Chapter 22

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(A/N I will first write the Michifer part of the party and then get to Destiel mm k.)
Lucifer's POV
I get into the car with Michael. I can't help staring at how hot he is in his costume and with his new sex hair. After awhile I look away as I realize I was looking for too long but then look up to see him staring at my toned chest and abs. He looks away and blushes. "Adorable," I mutter.

"Really? I was thinking shit that costume turns me on," Michael says. I look over at him with shock on my face. "Don't look so surprised you already knew I was dirty," he says and gives me a look that says, you had sex with me remember. I chuckle.

"I love you Mikey," I say.

"Love you too Luc forever and always," Mikey says and smiles at me lovingly. I start the car and follow after the impala.

"Want to race 'em," I say with a mischievous smile. Michael nods his head with a playful glint in his eyes. I grip the steering wheel and drive faster in the passing lane as I pull in front of them. Then I see them go off to another curve. "Are we supposed to go there?" I ask.

"No Meg's house is up here to the right," he points in front of us. Then the impala drives out of an opening and gets in front of us. I grunt and honk. They honk back. I drive faster in the passing lane but Dean speeds up. Then I see a cop car up ahead and slow down. I blink my lights twice to signal Castiel and they slow down before we reach the cop. My brothers and I always said if we were racing to blink your lights twice for a cop car.

"That was a close one," I say as we pull into Meg's driveway.

"We lost," Michael pouts. I laugh.

"We did this time but those two haven't had sex yet because Cas is a virgin and is scared and we have," I say and give him a knowing look.

"Let's rub it in their faces," Michael says and kisses me. I dip my tongue in his mouth but soon pull away. He whimpers.

"Sorry baby but army men don't have black lipstick on and I have to fix mine for the second time tonight."

"So we can't kiss?"

"No we can after I show everyone my badass costume," I say with a sly grin. He rolls his eyes and we get out of the car. Dean stands with his arms crossed and a smirk playing on his lips. Cas has his arms wrapped around him from behind. He looks totally lovesick.

"Nice try but I guess Satan always loses," Dean says. I look over at Michael with a smirk.

"Not true I scored with Mikey and it was real nice," I say. Dean uncrosses his arms and looks embarrassed. "Oh you haven't scored with Cas over there?" I say and Cas blushes like an idiot and hides his face behind Dean who doesn't look much better. I laugh. "See you around," I say and walk into the house. I look back to see Michael apologizing and then he follows after me. "That's why you're the angel," I say and kiss him on the cheek.

"I can be bad," Michael pouts.

"Prove it," I say cockily. He kisses me lightly.

"I will soon enough, can you go get me a drink?"

"Alright alcohol I'm guessing," I say and walk into the house. There are Halloween decorations and blood splatters on the wall. Meg is rich and I can hear a scary movie playing in the theater room. Outside people are swimming in her enormous pool and music is blaring loudly. I grab Michael and I some drinks. I don't bother checking what's in it because I know all the drinks are spiked by now.

I walk back to Michael and see him looking uncomfortable. He is sitting on the couch and a couple is making out next to him. It slowly becomes heated and they gradually become closer to him. I come over and hand him his drink. Then I straddle his lap. "Tell me are they making you uncomfortable or turned on?" I say and take a swig of my drink. It burns down my throat.

All The Secrets and Lies (Destiel, Sabriel, and Michifer High School AU)Where stories live. Discover now