Chapter Five

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Chapter Five ~ Aristocrats

I stood at the front of the room and stared back at the other Night Class vampires as the teacher introduced me. "Alright, this is Kawa Taki. She is going to be one of us from now on."

I was told to find a seat and so I did. I climbed the steps and sat in the very back of the classroom right by one of the tall windows. I rested my chin in the palm of my hand with my elbow propped up on the long desk as I stared out the window into the night sky. Chizuru wasn't in the same class as me, but I could hear her overly cheerful introduction from the room next door.

Throughout the rest of classes I could feel eyes on me, and if not eye then the feel that someone was keeping their focuse on me. Well that someone being all of the class, damn aristocrats think they're so much better and that us common levels would fall to Level-D or Level-E. They're all so pathetic in my eyes.

The only vampire of noble blood I would ever consider not pathetic was my master, Kuran Rido. He had saved me from swallowing my pride to beg for salvation, he had given me the gift of eternity so that I could have a second chance, a do over for the broken life I was born to. Most of all he had saved Milady from a cold death.

Some may wonder why I serve a child younger than myself, that is if they ever discover this fact, but little to the world's knowledge, Milady is far more than anyone could know. After all Master Rido kept her a secret from the world for more reasons than his pride.

I shook away my thoughts as the signal for the end of class was sounded and the Night Class began filing out of the room. I struggled with standing up from the bench a bit before leaving as well, making sure my folded fan was still strapped to the base of my back. Tonight Ichijo Asato was visiting and I will be sure to be ready for anything.

He was involved with something and I had to find out what; if it would be something that could harm Milady, benifit her, or be of no concern.

As I was walking back to the dorms, someone called out to me and I turned to see none other than Ichijo's grandson, Ichijo Takuma. I stopped in my tacks and turned to face him as I waited for the friendly blonde to run over to me.

Once he reached me he held out a silver chain that had a panda charm hanging in the center. "I think you dropped this." The vampire said as I took it in my hands.

Looking down I noticed that the chain I had hung to the side of my skirt as a loop had disappeared. "Thank you." I thanked as I reattached it to the ridiculously short school uniform skirt. Why are these skirts so short? I feel like I could be violated any minute.

Ichijo flashed me a shining smile with his green eyes shut. "It was no problem, Kawa-chan. All I did was pick it up and return it to it's rightful owner."

I inwardly laughed. "You are far too kind to be a vampire, Ichijo-san." I commented, keeping up a kind, neutral air around me.

He seemed confused by my comment. "What do you mean?" I waved off his question and just kept walking, with Ichijo telling me about the school and all that stuff, but he became a tad sadder when he brought up Ichijo Asato's visit tonight. "My grandfather will be visiting tonight. You'll need to be there as well to greet him along with the rest of the Night Class."

I only nodded before thanking him for walking with me and disappeared into my dorm that I shared with Chizuru.

The rose pink eyed Level-D was happily humming to herself as she combed her pinstraight, raven hair. She was wearing a semi-formal, violet dress that stopped just above her knees. "I am not wearing a frilly dress." I stated to her as soon as she turned around to look at me. "Let me be with my jeans and tee."

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