WHTL. Chapter 1.5

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But for now, let’s just call Emma Ebbs, ok?  Makes it easier for me. To forget.

            Aaahhhhh, ok. So now that you have the ‘background’ of what I had gotten myself into, I can start getting into the juicy stuff.

            Through my fake account I had a handful of different relationships. There was Cody, Terry, Andrew, Tre, and finally Andy. All of whom I lied to about my appearance. And each taught me a new valuable lesson.

            And yes, there were many many other hot guys I chatted with while being Sarah Rolland, but these are the ones that stand out to me.

            And each of them get their own chapter in this book. Your welcome boys.

****Coming up next is Cody's Chapter. This chapter 1.5 was an addition to chapter 1 but i thought it deserved its own hedding. I will be posting Cody's Chapter today also!****

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