Chapter 1: You saved my life

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Hello readers! This is a fan fiction for all of you that love Law, just like me >.<. It's my first time writing a One Piece story but I hope you like it, thanks for your time!
Unfortunately I don't know your name so when you see this _____. That's where reader-san's name goes.
Enough already with me talking, here's the story

I was laying on top of the freezing white snow, as I tried to catch my breath. The snow underneath me was tinted red from my own blood. The sound of the vicious waves filled my ears. The marines were long gone since they lost me thinking that I had set sail, that's because they probably saw my boat drifting away. Why did it drift away? Because I was stupid enough to forget to put the anchor down when I got to this island. There isn't any hope for me, I was shot two times down my right leg and once in my left arm. I'm going to either slowly freeze or bleed to death. The thick fog that was once covering the whole place began to clear out but it doesn't matter because I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. Even tough I closed them I didn't loose consciousness. Minutes after, I heard footsteps, I gave my best effort to look up but I can't even open my eyes.
"Bepo, Shachi, Penguin" I heard a soft voice call out, that made my insides flip. This isn't the best time to think about that but I couldn't help myself, is not like I have anything better to do. "There isn't much on this island so I'm going back to the sub, the log pose will set in a couple hours so be sure to be back by sunset."
"Oh come on Captain," said a second voice "this is a winter island and it's snowing tones, we can have snow fights and build snowmen. Have some fun once in a while!"
"I have better things to do" he said in a bored tone.
"We have such a boring Captain." Another voice whispered.
"What was that?" said the so called 'Captain'.
"Nothing!" Shouted three voices at the same time. It was silent for a minute as the 'Captain's' footsteps got quiter until I heard nothing. I grew desperate for help, I could feel the blood pumping out of me...
"Snow fight!" They shouted, they started giggling but then someone said,
"Shachi, Bepo"
"Yeah?" Two voices said.
"Why is some of the snow red?"
"Maybe someone came past here and dropped ketchup,"
"Don't be stupid Bepo, someone was obviously carrying a bucket of red paint and dropped it everywhere!"
"I'm sorry..."
"You guys, It's blood" There was a pause.
"Look, there's the body," he whispered.
"Wow, she's cute"
"This is no time to say those stupid things! We have to help her, although she is very cute"
'They found me! And their going to help me! But was that comment really necessary?'
"I don't think Captain will be happy..." I heard but I couldn't keep myself awake anymore so I fell into deep slumber.

