Chapter Two

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Chapter Two ~ New Name

It's been two years since Miyako had begun to live under the same roof as Rido. Her bruises and scrapes to healed within a night in his care. Two years of friendship--of having a father--in her eyes.

She was now seven and it was another cold winter night. It was far past her bedtime, but she didn't care. Rido had stepped out of the house in the morning and so she had decided to wait for his return.

She had her head resting on her arms on the glass coffee table, sitting on her knees on the hardwood floors. Miyuki was fighting sleep, her lids threatening to fall. In the end, sleep had won the battle and she was out cold.

Moments after Miyuki had fallen asleep on the coffee table, the door opened and in strolled the Pureblood she had been waiting for. Rido walked over to Miyuki's sleeping form with a sour frown. "I told you not to wait for me." He muttered, more to himself rather than the girl sleeping peacefully.

Shaking his head, Rido picked up the seven year old and strolled out of the living/greeting room to head up to the bedroom floor

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Shaking his head, Rido picked up the seven year old and strolled out of the living/greeting room to head up to the bedroom floor.

He placed her into her bed and tucked her in, careful not to wake the child from her peaceful slumber. "Sleep soundly, Little Miyako." He gently stroked her hair before placing down a resin encased pendent in her hand.

The little girl stirred in her sleep, a pained look appearing on her face. Another nightmare. Raido thought to himself and pulled out a small wooden box from the wooden night table drawer. He placed the box next to the lamp, close to the bedside drawer, and opened the box before leaving leaving. A soft melody played from the music box and Miyako's face calmed into a slight curved smile.

Little did Rido know, he had a gentle look in his eyes that he hadn't yet realized was there.

Time passed and as it did, Miyako grew to see Rido as even more of a father that she loved with all her heart--though in reality, it had only taken her, and her innocent heart, a handful of days to warm up to him. He was the closest thing to a parent she knew.

Rido had raised her for years, but then he disappeared. Miyako sat on the balcony of her home, clutching the pendant around her neck as she watched the sun dip down into golden hour. She remembered his words before he left. "I'll be home soon. My foolish little brother and I need to have a talk." And with a pat on the head he was out the door with several servants following behind him.

"It's been a week now... I'm starting to get worried." She found herself mumbling, after all, she had been abandoned once before by a parent. Loneliness. Fear. Those were some things she was all too familiar with.

The feeling of being left behind... Maybe... he abandoned me too. Miyako shook her head violently to shake away her depressing thoughts. No! He promised he would be back! He said he'd never abandon me. I trust him.

The doe eyed girl stood up as she spotted a figure limping towards her. It was one of the Level-E's that had left with Rido. Yes, he had explained to her of the basics of vampire rankings, but nothing more. Miyako ran to the vampire and kneeled next to his fallen form. This one had taken care of her when she fell ill and Rido was away on business. "Are you alright, Zen-kun?!" The young child panicked. "What happened to you? Where's my father?"

The man looked at the trembling girl beside him with sad and tired ash brown eyes. "Lord Rido was killed by his brother and nephew..." he coughed weakly. "I am afraid I am due to turn to dust as well." The man looked up at the child. She was frozen in shock, tears streaming down her cheeks without her knowledge.

The dying Level-E reached up and wiped away her tears. "Do not cry, Miyako-hime. Lord Rido is slowly regenerating in hiding. It will take years, but you will see your father again." He poked the pendent she was wearing. "That pendent has the gladiolus flower encased in it. The flower of strength. So stay strong... milady..." with that, the vampire blew away like dust in the wind.

Miyako whipped away the remainder of her tears and stood up, looking towards the direction the, now, dead Level-E approached her from. Towards where her father had walked to his demise. She clenched her fists in frustration. "I will wait for you... I will rebuild your reign... I will carry on the strength you left me... father." With those last few words as her vow, Miyako went back into the mansion, with a handful of ashes to place in a praying jar and a heavy heart, once again.

Years passed and Miyako found herself sitting in a classroom with humans. She had even changed her name. Wearing a red and black uniform, her pendent tucked under the buttoned up blazer, and her light brown hair still kept in its usual two loose braids. After all, that was the only style Rido knew how to put her hair in.

"Ka Index?" A teacher called from the door of the classroom. Said girl looked up as she paused in her writing down the math lesson and looked to the classroom entrance. "The headmistress would like to see you, now."

She nodded her head and gathered her things before leaving her front row seat and following the warm skin toned woman to the headmistress' office. Once there, the teacher returned to the lounge, as it was her spare during this period after all.

Miyako, or Index, knocked on the door before entering when the voice inside beckoned for her to step in. Inside was a red haired woman in a power suit sitting behind a neat, clean desk with rows and rows of books on the wall behind her.

The red haired woman fixed her glasses with a push of two fingers as she gestured for Index to take a seat. The young girl did and her orange eyes looked into the framed green ones before her. "You call for me, Headmistress?"

"Yes, Ka Index, I would like to congratulate you. You have been given a invention to attend Cross Academy." The headmistress placed a red sealed envelope in front of the girl. "Will you accept?"

Index acted as though she were surprised and as though she were thinking it over, but really she already knew her answer. "Yes. I accept, I will go clear out my locker and head home to pack now." Index stood and headed to the door.

She stood there and turned to bow to the headmistress. "Thank you for everything, Headmistress Sutcliff."

The headmistress nodded and watched as the girl disappeared through the door. "You truly are a strange child, Ka Index." The headmistress found herself mumbling before going back to her paperwork.

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