Chapter 9

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Dean's POV
I pull into our driveway and let out a sigh as I see the driveway is empty except for my Baby. "Come on Dean," Sam says with a bright smile. I love to cook and when dad is gone Sam and I make a huge awesome dinner.

"Ok Sammy and you think we should invite the Novaks?" His smile widens, I've missed that smile for a long while now.

"Yeah that would be great!" He says and I smile and shut the door as we walk in. I see Lucifer calling. Somehow they all got each other's numbers because the author is that cool.

"Ha speak of the devil," I say and answer the phone. "Hey Luc what's up?"

"Dean oh god oh god get to the hospital now! Cas he is he's oh my god oh my god!" Lucifer stammers through sobs.

"Calm down Luc what is Cas what's wrong?" I say quickly.

"He is hurt Dean hurt real bad come quick please bring Michael!" Lucifer says and starts sobbing on the phone. My heart stops at Cas's name and I start to freak out.

"We will be right there," I say and hang up as I grab Sam and we rush to Michael's house. Tears fall down my face and I slightly hyperventilate.

"Dean you have to calm down what is going on?" Sam asks and I tell him in between breaths about Cas. He goes pale and gets Michael who takes the wheel and speeds to the hospital. I hurry out of the car not bothering to wipe the tears from my face. I run in and Sam and Michael follow close behind. I know they mean well but I can tell what they are thinking, Thank god it isn't Gabe and thank god it isn't Luci.

I see Lucifer pacing with tears falling down his face and Gabe is staring blankly at the ground with a few tears falling. "Lucifer!" Michael yells and pulls the crying Lucifer into a hug. Sam sits down next to Gabe who breaks down in his arms. My mind is foggy and nothing seems real. I'm shaking and everything seems to go by in slow motion. I breathe heavily and wipe angrily at my tears.

I sit down next to Sam who holds a crying Gabriel in his lap. I stare off into the infinite nothing and I can't hear anything around me. It is all just buzzing as I am locked in my mind. I calm down my breathing because I think someone is telling me to but it is muffled. I close my eyes and try to bring myself back to the world.

I see myself with Cas I'm holding him like how it should be. His beautiful blue eyes shine bright as he looks at me. And I hug him tight and then crash our lips together. It is rough and full of desperation. Then I feel someone shaking me and I wake up.

"Dean! Dean!" I see Sam with wide eyes and I realize I'm on the floor but still in the hospital.

"Sammy what what happened?" I say and sit up and I feel dizzy and almost fall back down. Sam steadies me.

"You just passed out," Michael says with tears in his eyes.

"Oh sorry to worry you I just I don't know," I say.

"It's okay Dean," Gabriel says and puts a hand on my shoulder. I try to smile but it comes out as a weird scowl. Sammy helps me up and I sit back down.

"Lucifer what happened?" I ask remembering why I am here. He isn't sobbing anymore but he still has tears. Michael holds him and speaks to me for him.

"He said he doesn't know, Gabriel and him just walked in after school and found Cas on the ground with blood everywhere and ropes on his hands and feet," Michael says.

"It was them, Sammy it was them!" Gabriel yells at Sam and start crying into his shoulder. Sam holds him.

"Shh shh it's ok who was it Gabe who hurt Castiel?" Sam says and strokes his golden hair as he holds him in his lap.

"The others the ones before Lucifer, the other adopted children," he says into Sam's shoulder.

"There were others?" Lucifer asks. Gabriel nods and looks at us. He tells us about what they did to Castiel before Lucifer and Mollie were here.

"Oh my god," I whisper. How could they do that to Cas! My Cas! I will hurt them just as they did Castiel!

"Did they hurt you?" Sam asks.

"No Castiel protected me, I stitched him up more times then I could remember but I never fought them. I was scared Sammy real scared," Gabriel says with vulnerable eyes. Sam just holds him tighter.

"Castiel Novak?" A nurse asks as she comes out and we all stand up quick. "He is in a coma, he has had some massive bleeding in and out and the coma is to give his body time to heal," she explains.

"Will be wake up?" I say with desperate hope. She purses her lips.

"I'm sorry but we don't know, he can wake up but that is only if he wants to it is up to him now," she says.

"Can we see him?" Gabriel asks. She nods and leads our group of six back to his room. My heart shatters as I see my Castiel. He has gashes lining his face and on one arm in fresh blood letters it says Faggot and on the other it reads useless. I start crying and so does everyone around me. Michael stops after a couple tears. He stays strong for all of us.

"Cas?" I say with a broken voice. "Cas please wake up Cas?"

Sam pulls me into a hug and I cry over his shoulder. Lucifer composes himself and talks to the nurse about how they found him and who Gabriel thinks it was. They call Chuck and Mollie and they hurry to get a plane back. They hadn't left the states yet.

We stayed there until midnight and Gabe fell asleep in Sam's arms as did Lucifer in Michael's. I sat by Castiel's bed. I finally stopped the crying and I held Cas's bruised hand. I made sure everyone was asleep. "Cas? It's me Dean and I don't know if you can hear me but," I sigh. "I have only known you for a short while but I care about you and I feel this undying need to protect you." I hold back tears as I say the next part. "I'm messed up Cas real broken and I need you Cas." He doesn't wake up. The others wake up and Michael offers for Luci to stay with him and they drive off to his place.

"Gabe you can stay with us," I say. He nods and I drive us home. I'm happy to see dad is still gone. Gabe and Sam fall asleep in his room on the bed together with their legs entangled. I trudge off to my room and fall asleep and have nightmares of Cas.
Lucifer's POV
I break down when I see Cas and I barely hear Dean pleading for Cas to wake up. Soon I fall asleep and later Michael drives me to his house. "He will be fine," Michael says and hugs me. We walk in and Bobby and Karen bombard Michael with questions. I see a young boy about Samandriel's age peek around the corner. Must be Adam I think as he runs upstairs after the parents tell him to go to sleep.

"Look it is a whole mess and Luc needs a place to stay please let him stay here," Michael says and they nod.

"I'm sorry about your brother," they say to me. I nod but don't speak. We walk up to Michael's room. He has artwork littered all over his walls. I start crying as I think of how Castiel loves to do art and has art on his walls as well.

"Hey hey it will be ok," Michael says and pulls me into a hug on the bed. He runs his fingers through my golden hair. "Let's get you to sleep," he says and takes off my shoes and jacket. Then he does the same and pulls the covers over us. Michael kisses me on the forehead and I actually smile. "There's my smile Luc," he says and smiles back. I curl up beside him with my head resting on his chest.

"Goodnight Mikey," I say and drift off into a dreamless sleep.

All The Secrets and Lies (Destiel, Sabriel, and Michifer High School AU)Where stories live. Discover now