with my brother?" he said inquisitively. Evrart sighed internally, the news was not as far spread just yet.

"Answer the question," she said, her eyes flying open with a new rage.

"Yes," he said after a brief pause.

The point of the dagger pierced the floor with a sharp ring, spinning until it finally fell to its side. 

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