Chapter 27

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Gabriel's POV
Dean drove us to the hospital once I got the text from Chuck. I was excited to see Samandriel again after so long. He was shy like Cas but fun to prank. Samandriel was the brother that kept all the others from killing each other. We all loved him a lot and it hit us hard when he got sick. We rarely ever spoke of him, at all.

"What do you think he will be like?" I ask Cas. He looks nervous and a little spooked. I know why, I remember when he was put into the coma. Cas thought he was gone for good and went through grief. He mourned Samandriel's condition like it was death.

"I'm not sure," Cas says. "I expect he will be different and very confused to be in a world he was absent from for so long," he says. I nod and Dean reaches over to squeeze Cas's hand. I look over to Sam and smile wide. All of us reacted differently to Samandriel getting sick and now him waking up. I imagine Lucifer will have tears of joy. He was hit the hardest when Samandriel got sick because they were blood brothers.

They found out when Luc arrived at Chuck's a week after Samandriel did and they looked really similar. Then when Luc heard his name he pulled him into a tight hug. He remembered when they were young and how he had a baby brother but they were taken away from their mom because she was a junkie with no money to support her kids. Samandriel and him were separated but somehow found their way back to one another.

Eventually we pulled into the hospital and I practically jumped out of the car while it was moving. "Wait up Gabe!" Sam calls and runs after me. Dean and Cas park the car and race after us. I ran to the desk.

"Samandriel Novak," I say quickly to the receptionist. She smiles and looks down at her computer.

"How are you related to the patient?"

"I'm his brother," I say. The rest of them show up behind me. "So is he and those two are our boyfriends," I say. She looks a little flustered but smiles again.

"Of course, your brother is in room 278," the lady says politely. I smile and fast walk off to the room. Everyone catches up to me.

"Gabe why are you hurrying so much he isn't going anywhere," Cas says.

"Cas I haven't seen Samandriel in like 6 months and he just woke up. What if he  goes into another coma? What if he is so sick he only has a few minutes? What if he is only awake to say his goodbyes?" My fear courses through me as I think of the possibilities. Cas still looks scared about seeing Samandriel again.

"Hey," Sam says and wraps an arm around my shoulder. "I'm sure he is fine Gabe." I wrap my arm around his waist while we walk and he kisses me on the forehead lightly.  "I love you," he says quietly. I smile widely. I'll never get tired of him saying that.

"I love you too Sammy," I say. After awhile of walking we reached his room. I took a deep breath and opened the door. Lucifer was sitting in a chair by the hospital bed with Michael on his lap. Chuck and Mollie were in two other chairs and there he was. Samandriel smiled brightly at us. His blue eyes were full of the light he had lost when he got sick and he was still very slender and a little pale but he looked so much better. "Alfie!" I cry and run over to hug him. For some reason my family gave him that nickname for no apparent reason.

"I missed you too Gabe," Alfie says and pats me on the back.

"We'll be in the waiting room," Dean says to Cas and I. Sam and Dean leave the room and shut the door. I pull back and see Cas crying slightly. 

"Aww come here Cas," Samandriel says and opens his arms and Cas hugs him tightly as more tears slip from his eyes.

"You're alive," Cas says and smiles widely. Samandriel is only 14 and is in 8th grade. He is the youngest of the Novaks. I see Lucifer with a wide grin but tears still slip from his eyes and Michael wipes them away as they fall. Those two are inseparable. Sam and I are really close and so are Cas and Dean but we can part for a couple minutes unlike Michifer.
Switch to Sam's POV
I was so happy for Gabriel. I've never met Samandriel but I'm sure he's great and I can't wait to meet him. As Dean and I walked into the waiting room we saw Adam sitting in one of the chairs. "Adam what are you doing here?" I say and run over to hug him. He hugs back and smiles small. He is really shy and kind of a shut in so we don't see him nearly as much as Michael even though we live with him.

All The Secrets and Lies (Destiel, Sabriel, and Michifer High School AU)Where stories live. Discover now