Chapter 15

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                                                                <=Chapter 15=>


As I stepped through the door of my brothers house, all of them engulfed me in a tight embrace, murmuring something about how much they miss me. I chuckled at their sweetness and caring, it was pretty funny. Drake and Logan frowned when they saw my ring but Daniel gave him a ''leave her alone'' look. I mentally thanked him, at least someone in this family left me to take care of my life and choices.

''Did he force you?''

I sharpened my glare toward Drake but he just shrugged.

''What's so weird, he's a guy and we just want to be sure.''

''No, he didn't force me on anything.''

It wasn't a lie, he didn't force the kiss or threat me, it came..naturally. Several years ago, I was afraid to even speak openly to a boy, even in school. Female teachers were always more comfortable to be with and talk to, especially in some subjects. Me and my brothers were always outcasts, nobody liked us, without any reasons. Drake and Logan were popular in last year of high school, they ruled. Dan left for his assignment so he didn't even have a choice but all of them were nice and they never bullied people.

''Um...I forgot to tell you...well Amanda was kind of living here.''

Dan rubbed the back of his head, he done that when he was nervous. I pretended to be mad at them, putting my hands on my hips.

''Are you serious? Oh, well she was a replacement, woman in this house instead of me. How could you forget I'll come sometime? I'm not so far away!''

They flinched and furrowed their eyebrows. Dan took my elbow to turn my attention toward him. He looked frightened, he never liked the way I was talking, better say hissing, at them when I was mad about their actions. I erupted in laughter, making them relieved.

''Relax bro, I'm just kidding, it's fine.''

''You should be an actress.''

''Probably for an evil character.''

''I heard that!''

Drake ignored me but Logan answered.

''You were supposed to.''

Dan whacked them both on head and casually went to the kitchen, he was always hungry. I checked my cell phone to see if James called but a message popped out. It was from Drew although I couldn't remember when did I ask him for his number. I opened it and read, slightly turning away from my brothers who were busy with staring at television.

Meet me in Cardiff, Greenwood Road 14, it's a cafe. Do not tell your brothers or James, I only want to talk to you but they would freak out, I promise I won't hurt you. I love you, Drew.

It was pretty obvious he stalked me, I've never seen him around Cardiff, once he told me he was born in Pallow, about forty kilometers away from Cardiff just like his family. It was truth, I checked on the Internet. My brothers were occupied with something else so I contrived an excuse.

''Hey guys, I'm going to Cardiff, a wedding planner just sent me a message she's free now. Do you need me for something?''

They thought about it and nodded. Logan walked out of kitchen holding a kitchen rag for cleaning dishes. I smiled and grabbed my keys.

''Take care and please be careful while driving. If you need, call us.''


I turned to the doors but Drake interupted.

''Be careful, avoid boys!''


Whatever, I left in hurry so that they don't say something else. Maybe Drake knew I was going to meet Drew? Turning my thoughts away from it, I turned on the navigation system that pissed me off but I didn't know the street where Drew was. I sincerely hoped it was him who wrote the message, otherwise it could be really awkward...maybe even dangerous.

The trip was boring, I finally arrived after three hours of driving, my eyes were in size of an apple, I felt like they were swollen, it hurt. The venue looked old, I felt like I was acting in a historical movie. Knocking on the door seemed useless so I rang the bell. There wasn't any noises coming from the inside but several minutes later, Drew opened the door, smiling.

''Hi Rose, come in.''

Being or pretending to be a gentleman, he took my coat and hung it in the hallway. The house was decorated in many different styles, from historical to modern, there were many colors. We sat in the living room, he went to bring the coffee so I took notice on surroundings. A big white fireplace was placed in the middle, attached to a wall. It was a small room, couches were inches apart from the fireplaces. There was a small coffee table between white sofas, giving it a touch of modern style.

Since I was a big fan of chandeliers in a historical style, they left me breathless here, they fit perfectly with other things here. What surprised me the most were bright green walls, I never knew a man would paint his living room to green.

 ''Surprised much?''

''Actually I am, it's nice.''

Drew furrowed his eyebrows, looking weird.

''Why, because I'm a guy?''


He just shrugged and set the coffee on the table. The smell of it hit my nostrils, it was wonderful, I haven't drunk coffee for a long time, over several months I think. He sat opposite of me, studying my ring that sparkled underneath the light.

''You're engaged.''

That wasn't a question plus he wasn't surprised so it came out good. We both squirmed in our seats, thinking what to talk about, normally.

''Why did you call me? Sent a message?''

A groan escaped his lips and he sighed, annoyed.

'' many times do I have to tell you this? I love you, it breaks my heart...your ring breaks my heart. You don't know how much it hurts, every single second when I know he's with you hurts so much... I heard about the note and trust me, I didn't write it, I would never do such a thing, I love you!''

As I drank the last drop of my coffee, I glimpsed at my watch, we were talking over an hour. I stopped listening around tenth minute so I heard just the last part when he iterated how much he loves me.

''Thanks but if you wanted me to tell you I'll come back, don't waste your time on me. Yes, I love you too but James is the one, not to mention I'm engaged to him, you can't stop it. You can't stop me. It's my life, my decisions and you're only a friend. Please, just leave me, leave your love toward me, we can only be friends.''

I walked out the door, happy that started raining. Curious, I asked him my last question.

''If you didn't write it, the note I mean, why...ah, forget it...why did you say that you would never hurt me or do that? It's not that you and James are best friends, far away from that, you're...kind of enemies who want me.''

His answer surprised me, it was simple but it meant all. With it, he kissed me on the cheek and closed the door.

''Because he makes you happy, it's the only thing that matters to me.''


Team James or team Drew?? I'm not sure how this will end but I tricked you thousand times, they had their bad moments and sweet, gentle ones.

I made the pic on the side, it's Drew house (living room). It's made in Sims 3 (game).

Did you like this chapter? I feel like I'm on the line between horrible writing and the worst writing, I definitely need to check and fill in my vocabulary. If you don't like it, say openly, I don't mind, it's better to know truth then live a lie. Thanks for reading!

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