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Sorry for not updating for literally an entire month (I'm so terrible, I know). School was being so mean to me. Why must you give me so much work at the beginning of the year? At least wait 'till the middle, come on now.

Anyway, I have some super awesome news! :D @denzo21041 is translating this in French! Yay! I didn't think I was cool enough for a translation but apparently I am!

So, this is the last chapter. It took me forever to write because it's super important and it's actually pretty good I guess so hopefully it'll be worth the wait? 

The song up there ^^^ is what Louis will be singing to Harry. I know I can put the video in the lines or whatever, but I don't like the disruption of the flow, so instead it's at the very top mmk.

ANYHOW, enjoy! ;)


Harry arrives at the park at 9:52. He looks around for Louis, but doesn't find anything. Odd.. Was he going to be stood up again?

Why would Louis go through the trouble of writing a letter asking Harry to meet him there then not show up?

Harry checks the time on his phone. 10 on the dot.

He looks back up to see Louis right in front of him, which makes him jump a little.

"Bloody hell, Louis!" he exclaims, his heartbeat trying to regulate. "Don't sneak up on me like that!"

"Sorry." Harry forgot how nice Louis' voice sounds.

Louis takes Harry's hand and leads him towards some bushes.

Harry grew nervous. So far, this didn't exactly seem like his idea of fun.

Behind all of the green was a candle-lit picnic. All of the consumables Louis had out looked unhealthy, but Harry isn't surprised about that. He is, though, a bit surprised at everything else before him- the checkered quilt thing, the bamboo basket, the guitar, and the vanilla-scented candles illuminating everything. 

"Whoa." is the only word Harry can use to describe it.

"Whoa as in 'this is awesome' or whoa as in 'holy shit why is this hot weirdo being so weird maybe I should forget he exists'?"


"Since you're still here, I'm guessing it's the first one."

Harry nods, completely in awe.

"Sit down, then. Don't be shy."

Harry takes a seat on the blanket, and Louis sits across from him.

"How long did you have this planned, Louis..?"

Louis smiles. "A day."

"You set this up in a day?"

"Yep! I was really motivated. I went through a lot of self-discovery, and I realized that I am literally a child and I don't deserve you. Though, similar to a child, I want you, a lot, and I'm going to throw as many hissy fits as it'll take to get what I want. I'm sum, no actually going to be screaming and crying though."

Harry nods, still confused.

Louis hands him a bottle of water, which Harry gratefully accepts; he'd been sweating a lot earlier.

"I have a really long cheesy speech prepared, but first," he gestures towards the snacks. "we dine like kings."

Harry laughs. "I'm sure every king has stuffed himself with endless sponge cakes."

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