Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight: Blood

I woke up to see that masked boy placing a blanket over me. I sat up and smiled at him. "Thank you, but I'm alright, Ichi-kun." I grinned at him when he gave me a look.

The boy sighed and took off his mask to reveal his familiar face. "I can't get anything passed you, can I?"

"Nope." I pulled him into a a tight embrace. "Missed you, my little Dove." He hugged me back tightly.

"Stop calling me that already, I'm not a kid anymore." He said and I just ruffled his silver hair playfully.

Maria walked into the room and smiled at me. "Miyako-chan!" She cheered and jumped into my arms when Ichiru moved out of the way. "You're finally awake!"

"She's only been asleep for an hour, Maria." Shizuka said as she walked over from who knows where. "Sorry Miyako, I got carried away."

I patted Maria's head and let her cling to me after I moved her to sit next to me. "No its alright, I can't die, remember?" My tangerine shaded eyes glowed a soft pink colour. "Ne, Haha?"

Shizuka shook her head, but looked at me seriously. "Has that person shown them self to you recently?" I nodded and looked down at my hands that were resting on my lap.

"Her song called out to me a few nights ago." I started huming the melody that had drawn me out the the woods that the academy gates surrounded.

"I see, you know what this means, don't you? Miyako?" Shizuka stepped closer to me and held my face up with the gentle touch of her hand on my cheek. "Index is nearing her end in you soul. She's ready to be set free at last. Have you chosen your Paramour?"

I nodded. "With your permission,  I hae chosen and he has consented." I looked to my right and Shizuka followed my eyes to see that they lead to Ichiru.

She smiled softly. "So that is why you have been so adiment about me turning you." She walked over to him and caressed his cheek with the hand she had used to hold mine. "Very well." She bared her fangs and drank one gulp before releasing him.

"Ichiru!" Maria said worried as he crumbled to the ground in pain. I stood up to walk over to him.

I kneeled down and pulled him close as to comfort him through the transformation. He gripped my clothes tight and buried his face into my stomach while he held in the pain filled cries that threatened to rip through him.

I stroked his hair as a means to lessen the pain. We staid like that for awhile, Maria having to bringing me water or snacks every few minutes. When he was no longer in pain he had fallen into a deep sleep. "Sorry for this, Haha. For picking someone you cared for, I know you didn't wish for him to fall into the same fate as your lover."

Shizuka walked over to me and kneeled down behind me, draping her arms over my shoulders to pull me in close as she rested her head on my crown. "I hold no hate words you, after all... none of your former human servants have come close to falling into Level-E."

"That is because my blood... is eternal." In that moment I felt Ichiru shift and climbed up to sit higher and bring his face into my neck.

Tonight... we shall waltz on blood and bonds.

I decided to go for a walk instead of class tonight. As I was about to leave the halls a smell captured my attention. Blood.

It was a sweet and light scent that tempted even a Pureblood as myself in to giving into the 'hunger'. I shook my head to attempt to clear it and headed back to the class. This smell has got to have those lower level vampires going crazy by now.

I entered the class expecting to see Chi  on the brink of falling to Level-E but they were calm. It was odd as Chi was a Level-D making her more susceptible to fall into the clutches of hunger. The class was rather calm.

After I had put away some of their questions aside and gotten them to concentrate on studies again, I went next door to check on them as well. Kawa Taki was a Level-C but she was completely calm as well which I found strange. It was as if these two girls were used to the scent and that it was now no different from the air itself to them. Very odd.

I looked at the new transfer, Zen, as the smell of blood flooded the classroom from outside. She wasn't going out of control, even though she was a Level-D, but her eyes. Her golden eyes had gone dull.

Her friend hasn't shown up to classes lately, but that was none of my concern.  I walked up to the snow haired girl and shook her shoulder. "Oi, Level-D. Oi." She was unresponsive, just staring out into space.

"What's wrong, Aido?" Takuma asked as he walked up to me with the others following.

I pointed to the short haired girl. "She's not responding to anything, it's like she's in a trance or something."

Her mouth began to move and I just barely caught her words. "Hime... has... been.... freed..."

"What does she mean by that?" Ruka questioned. "Who is this 'hime' she's talking about?"

Rima finished her Pocky. "Maybe the person who turned her?"

Akatsuki looked out the window with his arms crossed as usual. "I have a bad feeling about this." He stated and we all found ourselves nodded in agreement.

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