Chapter 5 - Part 2

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As evening drew closer Evrart finally gave in to her fate. It was no use to continually avoid the palace.

"We better get to the palace," she said to Rupert. He was taking in the market place in the lower city. He seemed very happy to be out an about. While riding he had a sense of freedom that he would not otherwise have with his useless legs. She suspected that he had less chance of leaving the palace while their guests were in the city than she.

He handed the merchant some coins and pocketed his purchase. Evrart raised an inquiring eyebrow but he said nothing.

They were met at the palace gates by two stable hands. Evrart dismounted and handed over the reins. The straps on Rupert's saddle were pulled open and there was the sound of buckles being thrown against metal. Rupert was pulled down and sat down on the steps. They watched their horses being taken away to the stables while they waited for Rupert's servants to arrive. Evrart remained standing after spending the whole day sitting on a horse.

In a matter of minutes Rupert's chair was brought out. It was a strange device that had been built specifically for him. In essence it was a chair mounted on a pair of small carriage wheels. It meant that he could be pushed around rather than carried everywhere which was exhausting for his servants and embarrassing for him.

He was carried from the stairs to his chair and slowly lowered into his seat. A blanket was thrown over his legs as usual. Evrart walked beside him as he was pushed forward by his servant. The wheels squeaked softly on the stone floors. Evrart pushed her shoulders back as she walked and clasped her hands together.

The walked the breadth of the entrance hall before Pirella came charging out of a side corridor. She almost knocked Evrart over.

"Pirella," she said shocked. She nearly walked backwards into Rupert's chair.

"My Lady," she bowed, "I am to take you to your chambers and prepare you for the feast this evening. I just heard that you had arrived so I thought I should hurry to catch you."

She bowed again. Evrart folded her arms. She had been nurturing a fondness for her serving woman but it was evaporating quickly.

"Very well," she said coldly, "I'll see you later Rupert."

She folded her arms and followed Pirella down the side corridor. Rupert waved her goodbye but seemed a little too glad to be rid of her company. A frown set on her face. She hated being told what to do.

"I guess father wants me cleaned up before the feast," she said more to herself than to Pirella.

"I'm sorry my lady but I am under orders," Pirella looked down at her feet nervously as she walked, unable to make eye contact with Evrart.

She remembered her chambers from the last time she was in Bymerrow. She had a large window that looked down at the front gate and a stone bath sunk into the ground behind some screens. The bed was the same piled high with pillows. The apartment was split into three rooms. There was the entrance chamber where Pirella would sleep, there was her bedroom and then there was the sitting area.

Evrart looked at the bath with longing. It had been some time since she had had a proper bath. Pirella seemed to notice her interest.

"My Lady, should I heat the water for you?" she said.

"Yes, you do that," Evrart said as she seated herself down. She poured herself some drink from the pitcher on the tale into a goblet. It was sugared juice and almost too sweet to drink. She would have to see if she could get some wine at the feast. On the table were a bowl of dates and a platter of Ka'ak rolls.

She took a date from the bowl and placed it in her mouth as she stood up. She went into the bedroom where her evening gown was laid out on the bed. Pirella had fixed the split seam on the side from the last feast she had attended in Wyverncastle. It was a shoulderless green gown. The sleeves where skin tight and embroidered with vines. Evrart lifted the sleeve to feel the smooth silk between her fingertips.

She replaced it on the bedspread and went into the other room. Evrart kicked off her shoes and left them by the door. She sat in the window seat and stared down at the courtyard below. In a few days' time the company of King Richard would arrive there and she would be standing at the top of the steps ready to greet them. She played with a loose lock of hair as she gazed out across the city. The sound of steaming water being poured into the bath broke the silence every now and then.

Evrart watched the sun sink down below the horizon and wondered how they were going to arrive. Were they travelling on horseback? Or had they taken the road like they had? The journey would have taken half as long if they had gone by sea but King Talon preferred taking the road and feared for pirates. He did not believe that a ship was any place for a lady.

"Lady Evrart your bath is ready," Pirella's voice cut through her thoughts and she pulled her gaze sharply from the halo of light disappearing from view.

She slipped off of the window seat and walked over to the bath. Her bare feet stuck to stone tiles. Evrart stood still while Pirella undressed her. Evrart took a deep breath as her corset was removed. The clothes sunk to the floor. In her undergarments Evrart stepped into the boiling water. It was not quite enough to burn her skin but she gasped with pain. Her whole body was racked with a bout of shivers. She took another minute before she could continue further into the bath.

She closed her eyes as she sat down. The water heated her up from the outside in. The steam spiralled up into the air around her. Pirella had added some salts to the water because it smelled like roses to Evrart.

While she relaxed Pirella washed her hair gently, pulling out all of the knots. Then Pirella took her hands and rubbed oil into them to make them soft before trying to repair her nails. She had broken many while riding and all Pirella could do was cut them so that they were all even. Candles were lit around the room as the sun had set.

Before the water could grow too cold she left the bath. Water poured off of her clothes which she stripped off. Pirella dried her down with a thick towel before wrapping it around her tightly and disappearing off into the other room.

Evrart squeezed some water out of her hair and ran her hand through the damp curls. The feast could be no more than an hour away. She supposed that Lord Mirilloe who ran the city wanted to give them a proper welcome.

Pirella returned with the green silk gown and helped Evrart to dress. She fixed hair with a simple knot at the back of her net and placed the golden necklace from her father around her neck. It rested on her chest.

"That will be all," she said to Pirella.

She placed a hand on the girl's shoulder.

"My Lady," she curtsied and backed away.

Evrart smiled, "Thank you."

She turned away and began the long walk to the main hall alone. Hopefully she could sit near Rupert who would at least be a laugh. Her steps echoed off the floor as the corridor she was walking down spat her out in the entrance hall. She just had to go through the great doors to enter the hall. She could hear the chatter of people even before the heavy wooden doors were opened for her.

With her most charming smile on her face Evrart entered the feast hall.

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