Chapter 21: Nyaaa~

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My head spun as I saw everything around me enlarging. Law just sat there, trying to process what was going on; if it was either real or just his imagination. But it wasn't. I was indeed shrinking. I then realised that my body stopped decreasing, now I had the same body as an eight year old. Frantically, I shot my eyes around and watched Law as his face went from a turmoil state to one of comprehension. I narrowed my eyes, waiting for him to clarify, because it was written all over his pulchritodinous face. He opened his mouth to speak but before he could say anything, I crunched my nose up ready to let out a huge sneeze.
"Achoo~" It was quiet and soft, in the contrary my head bobbed down dramatically as if I had just sneezed my life out. The doctor's orbs widened like two big sorcerers, while I just eyed him back in question. Once again, the shrinking started. A tad slower this time, but still noticeable. I then felt a tickle over my head but when I went to touch it, instead of feeling my hair I felt something much softer (almost like fur) and rather triangular shaped. I placed my hand on the other part of my head to notice the same thing. Still locked in discombobulation, I slowly moved my hand to my backside as if expecting something to be there. As I had predicted there was something there, but I have no idea what to say about it. I now rapidly kept sinking into an even smaller size, my head in immense pain - like it was just cracked open. Unconsciously, I shut my eyes close as if to stop the pain. The minimising paused, and this time, I think it was for good. I glanced at Law who seemed to be overly huge, he just stared back with widened and surprised eyes and then, I looked down at myself to see what he was so intensly staring at.
"Kyaaaa!" I screeched, took a couple steps back on all four and fell on my bum. "I'm a... I'm a..."
"Cat" Law finished for me.
"H-how could this happen???" Instead of waiting for his answer, I jumped off the bed running on all four on instinct. I dashed towards the full length mirror and just stood there, looking at the reflection that was supposed to be me. A (fr/c)* coloured baby kitten, with smooth fur, thin whiskers, a long tail and big bright honey like yellow eyes stared back at me. I saw Law coming up from behind, crouching down beside me and petting my head with his enormous hand.
"You're so cute as a little cat" He said in awe.
"You mean this isn't just one of my crazy dreams?!" I screeched once again.
"No, it isn't. I guess I have to explain don't I?"
"That would be lovely of you" I said rolling my eyes.
"You ate one of those lollipops didn't you" He questioned and I hummed in response as he gave out a heavy sigh.
"That candy was the result of Penguin and Shachi's experiments. They like to mess around with my things and somehow they created this a while back" He recalled "Shachi actually tried it out and the outcome was just like yours, nothing to worry about... for now"
"What do you mean 'for now'?" I questioned a bit worried when I saw his mischievous smirk.
"Nothing, just enjoy your time as a cat" He said picking me up delicately and then placing me over his desk. He took a pen with one hand and started stroking me with the other "I have a couple things to do so for the time being just sit back and relax"
I kept quiet and curled up into a ball, purring in the process.
Fifteen minutes raced by and I kind of enjoyed lying on the table, doing nothing. Law slid his chair backwards and placed his pen on the table as I peeked open one of my big feline eyes. Then he calmly strolled over to the door and locked it. I blinked my eyes open and streched my limbs out just like a cat would do, jumping right after, on to the bed. I rolled myself onto my back and kept stretching my whole body.
"Why did you lock the door?" I finally questioned, oblivious to what he was planning.
"Just making sure that unwanted visitors stay out" He smirked, dropping himself on the bed.
"Whatever" I mumbled while I jumped on to his lap "I'm so bored~ Isn't there anything to do?"
"Don't worry, the fun is about to start" My pointy ears perked up at his words as I watched him with curiosity.
But before I could question him, the reverse of what had happened before occurred. I could see myself growing and watch as the (fr/c)* fur vanished from my skin. I grew back to the size of a child. I was still sat on Law's lap, my back in touch with his chest. Then, I proceeded to grow. I could see that my hands went to their original size and as I looked at myself I noticed everything was back to normal, 'size wise' of course. Placing my hands over my head, I realised that the ears were still there and I could also feel the tail brushing against my own back. For a couple seconds, we both stayed silent, taking in the fact that I was in my birthday suit. Before I could yelp or cover myself, there was a little 'poof' with light blue smoke, that surrounded me. I waved my hands around, trying to clear it and letting out a cough in the process. I looked down at myself and let out a yelp, but it was more because of the surprise than embarrassment.
"What the?" I asked out loud. After the blue smoke had disappeared something else appeared, and that something was clothes. Out of nowhere... I guess weird and unexpected things happen in the new world. For a second, I just sighed, wondering where the clothes came from but then, I focused more on the actual outfit. My face exploded in different shades of red; my cheeks along with my whole body overheated. What I was wearing was far from what I would like to call 'decent'. At my feet were a pair of long, black socks that went up to my knees, with little, white ribbons that formed into bows. But now came the uncomfortable stuff. I wore black pants that barely covered anything, which had a little cat head outline printed at the front. White frills were adjusted around the top of the pants with another black ribbon. The long socks and pants were attached with two black lace ribbons that ran down the side of each of my legs. The top was equally as revealing as the pants. I had an extremely short black cropped top which had ruffles around the top and bottom, it also had a massive opening in the middle in the same shape as the cat head from my pants, which revealed practically everything. It had to be a gap of around 10 centimeters big. Furthermore, this top showed a bit of under boob, but by a bit, I mean a lot. Around my neck there was a black chocker with a golden bell attached to it, that jinggled each time I slightly shifted my head. On my arms were a sort black sleeves that weren't connected to the top. These had matching white frills at the wrists and at the top. Finally, wide, white ribbons were tangled around my tail to form a big bow at the top. I was so ashamed and embarrassed that I started to feel my head spinning. Then I realised something... or rather someone. I slowly faced the man whose arms I was in. I didn't need any words, his face said it all. He just looked at me, paralysed, with slightly widened eyes.
