Chapter 17

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                                                           <=Chapter 17=>

                              Rose POV (when she saw James after falling unconscious)


He tilted his head to the side, studying me. Tears fell from his eyes but they were red, it looked scary and...creepy. Slowly, he got up and revealed his white wings even more, but they were also black.


''Are my wings half black and half white?''

I nodded, eager to her the answer.

''I failed in my mission, I failed you. Before you were in Cardiff, I died. The meeting was a trap, a group of masked people killed me so that they can easily have all the money I inherited. Then I became a Guardian angel, yours...but I couldn't save you. I sensed something was wrong as I saw you driving to Cardiff, so I commanded Drew to go to pharmacy where you will be in danger. He went there first like I planned but he failed to protect you. Now I'm becoming a Fallen, that's why my wings are like poisoned, black.''

A single tear formed in his eyes but I wiped it away with my thumb before it could spill. I face palmed him, he was so broken so I had to make him happier, it wasn't his fault.

''It's not your fault, not Drew's. It's not anyone's fault, we couldn't sense this...but we're together now, it doesn't matter we're dead-''

He stood up, putting his hand around my shoulders.

''No, you're only in coma and you will wake up, I will force you. I'm dead forever, you can't change it.''

His words literally broke my heart into million little pieces. I remembered how I wanted to marry him, live a happy life with a lot of kids, work somewhere else, travel around the world....and it all shattered in just a moment. I'll never have a happy ending, especially if he'll force me to wake up.

''No, you won't and can't force me, do you think I'll be happy on Earth, so far away from you? I want to marry you, have kids, live my life but with you, not without. If I can't do it, then I don't care, I love you and I will stay here forever if you're here. I sound so cheesy and mushy but it's the truth.''

James kissed my forehead, murmuring something.

''What are you doing?''

He ignored my protests and suddenly a bright light appeared in a shape of a ball, like a portal. I looked at him, that's what he meant when saying he'll force me to go back.

''No, I won't go! Please don't leave me!''

''What about your brothers? Drew? Your friends? Don't you think how much they will suffer if you die?''

''And don't you think about how they will suffer when I come back to Earth broken, sad, miserable, without willing to live further?''

He was silenced, not sure what to say.

''Go, the portal will close.''


''Then you leave me no choice.''

I didn't expect he'll scoop me in his arms and threw into the portal. One inch apart from the light, I screamed at him.

''Just a week, please!''

It wasn't a great option but at least it worked. He lowered me on the ground again as the portal closed. I took notice at surroundings, we were on a meadow, surrounded by trees. There were no animals, birds, not even sun yet it was very bright.

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