I Hate Being Alone (NovaHD Fanfic)

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   I yawned loudly, sprawled out on my queen sized bed. I opened my eyes slowly, staring up at the ceiling for a while. I finally sighed and pushed myself up off the bed, heading towards the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, not caring about how my hair looked right now. Didn't take much to make it look presentable, anyway. I could do it later. I trudged down the hall towards my kitchen, and shivered as the cold linoleum flooring made contact with my feet. I grabbed a bowl and some cereal and made myself a bowl, sitting down in front of my computer. I sighed again and munched on the fruity puffs. Jordan was already calling me on Oovoo. I accept the call, and was greeted by Jordan, Dan, Eddie, and... James.  I kept munching on my breakfast, ignoring the fact that my crush was on the screen. "Hey, you guys," Jordan started, "I was thinking, today we could go over to James' and do Creature Talk? We haven't done one in a while, and a couple of the..." I blocked out the rest of what Jordan was saying. My mind was definitely somewhere else today. I slurped up another spoonful of cereal and picked up the cereal box, reading the back. Balanced, nutritious breakfast! Helps your kids grow! I studied the rest of the box. "Aleks!" I snapped back into reality when Dan shouted my name. "What?!" I asked, annoyed. "Somebody's fucking crabby," James mumbled, and gave me a crooked smile. I felt my cheeks turn pink. "N-no! I'm not!" I stuttered, standing up and setting my empty bowl in the sink. "So we'll see you at James' in a few hours?" Jordan asked. I rinsed out the bowl, and sat back down in front of the screen. "Umm... yeah. I can," I mummered. Jordan fixed his red cap on his head. "Alright. We'll see you all later. We might have to cancel tonight. But, hopefully we won't have to," Jordan finished. "See ya, everyone!" Jordan logged out, as well as Dan and Eddie. I was just about to log out myself, but James said something to me. "Hey Aleks, if we don't have Creature Talk, you wanna just come over and hang out?" I hesitated before nodding slightly. "I can just come over early," I said. James nodded his head. "Perfect, I'll see you later, dude." I logged off and got up from my seat, headed back towards my room to get ready.

   I've like James for a while. We have been in the Creatures for about 4 years now, and at first I thought James was the biggest asshole on earth.


"Wait, so you're Russian?" James was pushed back in his seat, studying me. I stood awkwardly in front of him. "Oh, um, yeah," I said, rubbing my arm. "Can you speak Russian?" I nodded. He stared at me a second. "Say, 'I'm the biggest weeny in the Creature House." I looked him straight in the eye. "Fuck no!" I rejected. He laughed. "Say it!!" I muttered it under my breath. "I can't hear you!" He taunted. I rolled my eyes and said it louder. "Haha! That's pretty neat, actually," Jordan popped his head in the office door. "Hey, James, you finish editing yet?"  James scrambled back on the computer. "This asshole was distracting me," James said, pointing to me. I turned around and Jordan grabbed hold of my arm, tugging me behind him. "Stop wasting time, Aleks! Go make a video! Have some fun!" Jordan pushed my softly in the back, and smiled big. "You are a Creature, now. Take it to your advantage." I nodded quickly and headed towards my new office. I sat down in the plushy computer chair. I still had a lot of unpacking to do. My computer was already set up on a huge desk, but 2 big cardboard boxes sat in the corner of the large room. A futon was pressed against the north wall, under a big window. A small bathroom was my right, and a closet was on the left wall. I sighed and leaned back. I cant believe I'm here, I thought. Eddie popped his head in the door. "Hey, man," I said as he sat on my couch. "Hey. You likin' it so far?"

  "Other than the fact that James just snitched on me, yeah. I'm feelin' pretty good." Eddie laughed. "He already blamed you for something? He must think your cool. The meaner he is to you, the more he likes you. He's a strange guy," Eddie smiled. "So don't worry. You'll probably be best friends with him in a week, tops." I shrugged. "Hey, wanna help me unpack these boxes?" 

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