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Harry smiles as Luke goes into a laughing fit. Harry rarely makes people laugh- after they connect the dots between his name and profession, that is.

"I can't believe you guys got kicked out! My God, rich people are so sensitive and terrible."

"I know!" Harry shakes his head. "I feel bad, though."

"Bad? Why the hell would you feel bad?"

"Louis went through all the trouble of taking me there just have all that effort thrown away."

Luke rolls his eyes. "Doesn't mean you should feel bad."

"Yes it does."

Luke sighs. "You're too good for this world, Harry."

Harry crosses his arms. "Am not. I am perfectly capable of living here."

"You are not. You're way too nice."

"Am not!"

"Are too. If you weren't really nice, you wouldn't have let me convince you to go on that very first date with Louis and you wouldn't keep going on dates with him."

Harry looks at the concrete. "I'm seriously starting to really like him, you know.."

"I totally knew you would. You two are super cute together, and I have been waiting so long for you two to finally kiss."

"I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon."

"As long as it actually happens, I think I'll be alright, but I'd love for it to happen soon."

"A part of me would too."

Michael's car pulls up to the curb and Luke looks over at Harry.

"You've got another date soon, right?"


"Cool. Where are you going?"

"I don't know yet. Why?"

"Just curious. You should tell me when you find out."


Luke flashes a smile and gets into Michael's car.

Harry's eyes follow the vehicle as it goes down the street and disappears around the corner.

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