morning kiss?

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Kris P.O.V

she was playin HUG by dbsk sunbaenims and boy do i love this song . i suddenly unbottoned my shirt and gave her a small show and boy she sure was blushing I kinda CHARMED her and I kinnda wave my abs. not kinda but I waved my abs sexily and she was like shocked. the next song is by Rain sunbaenim and i swayed and pumped my hips. after that the song was gee and i dont want to dance it so i just got back ro washing the dishes. she auddenly called me byuntae. i dont wanna let the boys hear about that cause what will they think about me?! I am not one so i said 

WHAT DID YOU SAY/? I SUDDENLY BAMMED HER AT THE WALL and kissed her she was shocked and said many things i really didnt care but she stomped my foot and I yelped she ran to her room and after checking on things I go to my bed. luckily my roomates were fast asleep.

Did I just kissed her? I thought

awww its not my fault her lips were to kissable. nadeunnanmollaaa

i sang and slept.


the next morning D.O woke up pretty early to cook breakfast and everyone was up we ate pancakes .

yaah yedeol ahh hurry up we are going to be late. suho said

ok ill just wash this dishes hyung D.O said.

Noo I can handle It. jannelle said

ya sure?

yes just go :) she said

ok bye. the members said

I walk back at the house and kissed her goodbye. I am sure she is pretty shock by that. so I ran towards the van and we leave.



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