Chapter 1 - Part 1

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Chapter 1

Far to the north, where the sand flew with the wind a boat pulled into a harbour of a city from the Sunlit Sea. It bore goods from the south and a very important message for the King.

"Cormac?" A girl was shouting as she ran across the deck. She was dodging between the sailors with a refined grace and scanning the ship for any sign of her friend.

"Up here Isabel!" A boy shouted down from the crow's nest on the main mast.

The girl sighed and scurried up the ropes. The boy of nineteen gave her a helping hand.

"Isn't it amazing?" Cormac said looking out across the city. A loose smile hung on his face.

Isabel stood up and leant on the railing, "The city is so much bigger than the capital."

"I know," Cormac was gazing out across the thousands of rooftops, "Think of all the opportunities to have a little fun."

He was already picturing himself flying between the rooves in chase of a little adventure.

"Cormac, we already got thrown out of one Kingdom and thank the Ancestors we were given a second chance," Isabel said, folding her arms.

"I was joking," He said as he leaned forwards, "Thank the Ancestors I have you to keep me on track." He kissed her full on the mouth and she wrapped her arms around him.

"Oi you two!" A shout came from below, "You need to get your stuff together and get ready to disembark. Old Captain Kennard wants to take the ship down to the next port before midday."

"Of course," Cormac hollered back.

He grabbed a rope from the mast and held his hand out to Isabel, "Come on."

She took his hand very reluctantly.

"Are you afraid?" He said smiling.

"No," She smiled and pulled them both off the edge of the platform.

Cormac gave a shout of surprise and Isabel squealed with delight as they flew to the ground. Seconds later they touched down to feel the boat sway beneath them. The men aboard were busy hauling crates down the gangway onto land. A tired-looking merchant was overseeing the delivery of his goods.

"I'll go get our gear," Cormac said laughing, "Wait here."

Isabel moved to the barrier and leant on her elbows. She searched the skyline for the palace. It was not difficult to find as the building rose far above anything else in the city. She had a task to complete before she and Cormac were completely free of the King Richard of Dayrius' will.

"See anything you like?" Cormac mumbled in her ear. He had returned with their belongings thrown over his shoulder.

"Well maybe," she said teasingly, "pass me my bag."

He passed it to her, ducking as two men passed carrying a huge trunk that almost knocked him out.

"Okay I think we better get off of this ship before anything else goes wrong," Isabel pulled Cormac towards the gangway. The crew waved goodbye and Cormac and Isabel yelled their thanks. The journey had taken a few weeks and they had been very friendly.

"I guess now would be a bad time to do some roof-running?" Cormac said.

Isabel rolled her eyes and flicked her blonde hair out of her eyes, "We're going to the palace."

Cormac stopped walking and grabbed Isabel by the shoulders. He had an uneasy look on his face.

"Remember what happened last time I went near a palace," He said as he pulled his hand along his neck in a gesture.

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