Chapter 3

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Sam's POV
"So care to tell me now what you are hiding?" Gabriel says again. It is 8th period and he has been annoying me about it since lunch, 5th period. I've mostly ignored him or changed the subject but I catch him off guard when I ask a question of my own.

"Why do you care so much Gabriel?" I spat. He is taken aback a bit but quickly recovers and shrugs.

"I don't know you seem interesting like a puzzle waiting to be solved," he answers honestly.

"Trust me unsolved puzzles envy how incomplete and broken I am," I mutter. I thought I was quiet enough but I guess not when Gabriel stops me and turns me towards him. He has his hand on my shoulder.

"Sam I may not look like it but I know what it is to be broken, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," I respond and shrug off his hand. He shakes his head angrily and looks like he is about to say something but keeps his mouth shut. What did he mean by that? I know what it is to be broken. Gabriel's demeanor changed from angry to peppy in a matter of seconds.

"Hey want to prank someone with me?" I think about it for a minute. I'm kind of shy and don't want to draw attention to myself but I feel like doing something wild. I don't know if it is Gabriel's contagious mischievous personality or if it is me being bored with life but I responded in the way shy Sam never would.

"Totally, who you want to prank?"

"I'll be honest moose I was expecting a no," he says with a wide grin. I shrug and he continues, "Who at this school is a jerk?"

"Hmm well there is Crowley, Azazel, Ruby, Alistair, and other people and I swear they are demons."

"Ha ok who do u want to get?"

"Crowley," I say with a mischievous grin which causes Gabriel to return the look and his pupils become dilated. (For all you peeps who don't know when pupils become dilated it can mean someone is sexually aroused😂)That can't be right we have only known each other for a day? No no he doesn't like me like that.

"Alright let's prank the hell out of that demon," Gabriel says and we high five just as the bell rings. All the students are in class so it is just us in the hall.

"Wait Gabriel," I stop him by putting a hand on his chest. "What about security cameras?"

"It's cool we can just erase the footage after we are done," Gabriel says. I relax and we keep walking to Crowley's locker. Eventually we make it there and I hold my ear to the lock and turn it to the right combination. It clicks open and I see Gabriel getting spray paint out of his backpack. "Now this is my first day so I didn't bring a lot of variety just two cans of spray paint glitter, three regular ones, a big bottle of super glue, a bottle of just plain glitter, also some rope."

"Yeah not a lot of variety hmm," I say sarcastically. He lightly shoves me and I smirk. "Ok how about we set up the glitter spray paint to go off when he opens his locker," I suggest. Gabriel grins and sets up the trap.

"I can't wait to see the look on the jerk's face," he says excitedly.

"I know me too he will be so humiliated," I say with an evil laugh. Gabriel finishes the trap. We go around the corner to wait for class to get out. I sit down and lean against the wall. We still have quite awhile before class gets out.

"So Sammy I don't just share my amazing prancing skills with anyone, I'd like to know more about you. Want to play 20 questions or something, you know the one where you each ask 20 random questions," Gabriel says.

"Sure I guess you go first."

"Alright full name middle and all," he says.

"Samuel Jared Winchester ," I respond.

"Nice mine is Gabriel Gadreel Novak," he says.

"Gadreel what kind of name is that?"

"An angelic one, my family apparently liked angel names and Gadreel was like my long lost birth cousin but I've never met my birth mom so I won't ever know," Gabriel says.

"Huh interesting ok favorite TV show," I say.

"Doctor Who."

"X files," I say. We start laughing at our nerdyness.

"Ok ok who all is in your family?" He asks and I slightly tense at that.

"Dean Dad and me. Mom died in a fire when I was a baby and Dad is always away on work so it is mostly Dean and I against the world," I say dramatically and we go into another fit of laughter.

"I have Chuck as my adopted father, Mollie as my adopted mother, Lucifer, Castiel, Samandriel, and me."

"Nice sounds like one complete family," I say and think to how that could've been. If that man didn't come and set my mother on fire, if Dad hadn''s all in the past Sam calm down.
Gabriel's POV
Ring! Ring! Ring! The bell goes off and I giggle like a girl waiting for her middle school crush to take her to a dance. Sam chuckles at my weirdness and we both peek around the corner to see Crowley.

"Boo," Luci says really close to my ear. I scream and jump onto Sam who holds me bridal style with a growing blush. Luci starts laughing his butt off and Sam let's me down.

"You douchebag," I say pointing an accusing finger at him. Then I turn to see a boy with black hair and blue green eyes. "Already got a boyfriend Luci? Wow that has to be a record," I say with a proud smile. Lucifer's smile vanishes and he sends me a death glare and I start laughing when I see Michael blush. "Alright ok got to witness my amazing prank mm k," I say pointing towards Crowley who is currently unlocking his locker.

Crowley opens the locker and an enormous amount of purple and green glitter paint spray all over him. He yelled several profanities and turned around to the laughing and scared faces. Some, for an odd known reason, were scared of him and they were afraid he would take it out on everyone. Others were laughing there butts off. Michael was laughing so hard he used Luci for support to stay upright but he fell over and pulled Luci with him. I smirked as I saw the laughing Michael and flustered Luci on top of one another.

Sam is on the ground holding his stomach from laughing as Crowley screeches profanities to the anonymous pranksters. "Who did this?!" Michael turns his attention towards us. I just moved here and don't even know the guy so I should be fine and Sam seems shy so he won't suspect him. His eyes narrow as they land on Michael who still has Luci on top of him. They are just staring at one another with red cheeks. "You! Michael did you do this?!"
Lucifer's POV
I stared at Michael's deep blue green eyes with the icy blue of my own. I studied his gorgeous face. The way his eyes light up, the way his cheeks flamed, his rapid breaths, everything about him seems perfectly imperfect. I heard Crowley screaming off random things but I snapped out of my stupor when I heard him accuse Michael. I suddenly felt really over protective. I got up off of him and helped Michael up.

"What did you just say?" I snapped at Crowley. Crowley stood up close to me but I was much taller and stronger so his attempt to be intimidating failed. He took a step back as I stood up straight.

"I said that your little boyfriend over there did this to me, he punched me earlier and probably wasn't done with the fight," Crowley says.

"Not my boyfriend," I say and bite back all the words I really want to say to that statement. "And he didn't do this but if he did he would get a gold star because it is freaking hilarious," I say with another laugh. The purple green sparkly Crowley glares at me. "Come on Mikey lets go," I say and wrap my arm around his shoulder and walk to our lockers.

Me having an arm around Michael just feels so right. Maybe I will actually hold onto this one for a change. Wait what? Lucifer stop that you don't want to get hurt again...

All The Secrets and Lies (Destiel, Sabriel, and Michifer High School AU)Where stories live. Discover now