Chapter 13:

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"19" I counted very slowly as I cleaned the last dish.
"______, you've been counting for the last five minutes" Commented Shachi.
"20! Ready or not here I come!" I shouted making my way out of the kitchen. I walked around the sub for another five minutes, finding her will be a difficult task because believe it or not I still haven't completely learnt my way around here and this place is as big as a castle. First I'll go to places that I'm familiar with, like my room. I searched around but there was no one to be found in there so I'll head to Law's room, I once again found no one. Maybe Penguin and Shachi's room. No. My next destination is the control room, I looked inside finding the little brunette sat on the pilot's seat. She had her hands on the control, moving it around. Shachi and Penguin were either side of her telling the girl what to do and what direction to go. We were heading to the surface and Candice was doing a great job on controlling the submarine. I stood by the doorway, watching as we resurfaced.
"Yay!!!" She cheered "I wish mommy was here to see,  I bet she's still looking for me" she giggled
"It'll take her a long time to find you because when it comes to directions,  ______ is a bit of an idiot" Said Shachi
"A bit?! More like a complete idiot" They all started laughing loudly, oblivious that I was now right behind them. I suddenly slapped my hands on Penguin and Shachi's shoulders, the unexpected move scared the three making them jump out of their skins. The laughing instantly stopped when I started speaking.
"You know that talking bad about people behind their backs isn't very nice"
"Oh, no. We're in big trouble"
"We should run away and hide"
"If you're going to run away, you should do it now" I said as the duo grabbed Candice by the hand and dashed out of the room just to bump into Law.
"Oi, you three. I'm looking for my-" he started to be cut off by Penguin.
"Sorry Captain we have no time!" They said running off as I walked out of the room. I looked at him and felt like something was missing, and what ever it was it made him more ... attractive. After a few moments of deep thinking it clicked into my mind, his hat.
"Were you the one who took my hat?" He questioned.
"No" I simply replied
"But you're the only one that would do it, unless" he stopped talking, "That brat, I'm going to rip her head off" he said storming off. Oh, no this is bad. As much as I love watching Law loose his cool, I had to get to Candice before he did. She was probably the culprit. I ran to deck where it was raining gently and the sun was out. I saw Candice with Law's hat on her head, sitting on the railing swinging her legs. I lent over the bars right next ro her.
"Mommy, are you angry for what we said?" She asked.
"You should be more worried about your self, Law won't be happy, he doesn't like anyone taking his hat" I said poking her cheek, taking the hat off her head and placing it on mine "But I'm an exception" I winked.
She pouted a bit and said "I really like that hat"
I giggled "Where did the other two run off?"
"They said they had chores to do"
"Oh, what about excuse" I simply replied as she randomly started squealing, I jerked an eyebrow up at her "Look! It's a rainbow!" She said pointing towards the multi coloured arc "We get them all the time where we live but I still love them!" I took my time to admire it and noticed something, the rainbow ended right at the peak of a mountain on an island. "Maybe there's a pot of gold at the end of that rainbow"
"That is the never disappearing rainbow, even if there is no sun, it will still be there. The island that it reaches is 'Rain island' which is where I live! There's a story about that mountain that my mommy told me, she said that who ever reaches the end of that rainbow there will be a treasure waiting for them!"
"And no one's ever tried going up there?" I asked curiously
"Well it's a very dangerous mountain with wild beasts and stuff. People have tried it before but have never came back" At that moment Law came out, "I thought you said you weren't the one that stole my hat" he grumbled snatching the hat off and placing it on his head as he ruffled my hair playfully.
"Captain guess what! There's some treasure on this island"
"Really?" He questioned raising an eyebrow.
"Apparently there's a myth that where ever the end of that rainbow reaches, there'll be a treasure waiting to be found!" I said eagerly waiting to go on an adventure
"And who told you this?" I pointed my finger towards the petite girl.
"Well, maybe we should go and find out" He said swinging his sword over his shoulder and walking away to make an announcement "Allright everyone! I want you on deck!" He shouted. Seconds later crew members started coming out one by one "Listen up! In a couple minutes we will be reaching 'rain islald'. I don't want you lingering around because this island is filled with marines. So for the exception of me, ______, Penguin, Shachi and Bepo you will all stay here and do whatever you want"
"Aye aye Captain" They yelled and pushed their way back inside.
"What about me?" Said Candice tugging on his shirt.
"You can walk there yourself and get off me" He said slapping her hand away.
"Sorry..." She mumbled under her breath.
"Stop being like that" I glared at him "I'll be taking her to her house"
"I'm going with you then" He snapped
"No you won't, it's easier if only I go"
"If you insist but if you're not back in thirty minutes I'll go look for you, so be careful"
"Yeah don't worry, I will" I said winking "Come on, Candice!"
"Wait! Can I ask you for a favour?"
"Huh? What is it?" I gave her a questioning look as she started twirling her thumbs.
"Um, well you know the treasure that I told you about" I nodded in response "Can you please please take me with you? I've always wanted to go there but my daddy won't let me go "
"Why would a little girl like you want to go to such a dangerous place? "
"Because I want that treasure. My daddy is very poor, sometimes he only has the money to buy food for me" She said tearing up "He has a very hard job and that's why he is almost never at home and I ... and I want to spend time with him"
"If that's what you wanna do, I'll gladly take you there!" I cheered "and I promise to protect you!"
I'll have to stop it there! I do apologize for the late update, I've just been lazy
-_-' Sorry...
But here you have it, hope you enjoyed it. Please remember to comment and vote! Feel free to tell about any mistakes or advices that you have to make the story better!

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