Chapter 5

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Castiel's POV
"Bye Cas," Dean says and walks away with Sam who just waved shyly at Gabe who winks at him, making Sam blush.

"Bye Dean," I say and blush a bit at the nickname he uses.

"Cassie is your face ever not red around Dean?" Gabriel says with a chuckle. I blush even more.

"Shut up," I say and we walk up behind Lucifer. He is tense and stares off to where Michael left a bit angrily.

"What's wrong Luci?" Gabe asks and pops a green sucker in his mouth.

"He thinks I lied to him about being gay. He seemed pretty mad."

"Well duh," I say. Lucifer looks at me confused.

"You did say you were trying to get him to fall for you and from the way he looks at you it seems to be working," I say.

"What? No he doesn't seem to like me," he denies my words quickly. I roll my eyes and Gabe laughs.

"Let's get out of here," Gabriel says and we walk to the car. We all get in and he starts her up.

"There you go blue bird," Lucifer says and pats the dashboard. He loves his car, just like Dean. Dang it get out of my head Dean! I can see his smirk and his forest green eyes. Lucifer drives away. "So Gabe how's Sam?" Lucifer asks. Gabriel slightly blushes but covers it up with a smile.

"He's cool has some secrets though," he says with a frustrated look.

"Let me guess going to get it out of him?" I ask. Gabriel has a mischievous grin and laughs.

"Ship it," Lucifer says.

"Don't you start with that," Gabriel says. Lucifer laughs, he is obsessed with shipping people especially me and Gabe. "Speaking of ships how is Dean Cassie?" Gabriel says with a smirk and I blush like crazy.

"H-he's cool," I say with a shrug.

"SHIP IT!!!" Lucifer and Gabriel yell at the same time. I laugh and shake my head at them.

"Weirdos," I mutter.
Sam's POV
I get into the front alongside Dean in his beloved Impala. "Did you miss me Baby?" Dean asks the car. I chuckle and he starts her up. He puts in an ACDC tape and taps his thumbs on the steering wheel to the beat. My thoughts drift to Gabriel. He is a lot of fun and I actually smile around him.

I love the way his eyes light up when he talks about something he is really passionate about, like pranks. His golden eyes are really pretty... Wait WHAT?! Did I just think that?! I'm not gay at least I have never been attracted to guys before. I push away those thoughts and just think of how fun Gabe is. I smile knowing I will get to see him again tomorrow.

"What's got you happy for once Sammy?"

"Uh nothing I was just excited that we finally get to stay in this place for longer than a year," I say quickly covering up my lies. It was true though. We move around a lot for my dad's job but Dean convinced dad when he was sober to let us stay longer then a couple months, since our cousins Michael and Adam are hear.

"Me too Sammy, so Gabriel and you seem to be getting along," Dean says.

"Yeah he seems cool," I say. Dean smirks.

"He must be cool if he gets you to blush and smile like that," he says. I turn away as I feel my face burn.

"What about you and Castiel?" I say and wiggle my eyebrows. He shrugs.

"Seems nice," he says with no emotion. He can really cover up his feelings well but who knows it has only been a day so maybe he isn't falling as hard as I am. We pull up in the driveway of our fairly new house. I see dad's car in the driveway and the lights on in the house.

"Oh no..." I say so soft it comes out as a whisper. My face pales as fear swims through my veins. Dean looks over at me.

"It will be ok Sammy just go upstairs as soon as we get inside," he tells me. Dean gives my shoulder a squeeze of encouragement.

"But what about you?" I ask my voice slightly shaky. I pray to God dad is sober but most likely he isn't.

"I'll be ok," Dean says confidently but I see the fear and defeat in his eyes. We get out of the car and walk inside. The smell of alcohol immediately fills my nostrils. Dad is sitting on the couch with a scotch bottle in hand and a random tv show on. He whips his head towards us when he hears the door close.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Dad screams and gets up off the couch, swaying slightly. He downs the rest of the bottle and stomps over to us.

"We got detention I'm sorry sir," Dean says, fear coats his voice. He sends me the look that says run. Dad slams Dean against the door with his hands clenched around his shirt. I race up the stairs as Dean sends the same look but more urgent.
Dean's POV
I grit my teeth as pain seers through my back when I'm slammed against the door. I look over at Sam, my eyes telling him to run and he dashes up the stairs. Dad doesn't even glance at him he just looks at me with pure hatred in his eyes. He saw everything bad in himself and the death of my mom and the world, he saw all of it in me. Sam was always his favorite but even so he still tries to hurt him sometimes but I protect him, I can't let anything happen to Sammy.

"Detention huh?! What did you do this time you worthless pathetic excuse for a son?!" He yells in my face. I scrunch up my nose at the smell of alcohol.

"I was late to class sir," I say with a shaky voice. He punches me in the eye and I cry out as I hold a hand over my teary eye.

"Poor excuse! Stop acting like an idiot! We would have been so much better without you!" He says and slams his fist to my head and I topple to the ground with a scream. My head pounds against my skull. My vision is wavering as little black dots cloud my eyes. "If you took care of Sam instead of your mother having too she would still be alive! You killed her Dean!" That is the last thing I hear before he slams the scotch bottle over my head and I black out.
"Hey Jude. Don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better." I hear someone singing. It makes me think of my mom, she would sing it to me every night. But not anymore, all your fault...
I open my eyes and clear my blurry vision to see Sammy sitting by my bed. He has tears in his eyes and a bruise over his right cheek.

I sit up quickly and a hot searing pain spreads through my skull. I moan and hold my head. I can barely see out of my right eye because it his very swollen. "Sammy what happened," I say. "Are you ok?" I ask as silent tears fall down his face. Concern and worry seep into my heart.

"I'm fine I was afraid you wouldn't be ok," he says and he breaks down in my arms. I ignore the thumping in my head as I hold my sobbing brother in my arms.

"Shh shh it's ok," I say softly. I start singing hey Jude as he did. It calms me down because mom used to sing it and I would sing it to Sam all the time when times were rough and it helps. He starts to calm down and takes in three shaky breaths before pulling away and talking.

"Dad hit you over the head with a bottle and I raced down when I heard the sound. I saw you slumped on the ground with glass all around you and blood in a big pool around your head. I tackled dad down to the floor and he hit me hard before I slammed my fist in his forehead. He was already drunk and he just passed out," he says.

"Where is he now?" I ask urgently.

"I took you upstairs and locked the door. I heard the car half an hour ago so I guess he regained consciousness and left," Sammy says with a shrug. He wipes the tears from his face. "I stitched up your head but I think it needs to be redone, I wasn't really stable when I did it," he says and tears threaten to spill over his face again.

"Hey I'm ok, alright?" He nods and I hug him again. We pull away and I try to cheer him up. "How about we go out for ice cream?" I offer, he doesn't have much of a sweet tooth but his face brightens. Who doesn't love ice cream?

"Ok I'll go get you some ibuprofen first be right back," he says and walks out of the room to get the medication. I finger the razor under my mattress. I sigh and put it away. Not now you need to be strong for Sammy.

All The Secrets and Lies (Destiel, Sabriel, and Michifer High School AU)Where stories live. Discover now