Chapter 7

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                                                                   Chapter 7

   As I wiped tears from my cheeks, I promised myself Drew is going to pay. You'll think I'm a cold hearted woman but it will be my revenge, no one will make a fool of me.

The War has begun, too bad Drew doesn't know that...yet.

   It wasn't hard to get out of the forest and find a way home, it was still day and fortunately, I saw a bus. Although I was the only passenger, the driver drove me back to the hospital. I forgot that my bags were with Drew, I was very lucky he hadn't packed all of my stuffs.

''Hello dear, what's your name?''

''I'll take care of her Mary, your shift is over.''

   Lucy smiled at me kindly and shooed the other nurse. Curiosity was clearly visible in her eyes. She pulled me by my sleeve and we went to my room that was now cleaned.

''How did it go?''


   She was shocked like me, thinking it was just a joke. When she saw my frown, she softly patted the bed. I sat there with her.

''It's a long story...we went to a lunch and while I was fixing my makeup, he humiliated me repeatedly in front of his friend. He said I'm annoying ,boring, useless...he was with me only because of a bet.''

Lucy looked at me with a pity.

''It's okay, I was too naive and stupid.''

''No, he's just someone who hates to be hurt but also someone who  likes to hurt other people, it's his fun.''

''Not anymore, he'll regret it, I'll make him.''

''Good luck then, I must go now. Stay strong!''

   I laughed at her positive side.

   The pain returned as my wounds stopped healing, I wasn't careful in the forest. While thinking of my plan to ignore all the pain plus the one Drew caused, I remembered to call my brothers. It would be better if I don't say anything to them, they would kill Drew. I wanted to do it myself.

   A box of pain killers and a glass of water were on my nightstand and I reached for it. Only two pills left and I swallowed it , drinking water to allay the bitter taste.

   Soft knock pulled me out of my thoughts.

''Can I come in?''

   Drew. This is going to be fun.

''You can try and see if you can but I'm not sure if you're allowed to.''

   He chuckled and walked in, giving me a bouquet of red roses wrapped in a beautiful ribbon.

''I'm sorry, and I thought flowers would brighten this room a little bit.''

   Brighten? There's nothing wrong with this room, we're in a hospital, not at home.

''This room would be brighter if you just opened the curtains, it's enough.''

   He seemed hurt, making me laugh evily in myself.

''What you heard... I wasn't speaking the truth, I knew you were listening to us but wanted to convince him you're bad so that he doesn't bother you.''

''You are bothering me, not that guy. He seems nice, what's his name?''

Drew was surprised by my attitude but played along, although his nervous posture was visible.

''James. And he's not nice, he's pretty ugly.''

''What's the big deal? You are pretty on the outside but rotten inside, at least he's beautiful inside then.''

   He was furious and clenched his fists so much that his knuckles were turning white. I was amused by how uncomfortable he was. My tone was colder and indifferent while I spoke all of that but still it was fun to me. Andrew:0 Rose: 1 I'll have to work on that score a bit more, don't you think?

''Maybe...and I hope you'll forgive me...someday.''

''Of course, I hope too.''

   I couldn't believe it, Andrew believed me completely and hoped I'll forgive him? Yeah, right like I'll ever do that. He was miserable to make me fall in love with him again so he tried to talk but Doctor Jack startled him.

   When Andrew heard Doctor's steps in the hall, he turned to the door and reached for the door knob but the Doctor opened the door in the same time, causing Andrew to slam his head into the door. I could barely suppress my laughter but somehow managed to do it. While Andrew rubbed his head but nodded that he's fine, I whispered low enough so that only he can hear it.

''That's what happens when your head is empty.''

Doc Jack didn't notice it and smiled brightly at me.

''How are you today Rose?''

''Much better, thank you.''

''And where are your pills in a case of emergency? I thought I told Lucy to put them on your nightstand.''

   My cheeks slightly blushed, I hoped he forgot about that but clearly he was suspecting I already swallowed them. Defeated, I decided to tell him the truth.

''The pain came back so I swallowed it with water, it wasn't so alarming to call a nurse.''

    He was very calm and just nodded. A cart in his hands was full of papers and he read some of them.

''You'll have to stay here two more days and if everything's all right, I'll sign the papers and you're free to go. Your wonderful brothers already payed the hospital bill. This young man can stay over night if you want, I don't mind.''

''Oh, I would love to, wouldn't you honey?''

   I looked Drew in the eyes and he blushed, embarrassed. Drew slightly nodded and doctor left, pleased.

''What are you doing Rose?''

''I just want some company. After all, you don't want my brothers to know what you did, do you?''


He was afraid of my brothers so I was very pleased and reminded myself to thank them later, when their protectiveness knocks down a bit...although it'll probably never happen.

   Two blankets were placed beside me on my bed and I threw them to Drew. He placed it on the sofa and went to the bathroom. After I showered too, we both went to sleep...or not.


   Drew whispered, in case if I was asleep. It was night so I smiled, he couldn't see me.

''Yes Drewie?''

    Deep human growl echoed through the room as I giggled as a little girl. I definitely miss those days.

''I'm cold...can I come and sleep with you? I same bed, n-nothing would be warmer.''

''Of course you can...''

    He was surprised but quickly came to my view. He bent his head toward me like he was going to kiss me but I put my finger on his lips and whispered:

''But you're not allowed to.''

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