"Damn..." He murmured "You look so hot..."
After hearing his smooth voice and looking into those cloudy ashy eyes, the embarrassment was drained out of me, and excitement pumped in.
"Nyaaaa, Lawww. Play with me~~!" I pushed him over with both hands, to be flat on to the bed. A wide grin was plastered on my face, and before Law could do anything, I licked the side of his face multiple times. This urging feeling inside me, was more than strange. It's as if my body was one of it's own, and I couldn't control it. My tail flicked around, tracing around his legs making him groan, as I gave his face a last lick.
"Nyaaa, Law~ That was such a cute moan!" The things I said when I was in this situation, were to never be spoken of, "You look so vulnerable! What happened to that cool and icy personality of yours? Could it be because of me?"
I smirked and rubbed my nose against his, as he answered my rhetorical question.
"You're so hot that you melted it off-"
"Aww, Lawww, that's so cheesy of you" I said cutting off whatever he was going to say next, at the same time giving him a peck on the lips. As our lips parted, the minty smell of his mouth was left lingering in the air. He took hold of my hand and dragged me back down to him, mouths locking once again. While one hand still had a firm grasp around my wrist, the other was placed on my bare skin, slightly and slowly tracing up and down the centre of my back, sending shivers up my spine and small muffled moans. My free hand was cupped on his cheek and my tail flicked and twisted around wildly. The yearning I had for him, his body, his touch, overflowed me, and I got too excited- so excited that I bit down on his lip. I hadn't noticed before but, I had grown small sharp fangs that were now tainted faintly with blood.
"You're a shameless little kitty cat that has to learn her manners" He smirked, touching his own lip.
"Nyaaa, Law~ I don't like that mischievous grin on your face" I mumbled shaking my head, making the bell jingle. Then suddenly, he flipped me on to my back, head flopping onto the big puffy pillow. I was trapped underneath his body and his legs caged my smaller ones. His dreamy eyes wondered into mine, at the same time taking out his hand and stroking my cheek with the back of his slim fingers. Gently and carefully, tracing down my face. Slowly skimming past my chest and the side of my body, keeping his hand there. His lips grazed the crook of my neck, as his sweet kisses trailed up to the corner of my mouth. His provoking touches made me crave more of him, making me so excited that my whole body was trembling slightly in pleasure. Trying to hold back a moan, I ended biting my own lip. You might call this karma. He gave me a cocky grin and licked the small amount of blood off my mouth. Law gave my bottom lip slight sucks and nibbles. I then started giving out shallow pants, my face crimson red of embarrassment and body overheating. Law stared at me with eyes full of lust and passion, his very stare drove me up the wall. His smirk grew wider when he saw my messy state. My hair was spread all around, arms were wrapped around my body as if to stop the trembling, cat ears were droopy and red face was turned to the side, to avoid eye contact. I'm not sure what is wrong with me right now, but I feel sensitive. Like every single touch, even the most minor thing, will make me blush like mad.
"What's up with you, my little kitty cat?" He quirked an eyebrow in amusement "You usually have such a strong attitude... but now you're just... so hormonal"
He gave out a snicker, which then built up to be a light hearted laugh. He totally ruined the mood... Laughing at his own joke.
"Nyaaa~ Law! I don't like you teasing me! Or laughing at me!" I said puffing my cheeks, still blushing like crazy "It's not my fault you make my body feel..."
"Hm?" He smirked, when I trailed.
"YOU MAKE MY BODY FEEL STRANGE THINGS, MKAY?!" I screeched pushing him off me. I took the time he used to recover, to run towards the door. Unlocking it, I opened it and went outside, slamming it behind me. Before I ran somewhere random to hide from Law, I reopened the door and poked my head through, to face Law once again, who was still chuckling.
"Stahp laughing at me!" I chirped angrily, pointing an accusing finger at him. I then threatened "You'll be sleeping alone tonight, of you're not careful!"
"So will you though" He remarked.
"Hmph, I always have Bepo or even Shachi!"
"But will they make your body feel strange things like I do?" Law mocked.
"SHUT UP! You made me say that!"
"How exactly?" He questioned, and before I could answer he continued speaking with a smirk "Why don't we continue where we left, hum?"
"NO!" I exclaimed "You're taking advantage of me! So I'm running away! I'll play with someone else! Oh, and make sure to grab some extra sheets as well, your bed will be very cold without me"
I puffed and then finally left. Before I began walking around, I heard Law going towards the door. He's probably planning to hunt me down or something, so I bolted my way around the corridors. When I was sure that I lost him, I skipped my way to the kitchen to get a drink. Standing on my tip toes, I tried to take a look over the fridge. But all I could see was a glass bottle. I still gave an attempt at grabbing it from its place. Barely touching it with the end of my fingers, I pushed it on its side as it slowly rolled over the edge of the fridge. I didn't screech, I just watched as the bottle fell; then it stopped in mid air. And who was my saviour? It was Law, of course.
"You thinking of drinking sake this time of day?" He questioned, then carefully moving closer to me.
"Nya Law, you do realise it's night" I giggled, completely forgetting about before, "And I thought it was a glass bottle of milk" I said scratching my cheek. For a second we both stayed silent, Law just looked at me as if thinking.
"You said you wanted to play a game, right?" He smirked, as I nodded in approval "How about we play spin the bottle?"

YO! Long time no see... again. But I guess that the update is here.
(/;-;)/ Apologies for the wait.
I promise I'll be quicker with updates. Belive it or not, I'm in McDonald's because there's currently no Internet in my house °-°
*(fr/c) -> fur colour, just choose whatever fur colour you want to have, the same colour as your hair would be ideal.

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