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"He asked you to coffee?"


"That's like an invitation for a date, right?"

"I guess so."

"Are you even ready to start dating again?"

"I don't know, Luke." Harry sighs, running a hand through his hair.

"How long has it been since you and Nick broke up?"

"I don't know... three months?"

"Are you over him?"


"Maybe you should say yes. This guy could help you get over him. Besides, it's just coffee. Not like he's taking you to Geoffrey's or something."

"Yeah, but... I just met him a week ago... That was only our second encounter.."

"By going on this date thing with him, you can get to know him better. Come on, H, live a little."

Harry sighs again. He'd love to give Louis a chance, but he's very skeptical. What if he's just going to be played? He can't go through that again. It's happened so many times and he doesn't know if his heart can take it anymore.

Luke thinks this is a great idea though, and Harry really wants to think the same thing, but he can't help it.

"From what you know," Luke says. "What's this guy like?"

"Weird, in a good way."

"That's exactly what I thought about Michael, after we got over our differences."

"That's something I'm worried about, Luke," Harry mutters. "What if we have differences too? What if we never get over them?"

"Your life is gonna be boring if you don't take chances, mate. You gotta crack on to him before someone else does."

"I don't like him like that, Luke.."

"Yeah you do. You're never that shy around anyone, and if you didn't like him, you wouldn't be so worried about this. Don't play me for a fool, Styles, I can see right through you. Not like actually, but metaphorically. You're not transparent or anything you just.. you wear your heart on your sleeve.. Oh, look, Mikey's here. Gotta go, see you tomorrow."


Author's Note: Louis' birthday is coming up and I am very excited. He's gonna be 24 omg he's getting so old my baby.
And there have been like three LushLaws videos today and I am veRY EMO MY GOSH
So, um, Happy very late Hanukkah, Merry super-close Christmas, and Happy also super-close Kwanzaa to those of you who celebrate whichever of those if any.
ily all xx 

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