Chapter 7: A beautiful hidden place

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"Will you join me?" He said softly "Will you join my crew?"

"I'd love to, I can't imagine a life without you guys" he gave out a small sigh of relief and squeezed my hand. We stayed there watching the sun disappear into the water, the sweet smell of the tulips surrounding us. Once it was completely out of sight, he placed himself on top of me looking straight into my eyes as he caressed my cheek after a minute or so he put his head over my chest and closed his eyes. My heart pounded faster but soon went back to normal, I feel like I'm the luckiest person alive for having a guy like him by my side. As the dark started to take over the sky Law spoke up "______, we have to meet up with the rest. They're probably wondering where we are" I nodded and we made our way to the submarine still holding hands. We walked over the wet sand leaving two trails of footprints, the cold water sometimes reaching our feet and washing the footprints away. Before we boarded the ship, he grabbed my waist, pulled me closer to his body and lent me back a little. He put his hand on the back of my head and closed the space between us, I placed my hand on his neck as our lips made contact once again, I couldn't help but smile behind the kiss. Our lips moving in total sync, I forgot all about the world around us, right now it was just me, him and the butterflies in my stomach. But there was something that I had to say. Something that I've wanted to say for a while now. We broke apart as I was about to tell him but he stole the words right out my mouth "I love you, ______-ya". I smiled even brighter than before and said "I love you too, Law" hugging him tightly knocking him onto the ground as he started chuckling. He made a 'room' and in an instant we were standing on deck.
"Captain! ______! We were worried!! What were you doing?!" Shouted Shachi
I giggled lightly, "That's for us to keep and you to find out" I said with a wink. The only thing that was gained was a weird look.

※※※※Time Skip/The next day (morning)※※※※

Someone started shaking me lightly, I've had hardly any sleep lately. "Go away Bepo" I huffed in annoyance thinking that it was my furry friend. After a while I realised that it wasn't Bepo because he didn't have paws he had hands. I turned the other way not wanting to be disturbed, whoever it was they started climbing on the bed. Then I felt kisses being placed down my shoulder, I immediately opened my eyes and faced the intruder.
"God dam it Law, let me sleep for 3 more hours"
"Not happening, I need to take my Princess somewhere" he whispered
"Can't that wait for another 30 minutes atleast?"
"Nope, not another second" I pushed myself under the covers but he ripped them off.
"Hey! You can't do that!" I shouted throwing a pillow at his face.
"A pillow isn't going to stop me" I pouted at his stubbornness. But then he started tickling me again, that was my weak spot, I laughed loudly for about 5 minutes, when I had given up.
"Ok, you win, this place your talking about better be worth it... I'm only going if you carry me"
"Simple enough" he said with a grin
"AND I need food"
"Yes, yes" he grumbled picking me up, putting me on his back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he placed his hand under my legs to make sure I wouldn't fall off. He made his way out quietly, noticing that everyone was still asleep. When we got outside the sun hadn't even risen yet but the sky was lit by the tiniest bit of sunlight.
"Did you really have to wake me up this early?"
"Yes ______-ya"
After some time, we reached a path that was full of beautiful blossom trees. I watched as the pink leaves danced around everywhere that the wind carried them. I took a deep breath of fresh air, and looked over where the sun was seen rising. The warm rays hit my face, blinding me for a second or two.
"This sure is pretty" I admitted
"You haven't seen anything yet just wait a little longer" My curiosity rose at his words as I wondered what kind of place he was taking me to. When we got there "Wow" was the only thing I could say. This had to be the most beautiful place in the world, there were more blossom trees but these weren't normal, the leaves had different colours, pink, yellow, green, orange, purple and turquoise, which made it even more special. The big Caribbian-blue waterfall was what made it magical, the drops of water and the sunshine formed a large rainbow that reached to the bottom where there was a huge lake with see through water that enabled us to see the rocky bottom. I admired the sight but all I wanted to do right now was jump in, so before I did, I got off Law and pushed him down. I jumped after him shouting "Cannonball!!!" And making a huge splash as I laughed loudly.

"Thanks Law!" I said embracing him in a hug "This really was worth it!"
"I'm glad you like this" he said lifting me up a slightly so I was a bit taller than him. I placed my forehead on his and put my hand on his cheek, our noses brushing against each other. He looked at me with those stormy eyes that drove me crazy and gave me a warm smile.
"But did you really have to throw me in like that?" I giggled and pushed him back into the water as I swam to the waterfall. I looked behind it to find a cave lit by little fireflies, I slowly swam in and Law followed.

Did you know about this as well?" I asked him
"I'm going to be honest, I had no idea this was here"
"How did you even find this place?"
"A certain someone told me" I smiled and jumped on him giving him a quick peck on the lips not questioning who that certain someone was. Before I could retreat, he took a firm grip on me and stared into my (e/c) eyes, "I've never seen your eyes shine this much before, they are so gorgeous" he whispered. His arms were warm in comparison to the cool water but I shivered anyway as the mist of the waterfall touched my bare skin, he chuckled at the sight. At first I was hearing the water drizzling onto the rocks echoing through the cave and as he pulled me closer to him the sound of his fast heartbeat pounding on his chest was all could listen to. His natural luscious scent filled my nose, along with his minty breath. He moved in closer as I tilted my head to the side and our lips connected. I will never get tired of the taste of his lips, they were sweet like candy. A warm happy sensation overwhelming me, he sucked on my bottom lip and tugging on my (h/c) hair as goosebumps overtook my body. We broke the kiss having to refill our lungs with air, I took his hand and guided him outside side the cave and onto firm ground. He sat down crossed legged against the biggest tree and I laid on top of his legs. He looked down at me so our faces were only a few inches away from each other and I started playing with his damp hair.

"How come your clothes are dry?" He asked
"My devil fruit" I said taping the side of my nose.

"Can you dry mine then?" I nodded and put my hand over him as all the water got sucked out of his clothes.
"Pretty useful, don't you think"
"Yes" he mumbled giving my forehead a kiss
"It's funny how you warned your crew not to get attached to me but if you think about it you're the one that got most attached."
He chuckled lightly and said "You're right, I don't even know why I decided to help you back then but I'm glad I did."
"I would of been long gone by now"
"Well, enough of that, we are going"
I pouted and said "But why?"
"We have other places to go"
"Yup, now lets get moving"


Yeah, ummm, I'm sorry if it wasn't as good as you expected. I have so many ideas I don't know where to put them. Oh and if you watch Fairy Tail you know that I copied the rainbow blossom trees from there >.<...So that's it... I'll be updating soon

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