Chapter 11: Who is she?

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"I win for the fifth time in a row!" I yelled childishly punching my fist into the air in triumph.
"No way! You must be cheating!" A very angry Penguin said.
"Now, no complaining. Just hand me the money" They both gave me a large bag of golden coins, I smirked as I tested the weight. "Penguin..." I said simply. He sighed and handed me another slightly smaller bag "That's what I thought". I looked over the door when I heard it creaking open, I was expecting a tall dark figure but to my surprise it was the complete opposite. The door was only slightly open enough to show a petite little girl with short brunette hair that was put into two buns on the top of her head. She had brown chocolaty eyes that were welled up with tears as her tiny hands gripped the end of her ripped muddy turquoise summer dress. A white back bag was placed on her sholders with a small white and black striped tiger teddy that peeked out of it, she had to be around five or six years old. For a long minute me, Shachi and Penguin just stared at her until she spoke "A-a-are y-you good o-or bad peop-ple" her cute voice trembled in fear. I could see the sadness in her eyes, not only because she was crying.
"Yeah! We are good people, there's nothing to worry about" She loosened at my words trusting what I just said, came rushing to me and gave me a big hug. I felt the need to take care for her like if she was my own daughter, even though I've never met her before I could feel a special connection between the two of us "but what are you doing here?" I asked curiosly.
"P-pretty lady, please help me!" she said as the tears rolled down her cheek "Some bad scary people took me away from my papa. They said that they would take me back but I don't believe them"
It must of been pirates that captured her, "and why did you decide to come on this ship?"
"There is a smiley face on the flag of this ship, I thought it would be a friendly place" I sweat dropped at this and Shachi and Penguin laughed at the poor girl, I shot a glear at them to shut them up.
"Would you be so kind as tell me your name?"
"It's Candice"
"Candice! That's a beautiful name" Her face tinted red as she twirled her thumbs around and mumbled 'thanks' "So do you happen to know the name of the island that your papa was on?"
"No but I have a newspaper that talks about me, I don't know what it says because I can't read yet" she said pulling out a ripped page and handing it to me. Before I could read it Penguin snatched it out of my hand, "Wait ______, you don't plan on helping her, do you?"
"Of course I'm going to help this cute little girl! What do expect me to do, throw her into the middle of the ocean?!" I said over exaggerating "Penguin, I never knew how heartless you were"
"I'm fine with it but what will Capt say about this?"
"He doesn't have to know..." I mumbled a deadly aura surrounding me.
"WE WON'T TELL A SOUL ABOUT THIS!" They shouted in unison
"Good boys, now I'll be reading this" I said taking the piece of paper once again and leaning back on Bepo who has been snoring the whole day.
"On Wednesday the 19th of December" I read out for everyone to hear "A group of fifteen children from 'Shower Island', the island where it rains all year round in the New World, had gone missing. The marines immediately launched a search mission, and fourteen children were found this morning being held captive by the 'Shadow Pirates'. The pirate crew led by Captain Kikaru" I spat out, Kikaru was that guy. I wish they had executed him in the spot "The children were retreaved safely and the entire crew was imprisoned. We have no report on the remaining child, her name is Lopez D. Candice, she is six years of age and is now being searched for. That's all it says"
"This is pure coincidence but I found out that the next island happens to be Shower island" Said Shachi
"See? Everything worked out!" I cheered
"Yeah, yeah, whatever" Mumbled Penguin.
"______? Is that your name?" the girl said tugging my dress
"Yes it is"
"You were on the newspaper too, I saw a picture of you on it" She said flipping the page around. I was shocked! How did they find out so quickly?!
"What is it ______?"
"They already know! I'm so doomed!!!" I cried slapping the piece of newspaper on their faces as Shachi started reading the other side "It's believed that the infamous bloodthirsty pirate ______ ______ has joined the Heart Pirates because of this she will most likely cause a big amount of trouble in the future" Underneath the writing was a photograph of me, staring into the camera with cold eyes as strands of my (h/c) hair fell on my face, I had to say I look good in that picture "BUT DID THEY REALLY HAVE TO RAISE MY BOUNTY?!?!" What used to be 200 million berris was now an impressive 300 million berris, when it comes to bounties I rather have low one "I'm gonna have extremely strong bounty hunters after me now!"
"Don't worry I'll protect you!" Yelled Shachi.
"We'll be leaving to some chores...again... and we will be back soon"
"What! So suddenly and so soon?!
"Yes, sorry ______"
"Ok, but don't tell anyone about the little girl!"
"We won't"
"So Candice" I said facing the girl that was sat in front of me "I think you need a wash and some new clothes" She gave me a slight nod as we walked to the bathroom that I have in my room. After giving her a good scrub, I told her to relax in the bathtub while I pick something she could wear. I grabbed a (c/c) shirt out of my closet, it fit me nicely and was a longer than normal shirts so for the six year old it would fit her like a baggy dress. I changed clothes too putting on pyjama shorts and Law's hoodie that I like to wear at night. "Candice, I'll leave this here so when you're ready to come out you can put it on yourself, I won't leave the room so call me if you need anything!"
"Thank you ______"
"It's okay, Candy" I said giving her a new nickname.
She giggled and said "My mommy used to call me that!"
"And what does she call you now?"
"I don't get to see her anymore because she died but it's okay because she went to a nice place called heaven"
This girl is strong she is fully aware of her mother's death and still she held her head high.
"My mommy went to heaven as well" I told her.
"I bet they are really good friends!"
"Yes, I bet they are" I gave her a sad smile and left the bathroom, I went over to my bookshelf deciding on what book to read when someone crept up on me placing their arms around my waist and their head on my shoulder I looked over to see Law and from the corner of my eye I saw the door to the bathroom once again creaking open, Law didn't notice it so I thought it would be fine. His face dug into my neck as he started giving me light kisses, I smiled and his husky voice spoke up "______-ya~" he whined, this new attitude of his took me by surprise "How many times do I have to tell you that you should be resting?"
"I don't like staying in bed looking at the blank ceiling"
"Well go to sleep then"
"It's too early to go to sleep"
"Why are you always complaining... You look so cute wearing my hoodie, why do you always wear it to sleep?" he whispered tightening his grip around me with only one hand, the other one made it's way up to play with my silky hair. "Because I like it and also because it smells like you and you smell so nice"
"If you sleep in my bed you won't have to wear it just to be able to smell me" He said and softly bit my ear making shivers go down my spine. I played innocent and said "But if I sleep in your bed where will you sleep?"
"In the same bed, with you"
"And how will I know that you won't do any funny business?"
"Because I won't do any funny business"
"But what if I try?" He said seductively
"Well-" I was cut off when someone pushed us apart, it was Candice. Dammit, we're doomed. Again. She walked in front of me, faced Law, who was a bit confused, and lifted her arms protectively. She looked kind of mad for some reason.
"What are doing with ______?!" She demanded. He opened his mouth to speak but she spoke instead "She is MY mommy now so keep your sticky hands off her!" For a minute we just stood there waiting for someone to speak and it was Law who broke the ice,
"Who is she?"
There we go!!! Hope you liked it!!! Don't forget to vote, comment and stay tuned for next the chapter ... I sound like I'm in a radio show ... ASTA LA VISTA!

{Reader x Trafalgar Law} One Piece ~ DISCONTINUEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon