Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven: A Promise is a Promise

I was sitting in a tree, high up enough to see a good portion of the forest around me.

"You'll catch a cold up here dressed like that." A voice behind me teased and I looked over my shoulder to see my favourite silver haired dove. He placed his black coat, the one with a cool buckle around the high neck piece, over my shoulders that were left exposed by the deep blue night dress I was wearing.

He sat down next to me on the branch that was surprisingly sturdy for being so high up--far--from its roots. Then again, this is a very large tree. "Then you'll just have to nurse me back to health, just like the good ol' days." I joked while pulling his coat tighter against my small frame.

He gave me an unimpressed look. "Or I could just take my coat back and leave you here to freeze."

I hugged the coat and shuffled a little bit away from him. "NO! Mine." We shared a laugh. "and besides you're my Paramour, so you have to take care of me." I looked up at the moon with a contempt look gracing my face. "Remember, you'll die if I fade away."

"I won't just die, Miyako." He gave me a serious look before it morphed into a sly grin. "Remember the promise we made?"

I chuckled and playfully punched his arm. "Of course I do."

I was about thirteen or fourteen, and by then father was still gone. Never to return, all because of that retched brother and sister of his. To hell with the 'main' Kurans, to hell with them all. Those were my only thoughts for years.

Today was my birthday, more specifically the day father found and rescued me, and I was alone once again. That is, until three people decided to visit and wish me well. "Little Dove! Haha! Maria!" I cheered, a rare smile gracing my face for the first time in ages.

The three silver haired people grinned back at me, the youngest--Maria--jumping on me as they all wished my a 'happy birthday'. I lead them inside, calling for the maids to bring out some tea, and we all chatted happily. "Really?! You'll all stay here from now on?" I asked eagerly, jumping up and down on the couch.

"Yes, Miyako, we will be. The hunters finally gave up on searching for me, for now, so I can finally stay in one place." Haha answered with a sweet smile that she only showed to the three of us. She never showed it to father, actually they hated each other, but they never fought in front of me. Argued, maybe, but no blood was spilled. they decided to take turns raising me--as acquaintances--because Shizuka, Haha, didn't think father could handle the future 'girl problems' she says I'll have. Not sure what she means by that, but I'll just go with it.

Maria had fallen asleep by the time the sun began to raise, Haha went to check on how everything's been doing with the maids--reading through reports that my maids had to write every week--and I was still wide awake with Ichiru. He was a human too, so we never forced him to become accustomed to the vampire sleep schedule.

So we decided to play tag in the yard, but I got tired quickly and now we're just sitting at the chairs and tables set out in the yard. "Hey, Ichi-kun, did you know... you're really short." I commented and he huffed at me.

"I'm still growing, that's all."

"Oh really?" I teased. "What if you're stuck at this height forever?"

"I won't be." He argued. "I'll bet on it."

"Alright, if you don't become taller than me by the time we're both older you'll have to be my servant forever." I grinned confidently.

He grinned back at me. "Fine. But if I become taller than you by then, or before then, you'll have to marry me."


"I guess I lost the bet, huh?" I laughed. "Then again, I wouldn't really call it a loss. A Promise is a promise after all, and this one I don't mind keeping." I winked at him playfully before I leaned back and hung upside-down on the branch before flipping down and landing on the ground with a thud. "Come on, before we get call out on by your brother for breaking curfew. Unless you want that?"

The sound of his feet touching the ground was my answer and he was soon walking side by side with me till we had to split to our respective dorms. "I'd rather avoid that, teasing him is fun and all but you'll be dragged into it. I don't want that." His sweet comment earned him a peck on the cheek.

I walked into my room to see Persephone fast asleep in Adam's arms, seems he snuck over again. On my bed was a little girl with freakishly long silver hair sleeping away in one of my old white night dresses. I kicked off my shoes and dropped Ichiru's coat on a chair before popping down next to the little Shizuka.

It was funny to see her so small and curled up in a little ball while she slept. "Nighty night, Haha."

The morning was full of ruckus from the classroom down the hall. It was somewhat understandable, Ichiru was now officially enrolled into Cross Academy and his classmates--mainly the girls--were squealing like baby pigs. He was placed in the class a year under because Zero had a condition before letting him enroll; he had to be kept an eye on.

I could feel eyes watching me intensely, but that was to be expected, after all the school believes me to be a vampire now. All thanks to Yuki's big mouth and that damn Kuran getting in the way of the plan.

The headmaster was seated behind his desk with a unusual seruous expression. Behind him was the new teacher, Tōga Yagari, and that annoying Yuki. "Now, Index, would you care to explain why you were with Hio Shizuka and what your intentions were tonight?"

I crossed my arms and leaned against the side of the person standing beside me, Ichiru. "I was simply going along with the orders of the person who saved my life." I lied smoothly. The best way to get away with a lie, is if you yourself believe it is the truth. "After all neither I nor Ichiru here are vampires."

"That's a lie!" Yuki shouted as she hid behind the headmaster and teacher. "I saw your eyes glow!"

"You also saw the candle I was standing next to, a simple trick of the light." I stated nonchalantly. "Honestly, and this is coming from someone who didn't even know the difference between a Level-E and an aristocrat."

"What did you just say to me?!" She shouted.

I looked the headmaster dead in the eyes. "You raised a spoiled brat, no offence to your parenting skills, but she's a brat." Ichiru nodded in agreement beside me.

"I'm right here you know!"

"And I really don't care." I looked to the headmaster. "And if we were vampires, you would have sensed it by now, mr. Vampire without Fangs."

I let out a sigh at the memory of what transpired two nights ago. I looked up and out the door to see Ichiru's class huddled around him and his sweet boy act. I shifted my eyes to see Yuki giving my suspicions looks that she failed miserably to hide. "What an annoyance..."

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