Chapter 12: Let's play a game

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"Who is she?"
"I'm Candice! This is my mommy! And who are you?"
"Since when do you have a brat?" Said Law a bit annoyed.
"Hey are you listening?! I'm asking who you are" Yelled Candice waving her arms around.
"Law, calm down. She's not really my kid. She snuck on board this morning when we left the island"
"We're not turning around just to drop that off"
"That? Don't be so mean, she's a human being like the rest of us!" I scolded "And we won't have turn around because she comes from the island we're going to next" I pulled the newspaper out of my pocket and handed it to him. "See?" His eyes scanned the paper, seconds later he threw the piece back at me.
"We can always throw her into the sea" he said emotionless. Candice ran back to me and clung on to my leg for dear life and said trembling, "You wouldn't do that, would you?"
"Don't worry, he was only joking around"
"No I wasn't" Grumbled Law making the little girl hug my leg tighter.
"Stop being so rude! She won't cause any trouble!" He looked at me with cold eyes, "Oh, please" I pouted.
"Fine. But if she bothers me in the slightest, I won't think twice about throwing het over board"
"Mister, you still haven't answered my question" Said Candice hiding behind me
"This guy is Trafalgar Law, he's the Captain of this ship" I said answering the question for him, crouching down so I was the same height as her, I leaned in whispering in her ear "He's always being a moody cow and is very stubborn but you'll get used to him"
"He sounds like grumpy old man" I giggled and stood up right "Put all that a side and he's a good guy"
"Tsk" he spat out
"Law, Candice. I want you two to get along with each other, ok?"
"But he's a big meanie and he's vewy scawy"
"Yeah, I know ... but you just have to be patient and get to know him"
"But I don't want to!" I looked at her and came up with an idea
"How about we play a game?"
"Yeah!" She cheered, "What game is it?"

"Mommies and daddies" I said as Law gave me a suspicious look, "I'll be the mommy, Law is the daddy and you can be our child"
"Yay! I love that game!"

I never said I would take part in your stupid game"
"Doesn't matter what you say, you're playing with us" I said
"Oh whatever, just let me give you your medicine"
"NEVER" I yelled
"But doesn't the mommy and daddy have to set an example to the little one?"
"You're taking advantage of the situation ... again" I mumbled as he poured some of the liquid onto a spoon. He placed the spoon right in front of me waiting for me to open my mouth as something clicked into my mind, "WAIT"
"What now?"
"That better not be the stuff you gave yesterday"
"No, this is different so just shut up and drink up"
"Why does she need medicine?" Asked Candice
"_______ is sick so she needs it to drink this to get better" he answered
"Mommy! You have to drink it if you want to get better!"
"You heard the brat" Said Law earning a glare from the little girl.
"Yeah, yeah, I will" I said drinking it.
"It's getting late and you" Said Law pointing an accusing slim finger at me "Have to rest. Do you know what that means? It means that you have to stay in bed until you get better, ok? R-E-S-T. Rest"
"Ok, ok. No need to spell it out and Candy you're sleeping here with me" I said tackling her onto the bed and grabbing her tightly so she couldn't escape my grasp.
"But I don't want to sleep!"
"I don't care, you're now my pillow"
"Why does she get to sleep with you and I don't" Huffed Law under his breath.
"Daddy is jealous again!" I sang as I hugged Candice teasingly, this time she hugged back and stuck her tongue at him as he stormed out of the room.

▪_▪ The next morning ▪_▪

I woke up to the sound of someone snoring, I looked down to find Candice sleeping on top of me as smiled at the cute girl. Her dad must be worried sick and when we return her, the marines will accuse us for kidnapping or something like that. Oh well as long as she gets back home safely. I set Candice down and pulled the covers over her as I rolled myself out of bed, making my way to the door I tripped over something, or someone. There on the floor was Bepo, "Hey" I said shaking him as he woke up "You slept for the whole day yesterday and through the night!"
"I'm sorry"
"AHHHHHH!" Yelled a now woken up Candice "A POLAR BEAR!"
I went over to calm her down "It's ok, he's a good guy, his name is Bepo"
"I'm sorry"
"You've been awake for less than a minute and you're already saying sorry?"
"Why does it talk?! And it's still scary" She screeched
"You don't have to worry he's not going to bite. He's like a big stuffed toy, look" I said jumping on him and giving him a hug. "Come here and touch his furr, he's softer than he looks" Candice cautiously made her way to us and gently placed her hand on Bepo. "He really is!" She chimed.
"I told you, now let's get you some breakfast" I said leading her to the kitchen Bepo accompanying us
"Yeah! I'm starving!!!"
"What will you like to have?" I asked her when she sat down at the table
"Can you do me some pancakes, please!"
"Sure can do" I started making the pancakes when two other people came into the kitchen.
"What is that nice smell?!"
"I think it's pancakes"
Shachi and Penguin sat either side of the brunette girl and said "Good morning Candice, how are you?"
"I'm fine thanks" She responded kicking her legs back and forth, "Good, oh and ______, we didn't tell anyone about her, just like we promised"
"It doesn't matter anymore, Law found out"
"He did?"
"Yeah, it only took a little convincing"
"That's great!"
"Well, who wants breakfast?"
"Me!" They all shouted at the same time as I put down a plate with a tower of pancakes and a bottle of syrup. They instantly dug in, "Yummy!"
"Leave some for me" Said Law as he came in, sneaking up on me and giving me a peck on the cheek.
"Good morning daddy" Greeted Candice. He shot a glare at her words as Shachi and Penguin's mouths dropped open.
"What did you say?" Asked Shachi
"I said Good morning daddy" Everyone stood there silent for what seemed like minutes.
"Can someone please explain?" Questioned Penguin braking the silence. Law didn't look like he would answer the question any time soon so I decided to tell them about our little 'game'
"Oh, good for a minute there I thought this kid was ______ and Captain's daughter from the future" Shachi said in relief.
"You've got a wild imagination" I sweat dropped as I looked over at Candice who seemed to be struggling with the bottle of syrup. I was about to offer help when the lid popped open, she was squeezing it too hard which made it go everywhere. It also somehow managed to reach my face and everyone else's, that includes Law. "Mommy, he doesn't look very happy" She said slowly edging away at the opposite direction of the dark man "It was only an accident, why won't you just laugh? Maybe I should start calling you grandpa"
The girl didn't say any other words because Law had shut her up with one of his death glares. We cleaned ourselves up and finished eating.
"I'm done!" Yelled Candice "Can you play with me now?"
"I don't know, you'll have to ask daddy about that. I'm not sure if I need to rest some more"
"Please, can you let her play with me?" Pleaded the girl
"Not yet" Law answered bluntly.
"Well, if you don't let her, you'll have to play with me"
"Fine, do whatever you want"
"Yay! Mommy let's play hide and seak!" She said running around "I'll hide first!"
"Ok then I'll count to twenty" After I said that she dashed out of the kitchen disappearing from my sight.
I really need to update faster don't I. Well anyways hope you enjoyed it! Comment and vote!!!
Thanks for the 2.5 k views as well!!! Thank you thank you!
See you on the next chapter ^~^

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