WHTL. Chapter 19- Andy's Story (part one)

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Drum roll please.

(dun nuh nuh nuh nuh nuhhh)


Ok, my heart is beating way to fast right now …and I’m in the middle of the living room

With my dad

So I can’t really scream of happiness

It would look awkward…lol.

But ok, let’s just jump right in!!

Only about a month after Tre and I broke up did I meet Andy.

It was about a week before New Year’s going into 2011

And I remember EVERYTHING.

Unlike the other guys where things were fuzzy..

Everything about him has stayed with me.

I added him as a friend because I thought he was cute. That’s all.

We had been ‘friends’ on myyearbook.com for however long until we actually talked to each other.

And I don’t really count me knowing him until we start talking, even if we were friends on myb before.

And then I saw him on my news feed a few months later

Just randomly.

So anyways, I messaged him because I was just bored

Sitting at home

In my room

Like most nights

But the difference between this night and all of the other ones I spent lying is that..that night..

Made a difference.

I never really started conversations with anyone.

Like ever

At all

So this night I was surprised I just felt like talking to someone

And that someone ended up being Andy:

Me: Hey! Uhm, I’m Sarah (obviously) haha I like you name.

Him: oh really well thank you :)

Me: yeaa, it rhymes with sandy

Him: it’s funny you say that, because that’s actually one of my nicknames lol.

Me: oh really? Haha nice

Him: yeah, very noice :P

Me: N.o.i.c.e ??

Him: yep. Here in Minnesota that’s how we say it. Or maybe its just me and my friends ha.

Me: well I like it, its cute :D

Him: like you.

Me: you think so?! THANKS

Him: no problem.

Me: well I have to go soon..do you have a cell phone?

Him: yeah I do, you can text me all day er day.

Me: another saying??

Him: see! You’re catching on.

Me: haha psh sandy:P

Him: I have to go too. So text me? 218-838-****

Me: will do. byyeezzz


And thus it began.

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