Chapter 13

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Dean's POV
"Dean I love you," Castiel says and looks away from me. I tense up because no one has ever loved me like that before. He deserves better and I probably shouldn't be giving in but I can't help how much I love him too. I pull him into a kiss and thread my hands in his hair and he lays his hands on my bare waist.

"I love you so much Castiel," I say and he smiles wide. I almost cry at how beautiful his smile is and how happy it makes me. I smile back and feel elated with joy. I pull on the shirt which is a little tight on me which makes Cas blush at my muscles showing through. I smile and pull on the black jeans I had on yesterday. I finger my hair into a more presentable look.

Cas takes off his shirt and my happiness dies as I see his scars, burn marks, and words. There are words carved into his skin. Fleshy scars that are pink and red on his peachy skin. I see so many words. I see the fresh ones on his arms from his recent attack. There are the words weak, unfaithful, disgrace, stain on the world, and many other hateful things in his skin. I only have a few words and they are burned into my hips. On my right side it says you killed her and on my left it says you can't save anyone and they haunt me to this day.

"Cas," I say with a sad voice. He quickly puts on his shirt and looks away. "You aren't any of those things," I say.

"Dean I know I am, you don't have to lie," he says and looks at me with his beautiful blue orbs. My heart clenches at his sad eyes.

"Cas you are so much more than what they think you are and I know that you are Cas, and Cas is beautiful Cas is my love," I say and kiss him.

"I love you Dean Winchester," Cas whispers in my ear.

"And me you more," I whisper back. He gets on some pants and we walk downstairs. Gabriel and Sammy tag along behind us. They nudge each other back and forth and giggle.

"Girls will you be quiet we both know you're in love," I say and Cas laughs. They blush like idiots and Gabe flips me off.

"Glad you have accepted it then," Cas says and we laugh. "So Dean what happened last night I can't remember anything," Cas says. I laugh and tell him what happened between us. Gabriel is on the ground clutching his stomach and Sam is just laughing really hard. "No way! I didn't do that!"

"Yeah huh you were so drunk," I say and start laughing.

"So Cassie is a horny drunk Sam is a happy one what are you Dean?" Gabriel asks.

"I don't get drunk that much I can really hold my stuff down but I think I'm more of a mushy gushy chick flick drunk," I say remembering the stories Sam and all my one night stands told me.

"I didn't get upset because you wouldn't have sex with me," Cassie pouts.

"Don't be ashamed Cas it is hard to resist me," I say with a wink and he blushes.

"Will you all shut up my head hurts," Sammy groans. I'm about to respond with a snarky comment when I hear a shhhh from the other room.

"Did you just shush us Luci?" Gabriel asks.

"Mikey is sleeping," I hear Lucifer say. I roll my eyes but I think everyone could agree they look adorable. He buried his face in my cousin's neck.

"Aww the two lovebirds," Gabe sings in a very off tune voice.

"Luci what's going on why won't they shut up?" Michael asks. I don't get what Lucifer said because it sounded muffled. They start talking and Gabe shuffles through the cupboards.

"Luci where is the pancake mix?" Gabriel asks.

"I don't know figure it out," he says back.

"Deeeeaaan," Cas whines. Like the love sick boy I am I cave under his sweet voice.

All The Secrets and Lies (Destiel, Sabriel, and Michifer High School AU)Where stories live. Discover now