《《《《《《Time skip》》》》》》

Whispers woke me up from my sleep, well it was more like a whisper/shout...
"Shush! You're going to wake her up"
"You're the one that's shouting!"
They kept fighting until I fluttered my eyes open.
"She's already awake," the voice that belonged to the 'Captain' spoke up. I slowly sat up straight, my eyes were still adjusting to the light. As I lifted my arm to rub my eyes I let out a little yelp in pain, I looked down expecting blood but instead my arm was all bandaged up, "You should take it easy for now, I fixed you.You should be able to walk a bit but not too much." I looked up at the source of which the voice was coming from and HOLY MOTHER OF GOD he was so darn gorgeous! His grey cold stormy eyes locked with mine as I took a good look at him. He wore a cute hat that covered his hair but I could still see strands of dark hair peeking out of the hat. He had a black and yellow hoodie with a rare symbol in the middle, the sleeves were crunched up to his elbows showing tattoos over both arms. Next to him was a large sword that is probably as tall as him. He is so perfect I bet his personality is as well, I stopped thinking and realised that I was still staring at him.
"Oh, right..." I mumbled quietly, I looked away a bit embarrassed an bowed my head slightly, "Thank you, you saved my life."
"Don't thank me, thank the idiots that forced me to do it. Personally, I didn't want to." He spat out and crossed his arms in annoyance.
I was wrong! There I thought he was going to have a beautiful personality but instead he's such a mean guy. I narrowed my eyes at him and looked at the other people in the room. One of them wore a hat that had a red pompom and said 'PENGUIN' on it, the hat formed a shadow that covered his eyes. He had a white tracksuit with the same symbol to the 'Captain's'. The next guy had the same tracksuit on and a green and pink hat that looked like a balloon, I could see some of his red hair sticking out. And last but not least there was a fluffly white polar bear wearing the same tracksuit but instead of white it was orange
Wait! A bear?!
"Captain don't be so rude! Don't mind him, he's always like this. We picked your swords on the way here. My name is Penguin by the way."
"My name is Shachi!"
"And my name is Bepo! What's yours?" Said the bear.
'It can speak as well. I want one!' I thought.
"You're the cutest thing I've ever seen!" I said to the bear, I also noticed the 'Captain' giving a glare.
"I'm sorry..."
"Why are you apologizing?!" Shouted Shachi and Penguin.
"Oh, my name is ______. Thanks for bringing my swords and saving my life."
"Wait, do you mean you're THAT ______, as in ______ THE solitary pirate that ate a rear Devil Fruit. The one that causes trouble every where she goes and has a bounty of 300 million beries?!" Yelled Shachi
"Yep, thats me" I replied simply rubbing the back of my neck.
"They say you are a bloodthirsty demon, that you are the female version of Roronoa Zoro but you look so innocent!"
"You shouldn't believe those rumours..." I laughed nervously as I tried to convince them.
"Well I'm going to check the rest of the
crew and I'll come back later to see how you're doing ______-ya. The next island is a two week journey, so Bepo, Penguin, Shachi, don't get too attached to her we'll be leaving her on that island. The sooner the better."
"You big meany..." Said Shachi
"Whatever, the only reason you brought her here is because she's pretty" he said making his way to the door.
"You think she's pretty?" Questioned Penguin bouncing his eyebrows up and down.
A simple "Tsk" left his mouth.
"He didn't deny it," Whispered Penguin
"Hey, can you at least tell me your name?" I asked
"Trafalgar Law. You can just call me Law"
"Hmmm..." I thought to myself for a minute, "I think Traffy sounds better" He glared at me when he heard the nickname I gave him and slammed the door shut. I talked to the guys for about ten minutes getting to know each other and then this random thought blurted out of Penguin's mouth "I think Captain likes you." He stated.
"He likes me?!" I literally screeched, "Did you see how rude he was being and the glares he gave me?!"
"I agree with Penguin, " said Shachi placing his index finger over his chin, "he was acting too nice..."
"Too nice?!" I yelled
"It was surprising enough that he didn't let you bleed to death. But also, just the mention of the nickname Traffy would get your self thrown out the window or sliced into a million pieces and he just gave you a glare!"
"Well, lets just put that a side... Can you show me to the bathroom, I need to take a shower."
"Sure, Bepo can show you. But first me and Shachi can get you some clean clothes. Since you're the only girl in this sub, we'll just give you some of ours." They went rushing out of the room a few minutes later they came back with some things.
"Here you go!" They said in unison.
"That was quick," I said
"Our room is right next to this one, so if you ever need us just go to the room to the left."
"Wow, I can't believe how nice you are. They say that the Heart Pirates are people that will kill their opponent without a second thought." I said as countless stories passed my brain.
"We never told you that we were The Heart Pirates, so how did you know?" Shachi gave me a confused look.
"Your stupid Captain is famous" I mumbled.
"Oooooh, anyway here are your stuff" they handed me a clean towel, a black short sleeved shirt that had a cute penguin on it and some navy blue pajama bottoms.
"Thanks you guys" I said to them.
"We'll show you to the bathroom!" They both said with a little blood trickling down their nose.
"There's no need to, Bepo will be enough. Oh do you mind guarding the door as well, just in case someone wants to take a sneaky peek."
"Sure" said the white ball of fluffiness.
"That's not fair! What if he takes a look?!" Shouted Shachi
"He's a bear, I don't think he's interested in humans" I responded
"Im sorry"
"Well, we'll be waiting here." They said a bit depressed.
"Ok, bye then" I said following Bepo. After a few twists and turns we finally reached the bathroom.
"Make sure nobody comes in!"
"Yes ma'am," he said sitting down next to the door. I went in the big room and closed the door behind me, I instantly took off my clothes that was still full of blood. The hot water ran down my hair, washing all the blood that was still clinging on to my body. When I was done washing myself, I decided to fill the tub up and pour lots of soap in it to make a bubble bath! I dipped myself in, relaxed and enjoyed the peace and quiet but that peace and quiet didn't last for long because I heard a noise. I lifted my head to see if it was just my imagination but no, it wasn't my imagination. Right there opening the door was Traffy...
"Oi! What do you think you're doing?" I yelled
"Oh it's just you" he said and kept walking in as if there was nothing wrong "I just left something in here that I need back"
"Well make it quick!" I ordered
I noticed that he wasn't wearing his black and yellow hoodie so I guess that's what he is looking for. I was right, he picked up the jumper and shoved it on. He made his way to the door but not before he could take a look at me. I felt my cheeks burn as I screamed "Don't look you idiot!!" I splashed him with a bit of water, more like I threw the whole tub at him. He was soaked from head to toe, his cute hat covered his eyes but I still cought a glimpse of his cheeks that were lightly dusted pink.
"I'm so going to throw you into the sea, " he mumbled
"It's your own fault, how did you even make it in here! Wasn't Bepo supposed to keep anyone from coming in?!"
"He was asleep" he said coldly and stormed off.
I started to get dressed, as I tried to get everything that just happened out of my head.
"Stupid Traffy, does he think he can just come in while I'm taking a bath and get away with it?!" I spoke to myself strapping my two swords to the side of my waist. When I finished, I went out to find Bepo still in deep sleep. Instead of having a go at him for letting Traffy in, I belly flopped on top of him and gave him a squeeze.
"You're fluffier than I expected!"
"I'm sorry" he said
"Can you take me back to the room?" I asked
"Of course!" He flung me around so I was sat on his shoulders.
"Yay!" I smiled childishly as I hugged his head.
We made our way back but before reaching the room we bumped into Traffy. He didn't look so happy but then again, when does he look happy? Let's just say he looked angrier than usual and I think it was my fault for getting him soaked. When he saw me his eye started twitching in annoyance.
"Don't let him get to you, he's just jealous that you're with me." Whispered Bepo. 'So that's why he glared at me when I said that Bepo was cute'
"What are you guys, best friends?" I whispered back
"I'm more like his personal pillow..." I giggled lightly at his words. He was going to leave without saying a word, so I stuck my tongue out childishly at him.
He looked so angry, why is he moody all the time? From now on I'm going to call him Mr. Moody.
And that was Chapter 1! Did you like it? About the Devil Fruit I'm still thinking what type you ate, if you have any suggestions don't be afraid to tell me! Please vote and comment! I will update soon but for now have a good day!

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