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"What about this one?" Louis asks, putting a shirt in Niall's face.

Niall sighs and takes the shirt from the brunet. "It's just coffee, Louis. I don't think Harry'll mind that you aren't wearing a suit and tie."

Louis puts his hands on his hips. "I need to make a good impression."

"You were a little... unwelcoming the first time you met him, then the second time you saw him, you made me ask him to go on a date with you. When you went to check his answer, you were bubbly and annoying. The fact that he said yes means his standards are pretty low, and he clearly doesn't expect much from you."

Louis smiles. Niall's pretty right, but it's good that he fits Harry's standards and that he gave him a chance.

"So you're saying I should just wear a shirt and jeans?"


There are a few seconds of silence.

"That's kind of basic, don't you think?"

Niall rolls his eyes. Louis is probably one of the most helpless people ever. Sad to say he's been like this for the entire five years they've known each other.

"Don't take my advice then. Be that weirdo who wears a sparkly tuxedo to a cafe, I don't care."

More silence.

"I should have worn one of those to your wedding."

Niall drops the shirt on the floor. "I'm out."

Louis watches as his Irish pal leaves him to pick out his clothes by himself. He'll have to buy him doughnuts or something later so he isn't pissed off. Louis doesn't like it when he and Niall have any sort of fight or disagreement. It's like World War III only not.

Louis turns back to the closet. He steps inside of it and looks through his clothes. He needs to look his best for Harry.


Author's Note: finals went gr8 thanks for asking
Larry date next chapter hooray
okay bye fam

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