Chapter 21 ~The end~

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                                                               <=Chapter 21=>

Calm down Rose, it was just a dream...

A voice whispered in my head, James? No, I'm hallucinating, it can't be real. Brushing my hair from forehead felt good, fresh air kissed the stickysweaty skin. I hate nightmares, it feels so real...who was that man who knew everything about James and me? Stalker? Fallen? Human? Million questions were on my mind but I ignored them and went downstairs, glimpsing at clock in the living room. It was five minutes to midnight, not so late as I thought.

''Can't sleep?''

The mug I was holding almost slipped out, I didn't expect Logan.

''Don't sneak up on me!''

''My Princess is afraid of dark?''

He hugged me from behind, teasing. I thought about what could I say it.

'' Logan afraid of thunder?''


I laughed, we all knew he was afraid of thunder and wind, storm. Tearing myself away from his embrace, I pulled my mug from the counter and drank water.

''Rose, is everything okay? I heard you whimpering in your room...''

Tell him or not? Something inside me shouted that I could trust Logan completely, even that he knew something about this.

''I had a nightmare, I was in the forest. Suddenly, a man hugged me from behind, I couldn't escape. He told me that if I died here and stayed ''up there'', I would become cursed angel and James Fallen. I don't know who was that and why did he told me such weird things?''

Logan was quiet for several moments, unsure.

''Look Rose, don't listen to him. I''ve read about it and it's nothing, just a nightmare, believe me. That ''man'' was not a person or something abnormal, just some kind of spirit. When you're sleeping, your mind thinks about everything that happened and it just connected James with nonsense you probably read on the Internet. Don't worry okay?''

''Yeah, you're right.''

He kissed me for good night and left with his coffee. Tomorrow he has an exam so this night will be labour. Sighing, I turned on the television and fell asleep watching boring horror movie. Someone covered me with a blanket and turned off the television, probably Logan. Ignoring the previous nightmare, I let the dream take me away, maybe to...James?


'' it okay if my girlfriend comes?''

Drake has a girlfriend? He never dated someone for real, yet brought her home...

''Yeah, who is she?''

''You'll see?''

He grinned, I could almost see love sparkles around his head. Again, it reminded me of James. Dan had Amanda, Logan had...Leah I think, he never wanted to talk about her, all I know is that she's hard-working, sweet and caring. Only I left, engaged. Two days before the accident in pharmacy, we ordered wedding invitations. It was simple but cute, with gold rings tied together with a bow. Today I saw the postman, he put it in our mailbox. Drake wanted to throw it but I stopped him, it meant so much to me.

I opened it, reading.

James Andries and Rose White invite you to their wedding, 21st of September. The wedding ceremony will be in The Royal Hotel, Cardiff, Wales.

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