Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine: Hiding

I walked to class feeling contempt. I had a black suede choker around my neck to hide the marks I had gotten last night. I'm sure the Night Class had caught the scent of my blood, but since my scent is unknown to them--aside from my maids--I was in the clear.

Today was the day for exams and Persephone was back just in time from the. She had introduced him to me this morning when I woke up to her getting back and tossing her luggage around like a child. He was a nice guy with long cocoa brown hair and a thick Romanian accent. He seemed familiar, but I brushed it off--he could just have one of those faces.

The exams were easy, but then again not everyone had a Kuran as a tutor/father with connections to ensure that education didn't suffer if he were ever to be gone from my life. Always overly cautious and prepared; I'm very grateful for it. I had learned how to defend myself if every needed--I had trained myself double as hard when he never returned home--as his philosophy was "if you are protected, but you're useless, then what would be the point of being protected" and that was a philosophy I followed as well. He had never spoken those exact words to me, but I had heard him say them while watching over the servants' training.

Walking back to the dorm, I was stopped by none other than the 'last Kuran' and Moon Dorm President, Kuran Kaname. "Ka Index, my I have a word with you?" He had asked me, but his eyes were trained on the wrapping I had around my neck.

"Eyes up here, Kuran-san." I forced out a polite smile. "And that is it you wish to speak with me about?"

He turned around and began to walk. "Let's go somewhere more private." Was all he had said, his tone leaving no room for me to object. I could feel the glares from the Day Class girls that were being held back by the Guardians of the academy--Kiryu Zero and Cross Yuki. Arrogant prick, ordering me around like one of his little groupies. I bitterly mumbled in my mind as I followed him to a more secluded part of the school grounds; right next to the window of the Headmaster's office.

He leaned against the wall of the building with his arms crossed as his matching eyes looked directly at me. "What happened to your neck?"

I looked at him exasperated. "Is that the reason why you are making me late for dinner?" I muttered. "Because, in all blatant honestly, that is none of your concern." I was letting the reigns on my cover loose ever so slightly as his reasoning at this point was unbelievably unreasonable.

He ignored my rude tone and just repeated his question. "Just answer the question."

I rolled my eyes and turned to head to my dorm. "Again, none of your business, Kuran-san. If you must know, I fell out of bed and landed on a pen." I then walked away at a brisk past that turned into a jog once I was out of his sight range. So annoying.

Once I had gotten back to my dorm, Persephone was already washed up and ready to hit the hay. "Hey, you missed dinner." She gave me a worried smile and held up a sandwich to me. "BLT, snuck it out of the dining room for you." I took the sandwich graciously and started tearing into it like an animal.

"I ran into the Moon Dorm President Kuran and he started bothering me about my neck." I answered her initial question once I had finished eating. "I just told him I fell off the bed and scratched my neck."

"But how did you scratch it really?" She crawled over and off her beck to sit on mine, staring at me like a cat would a salted fish. "What are you hiding from me?"

I looked her in the eye. "I could say the same about you." Our eyes were locked on each other and soon her's flashed a pale pink colour, mine following along as a reflex and response.

She smiled widely at me. "The same thing that you're hiding from me."

It was now the night of the ball. I could even hear the human girls of the Day Class squealing as they walked back to their dorms to get ready all the way from where I was residing.  I was still in my casual clothes, the ball was later tonight and I had no desire to go. If it weren't for Shizuka-san or Miyako, I would not even bother to attend such a bothersome thing, but this was part of the plan and I was going to see it though to the end.

Maria was excused from the ball, using her weak body as an excuse, and no one who didn't matter knew I was here so I was perfectly safe from any hassle. "Ichi-kun, aren't you going to dress up?" Maria walked into the room I was standing in--looking out of the large window through the curtain crack--and twirled over to me. She was dressed up a little more formally then usual.

"Later, I don't feel like being confined to formal clothing till the actual event." I answered as I sat down on the couch she had pulled me over too.

She was smiling widely at me. "I can't believe you get to be Miyako-chan's Paramour! You're so lucky, Ichi-kun!" Maria twirled around in circles and hugged the stuffed kitten that Miyako had given to her a year ago--she hasn't let go of it since she finally decided to take it out of its box. "And now that Shizuka has turned you, you'll be immortal, just like all of us; you're a vampire now too!"

"But remember, Maria, I am not immortal." I reminded her with a bittersweet ghost of a smile. "I will life for as long as my sanity allows me, or till a hunter comes after my life."

"But Miyako-chan would never allow that to happen~" Maria sang as she hopped around on the ledge that ran around the room's walls.

"You seem to be feeling much better today, Maria." I commented, having a fairly good guess as to why.

"That's because Miyako-chan gave me some of her blood~" She held up a small vile of crimson liquid. "Her blood is on par to that of a Pureblood, maybe even higher so, and she graced only a select few with the honour of having even a drop."

I chuckled at her dramatics. "We both know that she'd give up her life for those she cares for, even her maids get a small amount of her blood. The way she displays it, she sees her blood as nothing too important." No matter how many times we try to tell her otherwise... I looked to the moon once more before taking my leave. "Time to get ready for the most useless ball in all of history."

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