Chapter Six

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Chapter Six ~ There. There Now

It was a snow blanketed day, but the air was clear of falling frozen particles that created what we called 'snow'. Much different from the day my life was forever changed, but very similar.

I had just turned six years old and was now running around in the garden of the mansion with a smile on my face as wide as half of the circumference of the moon. I was wearing a red coat that was wearing down from being worn out in the snow and rolled around in too many times.

Father was walking out of the house towards me, a blue wrapped box in hand. When I saw him I ran over to meet him half way before hugging his legs. "Welcome home dad! How was your trip to northern cities?" I asked.

He chuckled and ruffled my hair before bringing me to the porch so that we could sit on the snow cleared steps. "It was for business, not for fun, Miyako. But I did find something interesting while I was there." He handed me the box. "Open it."

I did, and showed the wrapping paper no mercy, though being careful not to litter. Inside was a deep blue coat with white fur lining the bottom edge, sleeves, and the oversized hood. When I lifted the neatly folded coat from the box, a silver shine caught my eye.

At the bottom of the box--under the coat--were five silver pendents, each with its own carving. One had a carving that appeared to be the alchemy symbols for water, earth, wind, fire, and the last for what appeared to be ice.

I looked up at father. "They're so pretty. What are they?" Curiosity and awe filled my doe like eyes as I stared up at the man with tangled hair.

He laughed under his breath and placed the pendents in my free hand. "They are for you to give to the chosen five that you hold dear." He gave a rare smile.

"What for?"

"So that they could..." his words faded and so did the peaceful scene surrounding me.

I was woken up by someone shaking my shoulders and a worried voice calling my false name. "Index?! Index, wake up!"

"I don't see any bite marks on her, so why would she be here?" Another voice spoke.

I slowly opened my eyes to see two familiar people hovering over me. The Guardians.

I slowly sat up, with the help of Cross when I started to tilt back and forth from the blood suddenly rushing down from my head. "Where am I?" I plaied as I placed my hand on my forehead.

"The wooded area of campus, what were you doing sleeping here?" Cross asked and I looked into her brown-red eyes.

I then looked up to the silver haired grump. "I don't know..." I uttered out, but really, I had a faint idea.

With a sympathetic look, Cross helped me to the nurse's office and got permission for me to skip today's classes. After all, I'm a 'sickly and weak student who needs plenty of rest' according to the overly kind girl to the point of almost seeming fake.

Either way I staied in the nurse's office till lunch had just ended. I walked out and wondered back to my dorm as I was still in my night clothes from my trances induced night stroll into the woods.

After I changed into my casual clothes--jeans, a black sleeveless top that has a high neck, dark combat boots and a long coat with buckles and chain details. I decided to go into the town near the school for the rest of the day.

After I hopped the high gates I strolled down the dirt road to the bustling small town. It was a quiet stroll and that's what bothered me the most. I hate silence.

It always came with the feeling of vulnerability and withdrawal. Like I was going to be swallowed up by my own umbra that always loomed over my shoulders with every turn and step I took in everyday life.

Silence was all I had after I was left for dead by the woman who was to raise me. It was all I had every single time my father left for business, and it was all I was left with when Zen told me of my father's 'death' before dying in my arms.

To shake away the solemn feeling ghosting over me I started humming the tone that plaied from my music box. The song that calmed my dreams and heart.

The wind whistled as I walked, as if to sing along to my humming, and I soon found myself in the town full of humans and... vampires. Of course.

I explored the town, getting an ice cream while I was at it, before I found myself at an abandoned church. As my boot clad feet were greeted by cold stone, my eyes were welcomed by the sight of a dead Level-E, my ears rung with the sound of a gun firing.

Kiryu Zero, Cross Yuki, Shiki Senri, and Toya Rima all were present around the pile of ashes that were once a blonde Level-E. Kiryu was still holding his gun to the ashes before walking away, leaving Cross on the ground and for the two aristocrats to bring her back to the academy.

I was both surprised and thankful that they had either not noticed my presence or just decided to ignore me as they left.

I soon left in toe as well, not wanting to delve further into the carriage that was sure to lay in wait if I had. However, before I left, a black raven with red eyes had caught my eye. (A/N: I don't know if it's a crow or raven but I'm going to go with raven because... DC.) It flew away when it caught my sight, but a small blue bird with black around the eyes. A masked gnatcatcher.

The small bird flew three circles around me before flying off at eye level. I followed the cute bird and found myself at a small cabin that I knew was filled with familiar warmth.

The little masked gnatcatcher flew into the cabin through the window and I went for the door. I knocked at a classic tempo that was often used as a 'password' by little children and added three more knocks at the end.

The one to open the door was a woman with bright violet hair and green eyes. The woman smiled, her petal pink lips curled up softly in contrast to her twin sister's sinister red lips. (A/N: who can guess who the twin sister is? Hint: name starts with a C and has three kids.)

I smiled back at the woman and greeted the common class vampire. "How have you been, Caroline?"

She ushered me inside and over to the white Victorian couch. "I have been wonderful since you aided me in having this cabin built for me and my family." She sat across from me in a rocking chair. "My little Kana hasn't been too much of a handful, has she?"

I nodded my head. "She's doing just fine, though I would like to know," I leaned forward, "how far in education did she get before coming to work under me?"

Caroline sighed sadly. "She was picked on quite a lot by the other vampires--mostly by her cousins--and dropped out of school at the age of nine. From there she refused to learn all together." The green eyed woman's eye went from dull sadness to glittering gratitude. "But then Rido-sama came here to have dinner with my husband and offered her to become a maid for you, Miyako-hime. I knew of the extensive library at the mansion and he gave permission for her to use it."

And since she only came to some of my tutoring sessions she's got just under the education level she should be at... My thoughts saddened me till a thought came to mind. "Caroline, would you be fine with letting me take Kana to Cross Academy with me? If so can you along with Yana also watch over the mansion in her place?" I asked, also mentioning her wife as I offered up my idea.

A single tear rolled down from the woman's eyes. "Really? Truly?!" She stumbled out of the rocking chair and embraced me tightly. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Oh thank you, Miyako-hime!"

I patted her back as the thirty--in appearance--year old mother sobbed into my shoulder. "There. There now."

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